diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2020-09-11 20:51:26 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2020-09-11 20:51:26 +0200
commit14944c04bd15f3bc67a6665d7234e44bd77b495d (patch)
parent0e655111e9dbdbdf69fee1b199f2b9c355bf4a10 (diff)
patch 8.2.1663: options window entries cannot be translatedv8.2.1663
Problem: Options window entries cannot be translated. Solution: Use AddOption() for all explanations. (closes #6800)
2 files changed, 442 insertions, 448 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/optwin.vim b/runtime/optwin.vim
index ab8d35cbdb..4582217057 100644
--- a/runtime/optwin.vim
+++ b/runtime/optwin.vim
@@ -224,1197 +224,1189 @@ let &cpo = s:cpo_save
" List of all options, organized by function.
" The text should be sufficient to know what the option is used for.
-call <SID>Header("important")
-call append("$", "compatible\tbehave very Vi compatible (not advisable)")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("important"))
+call <SID>AddOption("compatible", gettext("behave very Vi compatible (not advisable)"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("cp", &cp)
-call append("$", "cpoptions\tlist of flags to specify Vi compatibility")
+call <SID>AddOption("cpoptions", gettext("list of flags to specify Vi compatibility"))
call <SID>OptionG("cpo", &cpo)
-call append("$", "insertmode\tuse Insert mode as the default mode")
+call <SID>AddOption("insertmode", gettext("use Insert mode as the default mode"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("im", &im)
-call append("$", "paste\tpaste mode, insert typed text literally")
+call <SID>AddOption("paste", gettext("paste mode, insert typed text literally"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("paste", &paste)
-call append("$", "pastetoggle\tkey sequence to toggle paste mode")
+call <SID>AddOption("pastetoggle", gettext("key sequence to toggle paste mode"))
if &pt =~ "\x80"
call append("$", " \tset pt=" . <SID>PTvalue())
call <SID>OptionG("pt", &pt)
-call append("$", "runtimepath\tlist of directories used for runtime files and plugins")
+call <SID>AddOption("runtimepath", gettext("list of directories used for runtime files and plugins"))
call <SID>OptionG("rtp", &rtp)
-call append("$", "packpath\tlist of directories used for plugin packages")
+call <SID>AddOption("packpath", gettext("list of directories used for plugin packages"))
call <SID>OptionG("pp", &pp)
-call append("$", "helpfile\tname of the main help file")
+call <SID>AddOption("helpfile", gettext("name of the main help file"))
call <SID>OptionG("hf", &hf)
-call <SID>Header("moving around, searching and patterns")
-call append("$", "whichwrap\tlist of flags specifying which commands wrap to another line")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("moving around, searching and patterns"))
+call <SID>AddOption("whichwrap", gettext("list of flags specifying which commands wrap to another line"))
call <SID>OptionG("ww", &ww)
call <SID>AddOption("startofline", gettext("many jump commands move the cursor to the first non-blank\ncharacter of a line"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sol", &sol)
-call append("$", "paragraphs\tnroff macro names that separate paragraphs")
+call <SID>AddOption("paragraphs", gettext("nroff macro names that separate paragraphs"))
call <SID>OptionG("para", &para)
-call append("$", "sections\tnroff macro names that separate sections")
+call <SID>AddOption("sections", gettext("nroff macro names that separate sections"))
call <SID>OptionG("sect", &sect)
-call append("$", "path\tlist of directory names used for file searching")
-call append("$", "\t(global or local to buffer)")
+call <SID>AddOption("path", gettext("list of directory names used for file searching"))
+call append("$", gettext("\t(global or local to buffer)"))
call <SID>OptionG("pa", &pa)
-call append("$", "cdpath\tlist of directory names used for :cd")
+call <SID>AddOption("cdpath", gettext("list of directory names used for :cd"))
call <SID>OptionG("cd", &cd)
if exists("+autochdir")
- call append("$", "autochdir\tchange to directory of file in buffer")
+ call <SID>AddOption("autochdir", gettext("change to directory of file in buffer"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("acd", &acd)
-call append("$", "wrapscan\tsearch commands wrap around the end of the buffer")
+call <SID>AddOption("wrapscan", gettext("search commands wrap around the end of the buffer"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ws", &ws)
-call append("$", "incsearch\tshow match for partly typed search command")
+call <SID>AddOption("incsearch", gettext("show match for partly typed search command"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("is", &is)
-call append("$", "magic\tchange the way backslashes are used in search patterns")
+call <SID>AddOption("magic", gettext("change the way backslashes are used in search patterns"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("magic", &magic)
-call append("$", "regexpengine\tselect the default regexp engine used")
+call <SID>AddOption("regexpengine", gettext("select the default regexp engine used"))
call <SID>OptionG("re", &re)
-call append("$", "ignorecase\tignore case when using a search pattern")
