path: root/tokio/src/sync/mpsc/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-12sync: change chan `closed(&mut self)` to `closed(&self)` (#2939)Zahari Dichev
2020-09-28sync: Add `is_closed` method to mpsc senders (#2726)Mikail Bagishov
2020-09-25sync: add `mpsc::Sender::closed` future (#2840)Zahari Dichev
2020-09-24sync: support mpsc send with `&self` (#2861)Carl Lerche
2020-09-09sync: document mpsc::bounded minimum buffer size (#2808)Zephyr Shannon
2020-06-17sync: documentation for mpsc channels (#2600)Alice Ryhl
2020-04-04doc: add error explanation for UnboundedSender::send() (#2372)Vojtech Kral
2020-01-24docs: use third form in API docs (#2027)Oleg Nosov
2019-12-22doc: fill out `fs` and remove html links (#2015)Carl Lerche
2019-12-18stream: add `next` and `map` utility fn (#1962)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-10Add Mutex::try_lock and (Unbounded)Receiver::try_recv (#1939)Michael P. Jung
2019-11-15Limit `futures` dependency to `Stream` via feature flag (#1774)Carl Lerche
2019-11-04chore: unify all mocked `loom` files (#1732)Carl Lerche
2019-10-29sync: move into `tokio` crate (#1705)Carl Lerche