path: root/tokio/src/task/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-10-12rt: simplify rt-* features (#2949)Taiki Endo
tokio: merge rt-core and rt-util as rt rename rt-threaded to rt-multi-thread tokio-util: rename rt-core to rt Closes #2942
2020-10-12rt: Remove `threaded_scheduler()` and `basic_scheduler()` (#2876)Lucio Franco
Co-authored-by: Alice Ryhl <> Co-authored-by: Carl Lerche <>
2020-03-05rt: cleanup and simplify scheduler (scheduler v2.5) (#2273)Carl Lerche
A refactor of the scheduler internals focusing on simplifying and reducing unsafety. There are no fundamental logic changes. * The state transitions of the core task component are refined and reduced. * `basic_scheduler` has most unsafety removed. * `local_set` has most unsafety removed. * `threaded_scheduler` limits most unsafety to its queue implementation.
2020-01-20Yield now docs (#2129)David Kellum
* add subsections for the blocking and yielding examples in task mod * flesh out yield_now rustdoc * add a must_use for yield_now
2020-01-17task: Introduce a new pattern for task-local storage (#2126)Lucio Franco
This PR introduces a new pattern for task-local storage. It allows for storage and retrieval of data in an asynchronous context. It does so using a new pattern based on past experience. A quick example: ```rust tokio::task_local! { static FOO: u32; } FOO.scope(1, async move { some_async_fn().await; assert_eq!(FOO.get(), 1); }).await; ``` ## Background of task-local storage The goal for task-local storage is to be able to provide some ambiant context in an asynchronous context. One primary use case is for distributed tracing style systems where a request identifier is made available during the context of a request / response exchange. In a synchronous context, thread-local storage would be used for this. However, with asynchronous Rust, logic is run in a "task", which is decoupled from an underlying thread. A task may run on many threads and many tasks may be multiplexed on a single thread. This hints at the need for task-local storage. ### Early attempt Futures 0.1 included a [task-local storage][01] strategy. This was based around using the "runtime task" (more on this later) as the scope. When a task was spawned with `tokio::spawn`, a task-local map would be created and assigned with that task. Any task-local value that was stored would be stored in this map. Whenever the runtime polled the task, it would set the task context enabling access to find the value. There are two main problems with this strategy which ultimetly lead to the removal of runtime task-local storage: 1) In asynchronous Rust, a "task" is not a clear-cut thing. 2) The implementation did not leverage the significant optimizations that the compiler provides for thread-local storage. ### What is a "task"? With synchronous Rust, a "thread" is a clear concept: the construct you get with `thread::spawn`. With asynchronous Rust, there is no strict definition of a "task". A task is most commonly the construct you get when calling `tokio::spawn`. The construct obtained with `tokio::spawn` will be referred to as the "runtime task". However, it is also possible to multiplex asynchronous logic within the context of a runtime task. APIs such as [`task::LocalSet`][local-set] , [`FuturesUnordered`][futures-unordered], [`select!`][select], and [`join!`][join] provide the ability to embed a mini scheduler within a single runtime task. Revisiting the primary use case, setting a request identifier for the duration of a request response exchange, here is a scenario in which using the "runtime task" as the scope for task-local storage would fail: ```rust task_local!(static REQUEST_ID: Cell<u64> = Cell::new(0)); let request1 = get_request().await; let request2 = get_request().await; let (response1, response2) = join!{ async { REQUEST_ID.with(|cell| cell.set(request1.identifier())); process(request1) }, async { REQUEST_ID.with(|cell| cell.set(request2.identifier())); process(request2) }, }; ``` `join!` multiplexes the execution of both branches on the same runtime task. Given this, if `REQUEST_ID` is scoped by the runtime task, the request ID would leak across the request / response exchange processing. This is not a theoretical problem, but was hit repeatedly in practice. For example, Hyper's HTTP/2.0 implementation multiplexes many request / response exchanges on the same runtime task. ### Compiler thread-local optimizations A second smaller problem with the original task-local storage strategy is that it required re-implementing "thread-local storage" like constructs but without being able to get the compiler to help optimize. A discussion of how the compiler optimizes thread-local storage is out of scope for this PR description, but suffice to say a task-local storage implementation should be able to leverage thread-locals as much as possible. ## A new task-local strategy Introduced in this PR is a new strategy for dealing with task-local storage. Instead of using the runtime task as the thread-local scope, the proposed task-local API allows the user to define any arbitrary scope. This solves the problem of binding task-locals to the runtime task: ```rust tokio::task_local!(static FOO: u32); FOO.scope(1, async move { some_async_fn().await; assert_eq!