path: root/tokio/src/net/unix/datagram
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-12-10net: expose poll_* methods on UnixDatagram (#3223)cssivision
2020-11-11io: driver internal cleanup (#3124)Carl Lerche
* Removes duplicated code by moving it to `Registration`. * impl `Deref` for `PollEvented` to avoid `get_ref()`. * Avoid extra waker clones in I/O driver. * Add `Interest` wrapper around `mio::Interest`.
2020-11-06net: add set_nonblocking to doc (#3100)Alice Ryhl
2020-10-24docs: update docs for `from_std` functions (#3016)Zahari Dichev
Fixes: #3007
2020-10-13net: merge tcp, udp, uds features to net feature (#2943)Taiki Endo
2020-10-09net: switch socket methods to &self (#2934)Carl Lerche
Switches various socket methods from &mut self to &self. This uses the intrusive waker infrastructure to handle multiple waiters. Refs: #2928
2020-10-02io: update to Mio 0.7 (#2893)Carl Lerche
This also makes Mio an implementation detail, removing it from the public API. This is based on #1767.
2020-09-23io: use intrusive wait list for I/O driver (#2828)Sean McArthur
This refactors I/O registration in a few ways: - Cleans up the cached readiness in `PollEvented`. This cache used to be helpful when readiness was a linked list of `*mut Node`s in `Registration`. Previous refactors have turned `Registration` into just an `AtomicUsize` holding the current readiness, so the cache is just extra work and complexity. Gone. - Polling the `Registration` for readiness now gives a `ReadyEvent`, which includes the driver tick. This event must be passed back into `clear_readiness`, so that the readiness is only cleared from `Registration` if the tick hasn't changed. Previously, it was possible to clear the readiness even though another thread had *just* polled the driver and found the socket ready again. - Registration now also contains an `async fn readiness`, which stores wakers in an instrusive linked list. This allows an unbounded number of tasks to register for readiness (previously, only 1 per direction (read and write)). By using the intrusive linked list, there is no concern of leaking the storage of the wakers, since they are stored inside the `async fn` and released when the future is dropped. - Registration retains a `poll_readiness(Direction)` method, to support `AsyncRead` and `AsyncWrite`. They aren't able to use `async fn`s, and so there are 2 reserved slots for those methods. - IO types where it makes sense to have multiple tasks waiting on them now take advantage of this new `async fn readiness`, such as `UdpSocket` and `UnixDatagram`. Additionally, this makes the `io-driver` "feature" internal-only (no longer documented, not part of public API), and adds a second internal-only feature, `io-readiness`, to group together linked list part of registration that is only used by some of the IO types. After a bit of discussion, changing stream-based transports (like `TcpStream`) to have `async fn read(&self)` is punted, since that is likely too easy of a footgun to activate. Refs: #2779, #2728
2020-08-27rt: Refactor `Runtime::block_on` to take `&self` (#2782)Lucio Franco
Co-authored-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2020-08-23net: Add examples to UnixDatagram (#2765)caranatar
* net: adding examples for UnixDatagram Adding examples to documentation for UnixDatagram * net: document named UnixDatagrams persistence Add documentation to indicate that named UnixDatagrams 'leak' socket files after execution. * net: rustfmt issue in UnixDatagram Fixing rustfmt issue in UnixDatagram * net: adding examples for UnixDatagram Fixes: #2686 Refs: #1679 Refs: #1111
2020-07-25net: add try_recv/from & try_send/to to UnixDatagram (#1677)jean-airoldie
This allows nonblocking sync send & recv operations on the socket.
2020-07-24net: ensure that unix sockets have both split and into_split (#2687)Alice Ryhl
The documentation build failed with errors such as error: `[read]` public documentation for `take` links to a private item --> tokio/src/io/util/ | 1078 | / /// Creates an adaptor which reads at most `limit` bytes from it. 1079 | | /// 1080 | | /// This function returns a new instance of `AsyncRead` which will read 1081 | | /// at most `limit` bytes, after which it will always return EOF ... | 1103 | | /// } 1104 | | /// ``` | |_______________^ | note: the lint level is defined here --> tokio/src/ | 13 | #![deny(intra_doc_link_resolution_failure)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: the link appears in this line: bytes read and future calls to [`read()`][read] may succeed.