path: root/tokio/src/net/unix/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-11io: driver internal cleanup (#3124)Carl Lerche
2020-10-24docs: update docs for `from_std` functions (#3016)Zahari Dichev
2020-10-22net: fix typo (#3023)Zhang Jingqiang
2020-10-13net: merge tcp, udp, uds features to net feature (#2943)Taiki Endo
2020-10-09net: switch socket methods to &self (#2934)Carl Lerche
2020-10-02io: update to Mio 0.7 (#2893)Carl Lerche
2020-09-23io: use intrusive wait list for I/O driver (#2828)Sean McArthur
2020-09-23net: change `UnixListener::poll_accept` to public (#2845)kalcutter
2020-08-27rt: Refactor `Runtime::block_on` to take `&self` (#2782)Lucio Franco
2020-04-23io: track rustfmt/clippy changes (#2431)Alice Ryhl
2020-02-26tcp: Update listener docs (#2276)Akshay Narayan
2020-02-26Implement Stream for Listener types (#2275)Akshay Narayan
2020-01-06doc: document `from_std` functions panic (#2056)Stepan Koltsov
2019-12-18stream: add `next` and `map` utility fn (#1962)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-11-26doc: fix and improve `incoming()` API doc (#1831)Carl Lerche
2019-11-25doc: add more doc_cfg annotations (#1821)Carl Lerche
2019-11-20Fix doc links (#1799)Pen Tree
2019-11-20Refactor the I/O driver, extracting slab to `tokio::util`. (#1792)Carl Lerche
2019-11-15Limit `futures` dependency to `Stream` via feature flag (#1774)Carl Lerche
2019-10-29sync: move into `tokio` crate (#1705)Carl Lerche
2019-10-25net: move into tokio crate (#1683)Carl Lerche