path: root/tokio
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-07chore: prepare tokio-macros v0.2.2 release (#2068)Artem Vorotnikov
2020-01-07chore: prepare v0.2.7 release (#2065)Carl Lerche
2020-01-07docs: minor tweaks to `StreamExt` API docs (#2066)Carl Lerche
2020-01-07docs: improve tokio::io API documentation (#2060)Alice Ryhl
2020-01-07rt: cleanup runtime::context (#2063)Carl Lerche
2020-01-06Fix basic_scheduler deadlock when waking during drop (#2062)Sean McArthur
2020-01-06task: add ways to run a `LocalSet` from within a rt context (#1971)Eliza Weisman
2020-01-06rt: add a Handle::current() (#2040)Benjamin Fry
2020-01-06rt: share vtable between waker and waker ref (#2045)Tomasz Miąsko
2020-01-06stream: Add StreamExt::any (#2034)Artem Vorotnikov
2020-01-06process: deprecate Child stdio accessors in favor of pub fields (#2014)Ivan Petkov
2020-01-06doc: document `from_std` functions panic (#2056)Stepan Koltsov
2020-01-06chore: use just std instead of ::std in paths (#2049)Linus Färnstrand
2020-01-06time: advance frozen time in `park_timeout` (#2059)Carl Lerche
2020-01-06tokio: remove documentation stating `Receiver` is clone-able. (#2037)John Van Enk
2020-01-03sync: add RwLock (#1699)João Oliveira
2020-01-03sync: add batch op support to internal semaphore (#2004)Carl Lerche
2020-01-02stream: correct trait bounds for all (#2043)Artem Vorotnikov
2020-01-02macros: do not automatically pull rt-core (#2038)Artem Vorotnikov
2020-01-02stream: add StreamExt::all (#2035)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-27Refactor proc macros, add more knobs (#2022)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-25stream: add StreamExt::take_while (#2029)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-24chore: move benches to separate crate (#2028)Carl Lerche
2019-12-24rt: coalesce thread-locals used by the runtime (#1925)Gardner Vickers
2019-12-24stream: add StreamExt::take (#2025)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-23doc: add additional Mutex example (#2019)Stephen Carman
2019-12-22rt: fix storing Runtime in thread-local (#2011)Carl Lerche
2019-12-22doc: fill out `fs` and remove html links (#2015)Carl Lerche
2019-12-21time: DelayQueue::len() (#1755)Ruben De Smet
2019-12-21sync: impl `Stream` for broadcast::Receiver (#2012)Bhargav
2019-12-21rt: fix spawn_blocking from spawn_blocking (#2006)Carl Lerche
2019-12-21chore: fix formatting, remove old rustfmt.toml (#2007)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-21doc: fix misleading comment in interval.rsfbucek
2019-12-21dns: provide `lookup_host` function (#1870)David Barsky
2019-12-20stream: StreamExt::try_next (#2005)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-20stream: filtering utilities (#2001)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-20chore: formatting, docs and clippy (#2000)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-19prepare v0.2.6 release (#1995)Carl Lerche
2019-12-19fs: add deprecated fs::File::seek fn (#1991)Carl Lerche
2019-12-18chore: prepare v0.2.5 release (#1984)Carl Lerche
2019-12-18stream: add `next` and `map` utility fn (#1962)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-18sync: encapsulate TryLockError variants (#1980)Carl Lerche
2019-12-18Improve runtime threading options docsDouman
2019-12-18rt: add configuration for core threads and max threads (#1977)Douman
2019-12-18sync: add broadcast channel (#1943)Carl Lerche
2019-12-17sync: add Semaphore (#1973)Michael P. Jung
2019-12-17sync: print MutexGuard inner value for debugging (#1961)yim7
2019-12-17rt: fix blocking pool shutdown logic (#1978)Carl Lerche
2019-12-17time: impl Stream for DelayQueue (#1975)Ruben De Smet
2019-12-17rt: avoid dropping a task in calls to wake() (#1972)Carl Lerche