+call <SID>AddOption("ignorecase", gettext("ignore case when using a search pattern"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ic", &ic)
-call append("$", "smartcase\toverride 'ignorecase' when pattern has upper case characters")
+call <SID>AddOption("smartcase", gettext("override 'ignorecase' when pattern has upper case characters"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("scs", &scs)
-call append("$", "casemap\twhat method to use for changing case of letters")
+call <SID>AddOption("casemap", gettext("what method to use for changing case of letters"))
call <SID>OptionG("cmp", &cmp)
-call append("$", "maxmempattern\tmaximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for pattern matching")
+call <SID>AddOption("maxmempattern", gettext("maximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for pattern matching"))
call append("$", " \tset mmp=" . &mmp)
-call append("$", "define\tpattern for a macro definition line")
-call append("$", "\t(global or local to buffer)")
+call <SID>AddOption("define", gettext("pattern for a macro definition line"))
+call append("$", gettext("\t(global or local to buffer)"))
call <SID>OptionG("def", &def)
if has("find_in_path")
- call append("$", "include\tpattern for an include-file line")
+ call <SID>AddOption("include", gettext("pattern for an include-file line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("inc")
- call append("$", "includeexpr\texpression used to transform an include line to a file name")
+ call <SID>AddOption("includeexpr", gettext("expression used to transform an include line to a file name"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("inex")
-call <SID>Header("tags")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("tags"))
call <SID>AddOption("tagbsearch", gettext("use binary searching in tags files"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tbs", &tbs)
-call append("$", "taglength\tnumber of significant characters in a tag name or zero")
+call <SID>AddOption("taglength", gettext("number of significant characters in a tag name or zero"))
call append("$", " \tset tl=" . &tl)
-call append("$", "tags\tlist of file names to search for tags")
-call append("$", "\t(global or local to buffer)")
+call <SID>AddOption("tags", gettext("list of file names to search for tags"))
+call append("$", gettext("\t(global or local to buffer)"))
call <SID>OptionG("tag", &tag)
call <SID>AddOption("tagcase", gettext("how to handle case when searching in tags files:\n\"followic\" to follow 'ignorecase', \"ignore\" or \"match\""))
call append("$", "\t(global or local to buffer)")
call <SID>OptionG("tc", &tc)
-call append("$", "tagrelative\tfile names in a tags file are relative to the tags file")
+call <SID>AddOption("tagrelative", gettext("file names in a tags file are relative to the tags file"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tr", &tr)
-call append("$", "tagstack\ta :tag command will use the tagstack")
+call <SID>AddOption("tagstack", gettext("a :tag command will use the tagstack"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tgst", &tgst)
-call append("$", "showfulltag\twhen completing tags in Insert mode show more info")
+call <SID>AddOption("showfulltag", gettext("when completing tags in Insert mode show more info"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sft", &sft)
if has("eval")
- call append("$", "tagfunc\ta function to be used to perform tag searches")
+ call <SID>AddOption("tagfunc", gettext("a function to be used to perform tag searches"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("tfu")
if has("cscope")
- call append("$", "cscopeprg\tcommand for executing cscope")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cscopeprg", gettext("command for executing cscope"))
call <SID>OptionG("csprg", &csprg)
- call append("$", "cscopetag\tuse cscope for tag commands")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cscopetag", gettext("use cscope for tag commands"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("cst", &cst)
- call append("$", "cscopetagorder\t0 or 1; the order in which \":cstag\" performs a search")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cscopetagorder", gettext("0 or 1; the order in which \":cstag\" performs a search"))
call append("$", " \tset csto=" . &csto)
- call append("$", "cscopeverbose\tgive messages when adding a cscope database")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cscopeverbose", gettext("give messages when adding a cscope database"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("csverb", &csverb)
- call append("$", "cscopepathcomp\thow many components of the path to show")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cscopepathcomp", gettext("how many components of the path to show"))
call append("$", " \tset cspc=" . &cspc)
- call append("$", "cscopequickfix\twhen to open a quickfix window for cscope")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cscopequickfix", gettext("when to open a quickfix window for cscope"))
call <SID>OptionG("csqf", &csqf)
