AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
6 daysdoc: added hits ( badge to README.mdHEADmasterFujiApple
6 daysbuild: add buymeacoffee to `FUNDING.yml`FujiApple
6 daysbuild: add a GitHub `FUNDING.yml`FujiApple
10 daysdoc: update for #1192FujiApple
10 daysfix: update `Dockerfile` to reflect new project structureFujiApple
10 daysstyle: reformat doc test codeFujiApple
10 daysrefactor: define the Trippy public api (#1192)FujiApple
10 daysfeat(dns): add `Default` impl for `Config`FujiApple
10 daysfix(dns): make `Error::LookupFailed: Send + Sync + 'static`FujiApple
10 daysbuild(deps): bump tun2 from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1dependabot[bot]
11 daysbuild(deps): bump derive_more from 0.99.17 to 0.99.18dependabot[bot]
12 daysdoc: update for #1187FujiApple
12 daysdoc: update for #1187FujiApple
12 daysfeat!: rename `tui-max-[samples|flows]` as `max-[samples|flows]` (#1187)FujiApple
12 daysfeat(privilege): change `acquire_privileges` to also `discover` and return `P...FujiApple
12 daysrefactor: make `TargetInfo` struct privateFujiApple
12 daysrefactor: reorder `app` moduleFujiApple
12 daysrefactor: create `app` moduleFujiApple
12 daysrefactor: create `print` moduleFujiApple
12 daysrefactor: create `util` moduleFujiApple
12 daysfeat: re-export `trippy-core` from `trippy` crateFujiApple
12 dayschore(core): update `tun2` to version `2.0.0`FujiApple
12 daysfix(core): explicitly set feature `env-filter` of `tracing-subscriber`FujiApple
12 daysfix: explicitly set feature `derive` of `serde`FujiApple
12 daysrefactor(packet): separate `packet` module into `trippy-packet` crateFujiApple
2024-06-14chore: fix clippy lints from Rust 1.79FujiApple
2024-06-12build: bump itertools to `0.13.0`FujiApple
2024-06-12build: change dependabot `dependency-type` to `direct`FujiApple
2024-06-12chore: bump transitive dependenciesFujiApple
2024-06-12build: added `Unicode-3.0` licence to deny.tomlFujiApple
2024-06-12build: update deny.toml for version 2FujiApple
2024-06-10build(deps): bump utf8parse from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2dependabot[bot]
2024-06-10build(deps): bump cc from 1.0.98 to 1.0.99dependabot[bot]
2024-06-10build(deps): bump regex from 1.10.4 to 1.10.5dependabot[bot]
2024-06-10build(deps): bump winnow from 0.6.11 to 0.6.13dependabot[bot]
2024-06-06doc: replace winget install badge as no longer supported by repologyFujiApple
2024-06-06build(deps): bump strum_macros from 0.26.3 to 0.26.4dependabot[bot]
2024-06-05build(deps): bump anstyle-query from 1.0.3 to 1.1.0dependabot[bot]
2024-06-05build(deps): bump unicode-width from 0.1.12 to 0.1.13dependabot[bot]
2024-06-05doc: added zulip chat sponsorship to the acknowledgement section of ``FujiApple
2024-06-05test: change snapshot tests to use instaOne
2024-06-05test: restructure tests to match target structureOne
2024-06-04doc: added zulip badge to ``FujiApple
2024-06-04doc: updated `` for #1150FujiApple
2024-06-04feat: improve error messages (#1150)FujiApple
2024-06-04test(config): update clap error messagesFujiApple
2024-06-04feat: add `color`, `suggestions` and `error-context` clap featuresFujiApple
2024-06-04build(deps): bump toml from 0.8.13 to 0.8.14dependabot[bot]
2024-06-04build(deps): bump winnow from 0.6.9 to 0.6.11dependabot[bot]
2024-06-03build(deps): bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.84 to 1.0.85dependabot[bot]