path: root/tokio/src/sync/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-26sync: make oneshot::Sender::poll_closed public again (#3032)Sean McArthur
2020-10-26oneshot: update closed() docs to use tokio::select! (#3050)Alice Ryhl
2020-10-01chore: make #[doc(hidden)] apis private (#2901)Alice Ryhl
2020-10-02Fix new clippy warning (#2899)Alice Ryhl
2020-06-25sync: update `oneshot::Receiver::close` doc link (#2630)Gokul
2020-06-17sync: documentation for mpsc channels (#2600)Alice Ryhl
2020-05-21coop: Undo budget decrement on Pending (#2549)Jon Gjengset
2020-04-12docs: replace some html links with rustdoc paths (#2381)xliiv
2020-03-26rt: track loom changes + tweak queue (#2315)Carl Lerche
2020-03-16Add cooperative task yielding (#2160)Jon Gjengset
2020-01-24sync: impl equality traits for oneshot::RecvError (#2168)Carl Lerche
2020-01-24docs: use third form in API docs (#2027)Oleg Nosov
2020-01-21sync: derive PartialEq for error enums (#2137)Koki Kato
2020-01-06chore: use just std instead of ::std in paths (#2049)Linus Färnstrand
2019-12-01sync: expand oneshot docs and `TryRecvError` (#1874)Carl Lerche
2019-11-18chore: refine feature flags (#1785)Carl Lerche
2019-11-15Limit `futures` dependency to `Stream` via feature flag (#1774)Carl Lerche
2019-11-04chore: unify all mocked `loom` files (#1732)Carl Lerche
2019-10-29sync: move into `tokio` crate (#1705)Carl Lerche