path: root/tokio/src/util/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-12rt: simplify rt-* features (#2949)Taiki Endo
2020-10-12chore: refactor runtime driver usage of `Either` (#2918)Ivan Petkov
2020-10-13net: merge tcp, udp, uds features to net feature (#2943)Taiki Endo
2020-10-12rt: Remove `threaded_scheduler()` and `basic_scheduler()` (#2876)Lucio Franco
2020-10-09fs: future proof `File` (#2930)Carl Lerche
2020-09-24sync: support mpsc send with `&self` (#2861)Carl Lerche
2020-09-23io: use intrusive wait list for I/O driver (#2828)Sean McArthur
2020-09-12sync: add const-constructors for some sync primitives (#2790)mental
2020-09-02util: add `const fn` support for internal `LinkedList`. (#2805)mental
2020-03-27sync: fix possible dangling pointer in semaphore (#2340)Eliza Weisman
2020-03-23sync: new internal semaphore based on intrusive lists (#2325)Eliza Weisman
2020-03-05rt: cleanup and simplify scheduler (scheduler v2.5) (#2273)Carl Lerche
2020-02-27sync: refactor intrusive linked list (#2279)Carl Lerche
2020-02-26sync: adds Notify for basic task notification (#2210)Carl Lerche