(FOO.get(), 1); }).await; ``` The `scope` function establishes a task-local scope for the `FOO` variable. It takes a value to initialize `FOO` with and an async block. The `FOO` task-local is then available for the duration of the provided block. `scope` returns a new future that must then be awaited on. `tokio::task_local` will define a new thread-local. The future returned from `scope` will set this thread-local at the start of `poll` and unset it at the end of `poll`. `FOO.get` is a simple thread-local access with no special logic. This strategy solves both problems. Task-locals can be scoped at any level and can leverage thread-local compiler optimizations. Going back to the previous example: ```rust task_local! { static REQUEST_ID: u64; } let request1 = get_request().await; let request2 = get_request().await; let (response1, response2) = join!{ async { let identifier = request1.identifier(); REQUEST_ID.scope(identifier, async { process(request1).await }).await }, async { let identifier = request2.identifier(); REQUEST_ID.scope(identifier, async { process(request2).await }).await }, }; ``` There is no longer a problem with request identifiers leaking. ## Disadvantages The primary disadvantage of this strategy is that the "set and forget" pattern with thread-locals is not possible. ```rust thread_local! { static FOO: Cell<usize> = Cell::new(0); } thread::spawn(|| { FOO.with(|cell| cell.set(123)); do_work(); }); ``` In this example, `FOO` is set at the start of the thread and automatically cleared when the thread terminates. While this is nice in some cases, it only really logically makes sense because the scope of a "thread" is clear (the thread). A similar pattern can be done with the proposed stratgy but would require an explicit setting of the scope at the root of `tokio::spawn`. Additionally, one should only do this if the runtime task is the appropriate scope for the specific task-local variable. Another disadvantage is that this new method does not support lazy initialization but requires an explicit `LocalKey::scope` call to set the task-local value. In this case since task-local's are different from thread-locals it is fine. [01]: [local-set]: # [futures-unordered]: [select]: [join]:
2019-12-04task: fix infinite loop when dropping a `LocalSet` (#1892)Eliza Weisman
## Motivation There's currently an issue in `task::LocalSet` where dropping the local set can result in an infinite loop if a task running in the local set is notified from outside the local set (e.g. by a timer). This was reported in issue #1885. This issue exists because the `Drop` impl for `task::local::Scheduler` does not drain the queue of tasks notified externally, the way the basic scheduler does. Instead, only the local queue is drained, leaving some tasks in place. Since these tasks are never removed, the loop that continues trying to cancel tasks until the owned task list is totally empty continues infinitely. I think this issue was due to the `Drop` impl being written before a remote queue was added to the local scheduler, and the need to close the remote queue as well was overlooked. ## Solution This branch solves the problem by clearing the local scheduler's remote queue as well as the local one. I've added a test that reproduces the behavior. The test fails on master and passes after this change. In addition, this branch factors out the common task queue logic in the basic scheduler runtime and the `LocalSet` struct in `tokio::task`. This is because as more work was done on the `LocalSet`, it has gotten closer and closer to the basic scheduler in behavior, and factoring out the shared code reduces the risk of errors caused by `LocalSet` not doing something that the basic scheduler does. The queues are now encapsulated by a `MpscQueues` struct in `tokio::task::queue` (crate-public). As a follow-up, I'd also like to look into changing this type to use the same remote queue type as the threadpool (a linked list). In particular, I noticed the basic scheduler has a flag that indicates the remote queue has been closed, which is set when dropping the scheduler. This prevents tasks from being added after the scheduler has started shutting down, stopping a potential task leak. Rather than duplicating this code in `LocalSet`, I thought it was probably better to factor it out into a shared type. There are a few cases where there are small differences in behavior, though, so there is still a need for separate types implemented _using_ the new `MpscQueues` struct. However, it should cover most of the identical code. Note that this diff is rather large, due to the refactoring. However, the actual fix for the infinite loop is very simple. It can be reviewed on its own by looking at commit 4f46ac6. The refactor is in a separate commit, with the SHA 90b5b1f. Fixes #1885 Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2019-12-03Fixing minor spelling mistake in task docs (#1889)Christopher Coverdale
2019-12-01doc: fix documented feature flags for tokio::task (#1876)Carl Lerche
Some feature flags are missing and some are duplicated. Closes #1836
2019-11-26task: add `LocalSet` API for running `!Send` futures (#1733)Eliza Weisman
