AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-05Add changelog for v0.9.2minorMatthias Beyer
2019-09-11Update minimum rustc version to 1.32.0Matthias Beyer
2019-08-22Merge pull request #50 from lzutao/fix-clippyMatthias Beyer
2019-08-22Merge pull request #49 from lzutao/bump-depsMatthias Beyer
2019-08-21Does it worth the effort to test those rustc version?Lzu Tao
2019-08-21ci: Add rustfmt/clippy build jobLzu Tao
2019-08-21Warn when not using 2018 idiomsLzu Tao
2019-08-21Update toml-query_derive to 2018 editionLzu Tao
2019-08-21Use &T instead of &Box<T>Lzu Tao
2019-08-21Use match instead of `unwrap` that cannot failLzu Tao
2019-08-21Replace `assert!(false)` with `unreachable!()`Lzu Tao
2019-08-21Remove unneeded `&` to on pattern matchingsLzu Tao
2019-08-21Fix clippy warningsLzu Tao
2019-08-21Bump darling to v0.10Lzu Tao
2019-08-21Bump syn and quote to stable version - v1.0Lzu Tao
2019-06-29Merge branch 'test-ioob-more-edgecases'Matthias Beyer
2019-06-29Fix: Use Vec::get() to check whether indexing would workMatthias Beyer
2019-06-29Add tests for edgecases where array is empty or has only one elementMatthias Beyer
2019-06-29Add changelog for 0.9.1Matthias Beyer
2019-06-29Merge branch 'fix-ioob-panic'Matthias Beyer
2019-06-29Fix: Check bounds before indexing arrayMatthias Beyer
2019-06-29Add tests for indexing out of boundsMatthias Beyer
2019-06-29Add error kind for index out of boundsMatthias Beyer
2019-06-14Merge pull request #48 from funkill/fix_typosMatthias Beyer
2019-06-14change TomlValueInsertExt to TomlValueDeleteExt for method commentfunkill2
2019-06-14fix TomlValueInsertExt name in docsfunkill2
2019-05-30Merge pull request #47 from lzutao/rustfmtMatthias Beyer
2019-05-30Merge pull request #46 from lzutao/update-depMatthias Beyer
2019-05-30Use ? operator instead of try! macroLzu Tao
2019-05-30Cargo.toml: Sort fieldsLzu Tao
2019-05-30Run rustfmt on whole projectLzu Tao
2019-05-30Update quickcheck dependencyLzu Tao
2019-05-29Merge branch 'prepare-0.9.0'Matthias Beyer
2019-05-29Add missing metadataMatthias Beyer
2019-05-29Update version strings to 0.9.0Matthias Beyer
2019-05-29Add changelog for 0.9.0Matthias Beyer
2019-05-26Update to toml 0.5.Eric Huss
2019-05-25Update sources to rust 2018Matthias Beyer
2019-05-11Remove unused importMatthias Beyer
2019-05-11Remove unused variableMatthias Beyer
2019-05-11Merge branch 'fix-proc-macro'Matthias Beyer
2019-05-11Fix testMatthias Beyer
2019-05-11Remove failing testMatthias Beyer
2019-05-11Rewrite proc macro into derive macro with additional attributesMatthias Beyer
2019-04-21travis: Update rustc minimum versionMatthias Beyer
2019-04-21Rewrite github templatesMatthias Beyer
2019-03-15Merge branch 'remove-vacation'Matthias Beyer
2019-03-15Revert "Add vacation notice"Matthias Beyer
2019-03-10Merge branch 'derive-partial'Matthias Beyer
2019-03-09travis: Update rustcMatthias Beyer