- call append("$", "cscoperelative\tfile names in a cscope file are relative to that file")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cscoperelative", gettext("file names in a cscope file are relative to that file"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("csre", &csre)
-call <SID>Header("displaying text")
-call append("$", "scroll\tnumber of lines to scroll for CTRL-U and CTRL-D")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("displaying text"))
+call <SID>AddOption("scroll", gettext("number of lines to scroll for CTRL-U and CTRL-D"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("scr")
-call append("$", "scrolloff\tnumber of screen lines to show around the cursor")
+call <SID>AddOption("scrolloff", gettext("number of screen lines to show around the cursor"))
call append("$", " \tset so=" . &so)
-call append("$", "wrap\tlong lines wrap")
+call <SID>AddOption("wrap", gettext("long lines wrap"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("wrap")
-call append("$", "linebreak\twrap long lines at a character in 'breakat'")
+call <SID>AddOption("linebreak", gettext("wrap long lines at a character in 'breakat'"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("lbr")
-call append("$", "breakindent\tpreserve indentation in wrapped text")
+call <SID>AddOption("breakindent", gettext("preserve indentation in wrapped text"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("bri")
-call append("$", "breakindentopt\tadjust breakindent behaviour")
+call <SID>AddOption("breakindentopt", gettext("adjust breakindent behaviour"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("briopt")
-call append("$", "breakat\twhich characters might cause a line break")
+call <SID>AddOption("breakat", gettext("which characters might cause a line break"))
call <SID>OptionG("brk", &brk)
-call append("$", "showbreak\tstring to put before wrapped screen lines")
+call <SID>AddOption("showbreak", gettext("string to put before wrapped screen lines"))
call <SID>OptionG("sbr", &sbr)
-call append("$", "sidescroll\tminimal number of columns to scroll horizontally")
+call <SID>AddOption("sidescroll", gettext("minimal number of columns to scroll horizontally"))
call append("$", " \tset ss=" . &ss)
-call append("$", "sidescrolloff\tminimal number of columns to keep left and right of the cursor")
+call <SID>AddOption("sidescrolloff", gettext("minimal number of columns to keep left and right of the cursor"))
call append("$", " \tset siso=" . &siso)
-call append("$", "display\tinclude \"lastline\" to show the last line even if it doesn't fit")
-call append("$", "\tinclude \"uhex\" to show unprintable characters as a hex number")
+call <SID>AddOption("display", gettext("include \"lastline\" to show the last line even if it doesn't fit\ninclude \"uhex\" to show unprintable characters as a hex number"))
call <SID>OptionG("dy", &dy)
-call append("$", "fillchars\tcharacters to use for the status line, folds and filler lines")
+call <SID>AddOption("fillchars", gettext("characters to use for the status line, folds and filler lines"))
call <SID>OptionG("fcs", &fcs)
-call append("$", "cmdheight\tnumber of lines used for the command-line")
+call <SID>AddOption("cmdheight", gettext("number of lines used for the command-line"))
call append("$", " \tset ch=" . &ch)
-call append("$", "columns\twidth of the display")
+call <SID>AddOption("columns", gettext("width of the display"))
call append("$", " \tset co=" . &co)
-call append("$", "lines\tnumber of lines in the display")
+call <SID>AddOption("lines", gettext("number of lines in the display"))
call append("$", " \tset lines=" . &lines)
-call append("$", "window\tnumber of lines to scroll for CTRL-F and CTRL-B")
+call <SID>AddOption("window", gettext("number of lines to scroll for CTRL-F and CTRL-B"))
call append("$", " \tset window=" . &window)
-call append("$", "lazyredraw\tdon't redraw while executing macros")
+call <SID>AddOption("lazyredraw", gettext("don't redraw while executing macros"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("lz", &lz)
if has("reltime")
- call append("$", "redrawtime\ttimeout for 'hlsearch' and :match highlighting in msec")
+ call <SID>AddOption("redrawtime", gettext("timeout for 'hlsearch' and :match highlighting in msec"))
call append("$", " \tset rdt=" . &rdt)
-call append("$", "writedelay\tdelay in msec for each char written to the display")
-call append("$", "\t(for debugging)")
+call <SID>AddOption("writedelay", gettext("delay in msec for each char written to the display\n(for debugging)"))
call append("$", " \tset wd=" . &wd)
-call append("$", "list\tshow <Tab> as ^I and end-of-line as $")
+call <SID>AddOption("list", gettext("show <Tab> as ^I and end-of-line as $"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("list")
-call append("$", "listchars\tlist of strings used for list mode")
+call <SID>AddOption("listchars", gettext("list of strings used for list mode"))
call <SID>OptionG("lcs", &lcs)
-call append("$", "number\tshow the line number for each line")
+call <SID>AddOption("number", gettext("show the line number for each line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("nu")
-call append("$", "relativenumber\tshow the relative line number for each line")
+call <SID>AddOption("relativenumber", gettext("show the relative line number for each line"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("rnu")
