BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
build-ci-openbsdbuild: add cargo cross ci job for openbsdFujiApple3 weeks
feat-dot-enriched-2feat(report): enhanced dot `report` (#797) - WIPFujiApple8 weeks
feat-event-sketchsketch of mode to emit eventsFujiApple3 weeks
feat-subcommands!feat(cfg): replace `--mode` (`-m`) flag with sub-commands (#880) - WIPFujiApple4 months
gh-pagesDeploy fujiapple852/trippy to fujiapple852/trippy:gh-pagesGitHub Actions3 hours
masterbuild(deps): bump serde from 1.0.198 to 1.0.199dependabot[bot]3 hours
release-0.7.xchore: updated libc to fix #456 for Docker releaseFujiApple13 months
release-0.8.xchore: update snapcraft.yaml for version 0.8.0FujiApple12 months
snapshot-shared-foldertest: add check to see if running in CIOne3 months
tuifeat(tui): allow modifying column visibiliy and order in setting - WIPFujiApple3 months
0.10.0commit 14575e3fe0...FujiApple4 weeks
0.9.0commit 388b99c495...FujiApple5 months
0.8.0commit 097c4753c0...FujiApple12 months
0.7.0commit f9af08792b...FujiApple13 months
0.6.0commit 575b359136...FujiApple20 months
0.5.0commit d51a5b4f5c...FujiApple23 months
0.4.0commit 7973292301...FujiApple23 months
0.3.1commit 44554fc006...FujiApple24 months
0.3.0commit 1b07e75d39...FujiApple24 months
0.2.0commit 56978c7830...FujiApple2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
3 hoursbuild(deps): bump serde from 1.0.198 to 1.0.199HEADmasterdependabot[bot]
5 hoursbuild(deps): bump serde_with from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1dependabot[bot]
3 daysbuild(deps): bump parking_lot from 0.12.1 to 0.12.2dependabot[bot]
4 daysbuild(deps): bump serde_with from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0dependabot[bot]
4 daysbuild: update `release.yml` action macos runnersFujiApple
4 daysbuild: add `macos-stable-arm64` job to CI buildFujiApple
4 daysbuild: pin CI github machine instancesFujiApple
7 daysbuild(deps): bump thiserror from 1.0.58 to 1.0.59dependabot[bot]
9 daysdoc: improve `` for `Code` columnFujiApple
9 daysdoc: updated `` for #1109FujiApple