path: root/tokio/src/time/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-23time: use intrusive lists for timer tracking (#3080)bdonlan
2020-10-12time: move error types into `time::error` (#2938)Juan Alvarez
2020-10-08time: rename `Delay` future to `Sleep` (#2932)Juan Alvarez
2020-10-08chore: Fix clippy lints (#2931)bdonlan
2020-07-24time: report correct error for timers that exceed max duration (#2023)Nikhil Benesch
2020-01-24rt: improve "no runtime" panic messages (#2145)Avery Harnish
2020-01-24docs: use third form in API docs (#2027)Oleg Nosov
2019-11-06time: rename `tokio::timer` -> `tokio::time` (#1745)Carl Lerche