if has("linebreak")
- call append("$", "numberwidth\tnumber of columns to use for the line number")
+ call <SID>AddOption("numberwidth", gettext("number of columns to use for the line number"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("nuw")
if has("conceal")
- call append("$", "conceallevel\tcontrols whether concealable text is hidden")
+ call <SID>AddOption("conceallevel", gettext("controls whether concealable text is hidden"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("cole")
- call append("$", "concealcursor\tmodes in which text in the cursor line can be concealed")
+ call <SID>AddOption("concealcursor", gettext("modes in which text in the cursor line can be concealed"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("cocu")
-call <SID>Header("syntax, highlighting and spelling")
-call append("$", "background\t\"dark\" or \"light\"; the background color brightness")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("syntax, highlighting and spelling"))
+call <SID>AddOption("background", gettext("\"dark\" or \"light\"; the background color brightness"))
call <SID>OptionG("bg", &bg)
-call append("$", "filetype\ttype of file; triggers the FileType event when set")
+call <SID>AddOption("filetype", gettext("type of file; triggers the FileType event when set"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("ft")
if has("syntax")
- call append("$", "syntax\tname of syntax highlighting used")
+ call <SID>AddOption("syntax", gettext("name of syntax highlighting used"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("syn")
- call append("$", "synmaxcol\tmaximum column to look for syntax items")
+ call <SID>AddOption("synmaxcol", gettext("maximum column to look for syntax items"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("smc")
-call append("$", "highlight\twhich highlighting to use for various occasions")
+call <SID>AddOption("highlight", gettext("which highlighting to use for various occasions"))
call <SID>OptionG("hl", &hl)
-call append("$", "hlsearch\thighlight all matches for the last used search pattern")
+call <SID>AddOption("hlsearch", gettext("highlight all matches for the last used search pattern"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("hls", &hls)
-call append("$", "wincolor\thighlight group to use for the window")
+call <SID>AddOption("wincolor", gettext("highlight group to use for the window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("wcr")
if has("termguicolors")
- call append("$", "termguicolors\tuse GUI colors for the terminal")
+ call <SID>AddOption("termguicolors", gettext("use GUI colors for the terminal"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tgc", &tgc)
if has("syntax")
- call append("$", "cursorcolumn\thighlight the screen column of the cursor")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cursorcolumn", gettext("highlight the screen column of the cursor"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("cuc")
- call append("$", "cursorline\thighlight the screen line of the cursor")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cursorline", gettext("highlight the screen line of the cursor"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("cul")
- call append("$", "cursorlineopt\tspecifies which area 'cursorline' highlights")
+ call <SID>AddOption("cursorlineopt", gettext("specifies which area 'cursorline' highlights"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("culopt")
- call append("$", "colorcolumn\tcolumns to highlight")
+ call <SID>AddOption("colorcolumn", gettext("columns to highlight"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("cc")
- call append("$", "spell\thighlight spelling mistakes")
+ call <SID>AddOption("spell", gettext("highlight spelling mistakes"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("spell")
- call append("$", "spelllang\tlist of accepted languages")
+ call <SID>AddOption("spelllang", gettext("list of accepted languages"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("spl")
- call append("$", "spellfile\tfile that \"zg\" adds good words to")
+ call <SID>AddOption("spellfile", gettext("file that \"zg\" adds good words to"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("spf")
- call append("$", "spellcapcheck\tpattern to locate the end of a sentence")
+ call <SID>AddOption("spellcapcheck", gettext("pattern to locate the end of a sentence"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("spc")
- call append("$", "spelloptions\tflags to change how spell checking works")
+ call <SID>AddOption("spelloptions", gettext("flags to change how spell checking works"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_buffer)
call <SID>OptionL("spo")
- call append("$", "spellsuggest\tmethods used to suggest corrections")
+ call <SID>AddOption("spellsuggest", gettext("methods used to suggest corrections"))
call <SID>OptionG("sps", &sps)
- call append("$", "mkspellmem\tamount of memory used by :mkspell before compressing")
+ call <SID>AddOption("mkspellmem", gettext("amount of memory used by :mkspell before compressing"))
call <SID>OptionG("msm", &msm)
-call <SID>Header("multiple windows")
