path: root/tokio/src/stream/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-11stream: add docs regarding futures' StreamExt (#3128)Alice Ryhl
2020-10-12rt: Remove `threaded_scheduler()` and `basic_scheduler()` (#2876)Lucio Franco
2020-10-05io, stream: make ext trait futures !Unpin (#2910)Taiki Endo
2020-10-01time: introduce `sleep` and `sleep_until` functions (#2826)Juan Alvarez
2020-09-24sync: support mpsc send with `&self` (#2861)Carl Lerche
2020-09-24docs: use #[doc(no_inline)] on re-exports (#2874)Taiki Endo
2020-09-09stream: module level docs for tokio::stream (#2786)xd009642
2020-09-02time: move throttle to StreamExt (#2752)Blas Rodriguez Irizar
2020-07-13doc: fix typo from "Rust langague" to "Rust language" (#2656)Antoine Murat
2020-05-21stream: update StreamExt::merge doc (#2520)Alice Ryhl
2020-05-10stream: fix documentation on filter_map (#2511)Tom Ciborski
2020-04-23stream: fix panic in Merge and Chain size_hint (#2430)Mikail Bagishov
2020-02-02stream: add StreamExt::skip_while (#2205)Tore Pettersen
2020-02-01stream: add StreamExt::skip (#2204)Tore Pettersen
2020-01-31stream: provide `StreamMap` utility (#2185)Carl Lerche
2020-01-24stream: add StreamExt::timeout() (#2149)Juan Alvarez
2020-01-23stream: add `StreamExt::fold()` (#2122)Artem Vorotnikov
2020-01-13stream: add `StreamExt::collect()` (#2109)Carl Lerche
2020-01-11stream: add `StreamExt::chain` (#2093)Carl Lerche
2020-01-11stream: add stream::once (#2094)Carl Lerche
2020-01-11stream: add `empty()` and `pending()` (#2092)Carl Lerche
2020-01-11stream: add `StreamExt::merge` (#2091)Carl Lerche
2020-01-09stream: add `StreamExt::fuse` (#2085)Carl Lerche
2020-01-07docs: minor tweaks to `StreamExt` API docs (#2066)Carl Lerche
2020-01-06stream: Add StreamExt::any (#2034)Artem Vorotnikov
2020-01-02stream: correct trait bounds for all (#2043)Artem Vorotnikov
2020-01-02stream: add StreamExt::all (#2035)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-25stream: add StreamExt::take_while (#2029)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-24stream: add StreamExt::take (#2025)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-20stream: StreamExt::try_next (#2005)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-20stream: filtering utilities (#2001)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-20chore: formatting, docs and clippy (#2000)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-18stream: add `next` and `map` utility fn (#1962)Artem Vorotnikov