## Motivation In earlier versions of `tokio`, the `current_thread::Runtime` type could be used to run `!Send` futures. However, PR #1716 merged the current-thread and threadpool runtimes into a single type, which can no longer run `!Send` futures. There is still a need in some cases to support futures that don't implement `Send`, and the `tokio-compat` crate requires this in order to provide APIs that existed in `tokio` 0.1. ## Solution This branch implements the API described by @carllerche in It adds a new `LocalSet` type and `spawn_local` function to `tokio::task`. The `LocalSet` type is used to group together a set of tasks which must run on the same thread and don't implement `Send`. These are available when a new "rt-util" feature flag is enabled. Currently, the local task set is run by passing it a reference to a `Runtime` and a future to `block_on`. In the future, we may also want to investigate allowing spawned futures to construct their own local task sets, which would be executed on the worker that the future is executing on. In order to implement the new API, I've made some internal changes to the `task` module and `Schedule` trait to support scheduling both `Send` and `!Send` futures. Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2019-11-21runtime: cleanup and add config options (#1807)Carl Lerche
* runtime: cleanup and add config options This patch finishes the cleanup as part of the transition to Tokio 0.2. A number of changes were made to take advantage of having all Tokio types in a single crate. Also, fixes using Tokio types from `spawn_blocking`. * Many threads, one resource driver Previously, in the threaded scheduler, a resource driver (mio::Poll / timer combo) was created per thread. This was more or less fine, except it required balancing across the available drivers. When using a resource driver from **outside** of the thread pool, balancing is tricky. The change was original done to avoid having a dedicated driver thread. Now, instead of creating many resource drivers, a single resource driver is used. Each scheduler thread will attempt to "lock" the resource driver before parking on it. If the resource driver is already locked, the thread uses a condition variable to park. Contention should remain low as, under load, the scheduler avoids using the drivers. * Add configuration options to enable I/O / time New configuration options are added to `runtime::Builder` to allow enabling I/O and time drivers on a runtime instance basis. This is useful when wanting to create lightweight runtime instances to execute compute only tasks. * Bug fixes The condition variable parker is updated to the same algorithm used in `std`. This is motivated by some potential deadlock cases discovered by `loom`. The basic scheduler is fixed to fairly schedule tasks. `push_front` was accidentally used instead of `push_back`. I/O, time, and spawning now work from within `spawn_blocking` closures. * Misc cleanup The threaded scheduler is no longer generic over `P :Park`. Instead, it is hard coded to a specific parker. Tests, including loom tests, are updated to use `Runtime` directly. This provides greater coverage. The `blocking` module is moved back into `runtime` as all usage is within `runtime` itself.
2019-11-20docs: update and expand the `tokio::runtime` API docs (#1804)Eliza Weisman
## Motivation The `tokio::runtime` module's docs need to be updated to track recent changes. ## Solution This branch updates and expands the `runtime` docs. Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2019-11-20docs: improve `tokio::task` API documentation (#1801)Eliza Weisman
## Motivation The new `tokio::task` module is pretty lacking in API docs. ## Solution This branch adds new API docs to the `task` module, including: * Module-level docs with a summary of the differences between tasks and threads * Examples of how to use the `task` APIs in the module-level docs * More docs for `yield_now` * More docs and examples for `JoinHandle`, based on the `std::thread::JoinHandle` API docs. This branch contains commits cherry-picked from #1794 Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2019-11-18chore: refine feature flags (#1785)Carl Lerche
Removes dependencies between Tokio feature flags. For example, `process` should not depend on `sync` simply because it uses the `mpsc` channel. Instead, feature flags represent **public** APIs that become available with the feature enabled. When the feature is not enabled, the functionality is removed. If another Tokio component requires the functionality, it is stays as `pub(crate)`. The threaded scheduler is now exposed under `rt-threaded`. This feature flag only enables the threaded scheduler and does not include I/O, networking, or time. Those features must be explictly enabled. A `full` feature flag is added that enables all features. `stdin`, `stdout`, `stderr` are exposed under `io-std`. Macros are used to scope code by feature flag.
2019-11-16task: move blocking fns into `tokio::task` (#1781)Carl Lerche
2019-11-16task: return `JoinHandle` from spawn (#1777)Carl Lerche
`tokio::spawn` now returns a `JoinHandle` to obtain the result of the task: Closes #887.
2019-11-12reorganize modules (#1766)Carl Lerche
This patch started as an effort to make `time::Timer` private. However, in an effort to get the build compiling again, more and more changes were made. This probably should have been broken up, but here we are. I will attempt to summarize the changes here. * Feature flags are reorganized to make clearer. `net-driver` becomes `io-driver`. `rt-current-thread` becomes `rt-core`. * The `Runtime` can be created without any executor. This replaces `enter`. It also allows creating I/O / time drivers that are standalone. * `tokio::timer` is renamed to `tokio::time`. This brings it in line with `std`. * `tokio::timer::Timer` is renamed to `Driver` and made private. * The `clock` module is removed. Instead, an `Instant` type is provided. This type defaults to calling `std::time::Instant`. A `test-util` feature flag can be used to enable hooking into time. * The `blocking` module is moved to the top level and is cleaned up. * The `task` module is moved to the top level. * The thread-pool's in-place blocking implementation is cleaned up. * `runtime::Spawner` is renamed to `runtime::Handle` and can be used to "enter" a runtime context.