-call append("$", "laststatus\t0, 1 or 2; when to use a status line for the last window")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("multiple windows"))
+call <SID>AddOption("laststatus", gettext("0, 1 or 2; when to use a status line for the last window"))
call append("$", " \tset ls=" . &ls)
if has("statusline")
- call append("$", "statusline\talternate format to be used for a status line")
+ call <SID>AddOption("statusline", gettext("alternate format to be used for a status line"))
call <SID>OptionG("stl", &stl)
-call append("$", "equalalways\tmake all windows the same size when adding/removing windows")
+call <SID>AddOption("equalalways", gettext("make all windows the same size when adding/removing windows"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ea", &ea)
-call append("$", "eadirection\tin which direction 'equalalways' works: \"ver\", \"hor\" or \"both\"")
+call <SID>AddOption("eadirection", gettext("in which direction 'equalalways' works: \"ver\", \"hor\" or \"both\""))
call <SID>OptionG("ead", &ead)
-call append("$", "winheight\tminimal number of lines used for the current window")
+call <SID>AddOption("winheight", gettext("minimal number of lines used for the current window"))
call append("$", " \tset wh=" . &wh)
-call append("$", "winminheight\tminimal number of lines used for any window")
+call <SID>AddOption("winminheight", gettext("minimal number of lines used for any window"))
call append("$", " \tset wmh=" . &wmh)
-call append("$", "winfixheight\tkeep the height of the window")
+call <SID>AddOption("winfixheight", gettext("keep the height of the window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("wfh")
-call append("$", "winfixwidth\tkeep the width of the window")
+call <SID>AddOption("winfixwidth", gettext("keep the width of the window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("wfw")
-call append("$", "winwidth\tminimal number of columns used for the current window")
+call <SID>AddOption("winwidth", gettext("minimal number of columns used for the current window"))
call append("$", " \tset wiw=" . &wiw)
-call append("$", "winminwidth\tminimal number of columns used for any window")
+call <SID>AddOption("winminwidth", gettext("minimal number of columns used for any window"))
call append("$", " \tset wmw=" . &wmw)
-call append("$", "helpheight\tinitial height of the help window")
+call <SID>AddOption("helpheight", gettext("initial height of the help window"))
call append("$", " \tset hh=" . &hh)
if has("quickfix")
- call append("$", "previewpopup\tuse a popup window for preview")
+ call <SID>AddOption("previewpopup", gettext("use a popup window for preview"))
call append("$", " \tset pvp=" . &pvp)
- call append("$", "previewheight\tdefault height for the preview window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("previewheight", gettext("default height for the preview window"))
call append("$", " \tset pvh=" . &pvh)
- call append("$", "previewwindow\tidentifies the preview window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("previewwindow", gettext("identifies the preview window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("pvw")
-call append("$", "hidden\tdon't unload a buffer when no longer shown in a window")
+call <SID>AddOption("hidden", gettext("don't unload a buffer when no longer shown in a window"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("hid", &hid)
-call append("$", "switchbuf\t\"useopen\" and/or \"split\"; which window to use when jumping")
-call append("$", "\tto a buffer")
+call <SID>AddOption("switchbuf", gettext("\"useopen\" and/or \"split\"; which window to use when jumping\nto a buffer"))
call <SID>OptionG("swb", &swb)
-call append("$", "splitbelow\ta new window is put below the current one")
+call <SID>AddOption("splitbelow", gettext("a new window is put below the current one"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sb", &sb)
-call append("$", "splitright\ta new window is put right of the current one")
+call <SID>AddOption("splitright", gettext("a new window is put right of the current one"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("spr", &spr)
-call append("$", "scrollbind\tthis window scrolls together with other bound windows")
+call <SID>AddOption("scrollbind", gettext("this window scrolls together with other bound windows"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("scb")
-call append("$", "scrollopt\t\"ver\", \"hor\" and/or \"jump\"; list of options for 'scrollbind'")
+call <SID>AddOption("scrollopt", gettext("\"ver\", \"hor\" and/or \"jump\"; list of options for 'scrollbind'"))
call <SID>OptionG("sbo", &sbo)
-call append("$", "cursorbind\tthis window's cursor moves together with other bound windows")
+call <SID>AddOption("cursorbind", gettext("this window's cursor moves together with other bound windows"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>BinOptionL("crb")
if has("terminal")
- call append("$", "termwinsize\tsize of a terminal window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("termwinsize", gettext("size of a terminal window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("tws")
- call append("$", "termwinkey\tkey that precedes Vim commands in a terminal window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("termwinkey", gettext("key that precedes Vim commands in a terminal window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
call <SID>OptionL("twk")
- call append("$", "termwinscroll\tmax number of lines to keep for scrollback in a terminal window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("termwinscroll", gettext("max number of lines to keep for scrollback in a terminal window"))
call append("$", "\t" .. s:local_to_window)
+ call <SID>OptionL("twsl")
if has('win32')
- call append("$", "termwintype\ttype of pty to use for a terminal window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("termwintype", gettext("type of pty to use for a terminal window"))
call <SID>OptionG("twt", &twt)
- call <SID>OptionL("twsl")
if exists("&winptydll")
- call append("$", "winptydll\tname of the winpty dynamic library")
+ call <SID>AddOption("winptydll", gettext("name of the winpty dynamic library"))
call <SID>OptionG("winptydll", &winptydll)
-call <SID>Header("multiple tab pages")
-call append("$", "showtabline\t0, 1 or 2; when to use a tab pages line")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("multiple tab pages"))
+call <SID>AddOption("showtabline", gettext("0, 1 or 2; when to use a tab pages line"))
call append("$", " \tset stal=" . &stal)
-call append("$", "tabpagemax\tmaximum number of tab pages to open for -p and \"tab all\"")
+call <SID>AddOption("tabpagemax", gettext("maximum number of tab pages to open for -p and \"tab all\""))
call append("$", " \tset tpm=" . &tpm)
-call append("$", "tabline\tcustom tab pages line")
+call <SID>AddOption("tabline", gettext("custom tab pages line"))
call <SID>OptionG("tal", &tal)
if has("gui")
- call append("$", "guitablabel\tcustom tab page label for the GUI")
+ call <SID>AddOption("guitablabel", gettext("custom tab page label for the GUI"))
call <SID>OptionG("gtl", &gtl)
- call append("$", "guitabtooltip\tcustom tab page tooltip for the GUI")
+ call <SID>AddOption("guitabtooltip", gettext("custom tab page tooltip for the GUI"))
call <SID>OptionG("gtt", &gtt)
-call <SID>Header("terminal")
-call append("$", "term\tname of the used terminal")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("terminal"))
+call <SID>AddOption("term", gettext("name of the used terminal"))
call <SID>OptionG("term", &term)
-call append("$", "ttytype\talias for 'term'")
+call <SID>AddOption("ttytype", gettext("alias for 'term'"))
call <SID>OptionG("tty", &tty)
-call append("$", "ttybuiltin\tcheck built-in termcaps first")
+call <SID>AddOption("ttybuiltin", gettext("check built-in termcaps first"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tbi", &tbi)
-call append("$", "ttyfast\tterminal connection is fast")
+call <SID>AddOption("ttyfast", gettext("terminal connection is fast"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tf", &tf)
-call append("$", "weirdinvert\tterminal that requires extra redrawing")
+call <SID>AddOption("weirdinvert", gettext("terminal that requires extra redrawing"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("wiv", &wiv)
-call append("$", "esckeys\trecognize keys that start with <Esc> in Insert mode")
+call <SID>AddOption("esckeys", gettext("recognize keys that start with <Esc> in Insert mode"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("ek", &ek)
-call append("$", "scrolljump\tminimal number of lines to scroll at a time")
+call <SID>AddOption("scrolljump", gettext("minimal number of lines to scroll at a time"))
call append("$", " \tset sj=" . &sj)
-call append("$", "ttyscroll\tmaximum number of lines to use scrolling instead of redrawing")
+call <SID>AddOption("ttyscroll", gettext("maximum number of lines to use scrolling instead of redrawing"))
call append("$", " \tset tsl=" . &tsl)
if has("gui") || has("win32")
- call append("$", "guicursor\tspecifies what the cursor looks like in different modes")
+ call <SID>AddOption("guicursor", gettext("specifies what the cursor looks like in different modes"))
call <SID>OptionG("gcr", &gcr)
if has("title")
let &title = s:old_title
- call append("$", "title\tshow info in the window title")
+ call <SID>AddOption("title", gettext("show info in the window title"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("title", &title)
set notitle
- call append("$", "titlelen\tpercentage of 'columns' used for the window title")
+ call <SID>AddOption("titlelen", gettext("percentage of 'columns' used for the window title"))
call append("$", " \tset titlelen=" . &titlelen)
- call append("$", "titlestring\twhen not empty, string to be used for the window title")
+ call <SID>AddOption("titlestring", gettext("when not empty, string to be used for the window title"))
call <SID>OptionG("titlestring", &titlestring)
- call append("$", "titleold\tstring to restore the title to when exiting Vim")
+ call <SID>AddOption("titleold", gettext("string to restore the title to when exiting Vim"))
call <SID>OptionG("titleold", &titleold)
let &icon = s:old_icon
- call append("$", "icon\tset the text of the icon for this window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("icon", gettext("set the text of the icon for this window"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("icon", &icon)
set noicon
- call append("$", "iconstring\twhen not empty, text for the icon of this window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("iconstring", gettext("when not empty, text for the icon of this window"))
call <SID>OptionG("iconstring", &iconstring)
if has("win32")
- call append("$", "restorescreen\trestore the screen contents when exiting Vim")
+ call <SID>AddOption("restorescreen", gettext("restore the screen contents when exiting Vim"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("rs", &rs)
-call <SID>Header("using the mouse")
-call append("$", "mouse\tlist of flags for using the mouse")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("using the mouse"))
+call <SID>AddOption("mouse", gettext("list of flags for using the mouse"))
call <SID>OptionG("mouse", &mouse)
if has("gui")
- call append("$", "mousefocus\tthe window with the mouse pointer becomes the current one")
+ call <SID>AddOption("mousefocus", gettext("the window with the mouse pointer becomes the current one"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("mousef", &mousef)
-call append("$", "scrollfocus\tthe window with the mouse pointer scrolls with the mouse wheel")
+call <SID>AddOption("scrollfocus", gettext("the window with the mouse pointer scrolls with the mouse wheel"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("scf", &scf)
if has("gui")
- call append("$", "mousehide\thide the mouse pointer while typing")
+ call <SID>AddOption("mousehide", gettext("hide the mouse pointer while typing"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("mh", &mh)
-call append("$", "mousemodel\t\"extend\", \"popup\" or \"popup_setpos\"; what the right")
-call append("$", "\tmouse button is used for")
+call <SID>AddOption("mousemodel", gettext("\"extend\", \"popup\" or \"popup_setpos\"; what the right\nmouse button is used for"))
call <SID>OptionG("mousem", &mousem)
-call append("$", "mousetime\tmaximum time in msec to recognize a double-click")
+call <SID>AddOption("mousetime", gettext("maximum time in msec to recognize a double-click"))
call append("$", " \tset mouset=" . &mouset)
-call append("$", "ttymouse\t\"xterm\", \"xterm2\", \"dec\" or \"netterm\"; type of mouse")
+call <SID>AddOption("ttymouse", gettext("\"xterm\", \"xterm2\", \"dec\" or \"netterm\"; type of mouse"))
call <SID>OptionG("ttym", &ttym)
if has("mouseshape")
- call append("$", "mouseshape\twhat the mouse pointer looks like in different modes")
+ call <SID>AddOption("mouseshape", gettext("what the mouse pointer looks like in different modes"))
call <SID>OptionG("mouses", &mouses)
if has("gui")
- call <SID>Header("GUI")
- call append("$", "guifont\tlist of font names to be used in the GUI")
+ call <SID>Header(gettext("GUI"))
+ call <SID>AddOption("guifont", gettext("list of font names to be used in the GUI"))
call <SID>OptionG("gfn", &gfn)
if has("xfontset")
- call append("$", "guifontset\tpair of fonts to be used, for multibyte editing")
+ call <SID>AddOption("guifontset", gettext("pair of fonts to be used, for multibyte editing"))
call <SID>OptionG("gfs", &gfs)
- call append("$", "guifontwide\tlist of font names to be used for double-wide characters")
+ call <SID>AddOption("guifontwide", gettext("list of font names to be used for double-wide characters"))
call <SID>OptionG("gfw", &gfw)
if has("mac")
- call append("$", "antialias\tuse smooth, antialiased fonts")
+ call <SID>AddOption("antialias", gettext("use smooth, antialiased fonts"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("anti", &anti)
- call append("$", "guioptions\tlist of flags that specify how the GUI works")
+ call <SID>AddOption("guioptions", gettext("list of flags that specify how the GUI works"))
call <SID>OptionG("go", &go)
if has("gui_gtk")
- call append("$", "toolbar\t\"icons\", \"text\" and/or \"tooltips\"; how to show the toolbar")
+ call <SID>AddOption("toolbar", gettext("\"icons\", \"text\" and/or \"tooltips\"; how to show the toolbar"))
call <SID>OptionG("tb", &tb)
if has("gui_gtk2")
- call append("$", "toolbariconsize\tsize of toolbar icons")
+ call <SID>AddOption("toolbariconsize", gettext("size of toolbar icons"))
call <SID>OptionG("tbis", &tbis)
- call append("$", "guiheadroom\troom (in pixels) left above/below the window")
+ call <SID>AddOption("guiheadroom", gettext("room (in pixels) left above/below the window"))
call append("$", " \tset ghr=" . &ghr)
if has("directx")
- call append("$", "renderoptions\toptions for text rendering")
+ call <SID>AddOption("renderoptions", gettext("options for text rendering"))
call <SID>OptionG("rop", &rop)
- call append("$", "guipty\tuse a pseudo-tty for I/O to external commands")
+ call <SID>AddOption("guipty", gettext("use a pseudo-tty for I/O to external commands"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("guipty", &guipty)
if has("browse")
- call append("$", "browsedir\t\"last\", \"buffer\" or \"current\": which directory used for the file browser")
+ call <SID>AddOption("browsedir", gettext("\"last\", \"buffer\" or \"current\": which directory used for the file browser"))
call <SID>OptionG("bsdir", &bsdir)
if has("multi_lang")
- call append("$", "langmenu\tlanguage to be used for the menus")
+ call <SID>AddOption("langmenu", gettext("language to be used for the menus"))
call <SID>OptionG("langmenu", &lm)
- call append("$", "menuitems\tmaximum number of items in one menu")
+ call <SID>AddOption("menuitems", gettext("maximum number of items in one menu"))
call append("$", " \tset mis=" . &mis)
if has("winaltkeys")
- call append("$", "winaltkeys\t\"no\", \"yes\" or \"menu\"; how to use the ALT key")
+ call <SID>AddOption("winaltkeys", gettext("\"no\", \"yes\" or \"menu\"; how to use the ALT key"))
call <SID>OptionG("wak", &wak)
- call append("$", "linespace\tnumber of pixel lines to use between characters")
+ call <SID>AddOption("linespace", gettext("number of pixel lines to use between characters"))
call append("$", " \tset lsp=" . &lsp)
if has("balloon_eval") || has("balloon_eval_term")
- call append("$", "balloondelay\tdelay in milliseconds before a balloon may pop up")
+ call <SID>AddOption("balloondelay", gettext("delay in milliseconds before a balloon may pop up"))
call append("$", " \tset bdlay=" . &bdlay)
if has("balloon_eval")
- call append("$", "ballooneval\tuse balloon evaluation in the GUI")
+ call <SID>AddOption("ballooneval", gettext("use balloon evaluation in the GUI"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("beval", &beval)
if has("balloon_eval_term")
- call append("$", "balloonevalterm\tuse balloon evaluation in the terminal")
+ call <SID>AddOption("balloonevalterm", gettext("use balloon evaluation in the terminal"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("bevalterm", &beval)
if has("eval")
- call append("$", "balloonexpr\texpression to show in balloon eval")
+ call <SID>AddOption("balloonexpr", gettext("expression to show in balloon eval"))
call append("$", " \tset bexpr=" . &bexpr)
if exists("+macatsui")
- call append("$", "macatsui\tuse ATSUI text drawing; disable to avoid display problems")
+ call <SID>AddOption("macatsui", gettext("use ATSUI text drawing; disable to avoid display problems"))
call <SID>OptionG("macatsui", &macatsui)
if has("printer")
- call <SID>Header("printing")
- call append("$", "printoptions\tlist of items that control the format of :hardcopy output")
+ call <SID>Header(gettext("printing"))
+ call <SID>AddOption("printoptions", gettext("list of items that control the format of :hardcopy output"))
call <SID>OptionG("popt", &popt)
- call append("$", "printdevice\tname of the printer to be used for :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>AddOption("printdevice", gettext("name of the printer to be used for :hardcopy"))
call <SID>OptionG("pdev", &pdev)
if has("postscript")
- call append("$", "printexpr\texpression used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>AddOption("printexpr", gettext("expression used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy"))
call <SID>OptionG("pexpr", &pexpr)
- call append("$", "printfont\tname of the font to be used for :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>AddOption("printfont", gettext("name of the font to be used for :hardcopy"))
call <SID>OptionG("pfn", &pfn)
- call append("$", "printheader\tformat of the header used for :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>AddOption("printheader", gettext("format of the header used for :hardcopy"))
call <SID>OptionG("pheader", &pheader)
if has("postscript")
- call append("$", "printencoding\tencoding used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>AddOption("printencoding", gettext("encoding used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy"))
call <SID>OptionG("penc", &penc)
- call append("$", "printmbcharset\tthe CJK character set to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>AddOption("printmbcharset", gettext("the CJK character set to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy"))
call <SID>OptionG("pmbcs", &pmbcs)
- call append("$", "printmbfont\tlist of font names to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy")
+ call <SID>AddOption("printmbfont", gettext("list of font names to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy"))
call <SID>OptionG("pmbfn", &pmbfn)
-call <SID>Header("messages and info")
-call append("$", "terse\tadd 's' flag in 'shortmess' (don't show search message)")
+call <SID>Header(gettext("messages and info"))
+call <SID>AddOption("terse", gettext("add 's' flag in 'shortmess' (don't show search message)"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("terse", &terse)
-call append("$", "shortmess\tlist of flags to make messages shorter")
+call <SID>AddOption("shortmess", gettext("list of flags to make messages shorter"))
call <SID>OptionG("shm", &shm)
-call append("$", "showcmd\tshow (partial) command keys in the status line")
+call <SID>AddOption("showcmd", gettext("show (partial) command keys in the status line"))
let &sc = s:old_sc
call <SID>BinOptionG("sc", &sc)
set nosc
-call append("$", "showmode\tdisplay the current mode in the status line")
+call <SID>AddOption("showmode", gettext("display the current mode in the status line"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("smd", &smd)
-call append("$", "ruler\tshow cursor position below each window")
+call <SID>AddOption("ruler", gettext("show cursor