path: root/tokio/src/macros
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-11-12net: add TcpStream::ready and non-blocking ops (#3130)Carl Lerche
Adds function to await for readiness on the TcpStream and non-blocking read/write functions. `async fn TcpStream::ready(Interest)` waits for socket readiness satisfying **any** of the specified interest. There are also two shorthand functions, `readable()` and `writable()`. Once the stream is in a ready state, the caller may perform non-blocking operations on it using `try_read()` and `try_write()`. These function return `WouldBlock` if the stream is not, in fact, ready. The await readiness function are similar to `AsyncFd`, but do not require a guard. The guard in `AsyncFd` protect against a potential race between receiving the readiness notification and clearing it. The guard is needed as Tokio does not control the operations. With `TcpStream`, the `try_read()` and `try_write()` function handle clearing stream readiness as needed. This also exposes `Interest` and `Ready`, both defined in Tokio as wrappers for Mio types. These types will also be useful for fixing #3072 . Other I/O types, such as `TcpListener`, `UdpSocket`, `Unix*` should get similar functions, but this is left for later PRs. Refs: #3130
2020-11-11io: driver internal cleanup (#3124)Carl Lerche
* Removes duplicated code by moving it to `Registration`. * impl `Deref` for `PollEvented` to avoid `get_ref()`. * Avoid extra waker clones in I/O driver. * Add `Interest` wrapper around `mio::Interest`.
2020-10-12meta: combine `net` and `dns`, use `parking_lot` (#2951)Carl Lerche
This combines the `dns` and `net` feature flags. Previously, `dns` was included as part of `net`. Given that is is rare that one would want `dns` without `net`, DNS is now entirely gated w/ `net`. The `parking_lot` feature is included as part of `full`. Some misc docs are tweaked to reflect feature flag changes.
2020-10-12rt: simplify rt-* features (#2949)Taiki Endo
tokio: merge rt-core and rt-util as rt rename rt-threaded to rt-multi-thread tokio-util: rename rt-core to rt Closes #2942
2020-10-13net: merge tcp, udp, uds features to net feature (#2943)Taiki Endo
2020-10-12rt: Remove `threaded_scheduler()` and `basic_scheduler()` (#2876)Lucio Franco
Co-authored-by: Alice Ryhl <> Co-authored-by: Carl Lerche <>
2020-10-08time: rename `Delay` future to `Sleep` (#2932)Juan Alvarez
2020-10-08net: use &self with TcpListener::accept (#2919)Carl Lerche
Uses the infrastructure added by #2828 to enable switching `TcpListener::accept` to use `&self`. This also switches `poll_accept` to use `&self`. While doing introduces a hazard, `poll_*` style functions are considered low-level. Most users will use the `async fn` variants which are more misuse-resistant. TcpListener::incoming() is temporarily removed as it has the same problem as `TcpSocket::by_ref()` and will be implemented later.
2020-10-06process: add ProcessDriver to handle orphan reaping (#2907)Ivan Petkov
2020-10-01chore: make #[doc(hidden)] apis private (#2901)Alice Ryhl
2020-10-01time: introduce `sleep` and `sleep_until` functions (#2826)Juan Alvarez
2020-09-24chore: remove internal io-driver cargo feature (#2881)Ivan Petkov
2020-09-24chore: remove internal io-readiness cargo feature (#2878)Ivan Petkov
2020-09-24process: do not publicly turn on `signal` when enabled (#2871)Ivan Petkov
This change will still internally compile any `signal` resources required when `process` is enabled on unix systems, but it will not publicly turn on the cargo feature
2020-09-23io: use intrusive wait list for I/O driver (#2828)Sean McArthur
This refactors I/O registration in a few ways: - Cleans up the cached readiness in `PollEvented`. This cache used to be helpful when readiness was a linked list of `*mut Node`s in `Registration`. Previous refactors have turned `Registration` into just an `AtomicUsize` holding the current readiness, so the cache is just extra work and complexity. Gone. - Polling the `Registration` for readiness now gives a `ReadyEvent`, which includes the driver tick. This event must be passed back into `clear_readiness`, so that the readiness is only cleared from `Registration` if the tick hasn't changed. Previously, it was possible to clear the readiness even though another thread had *just* polled the driver and found the socket ready again. - Registration now also contains an `async fn readiness`, which stores wakers in an instrusive linked list. This allows an unbounded number of tasks to register for readiness (previously, only 1 per direction (read and write)). By using the intrusive linked list, there is no concern of leaking the storage of the wakers, since they are stored inside the `async fn` and released when the future is dropped. - Registration retains a `poll_readiness(Direction)` method, to support `AsyncRead` and `AsyncWrite`. They aren't able to use `async fn`s, and so there are 2 reserved slots for those methods. - IO types where it makes sense to have multiple tasks waiting on them now take advantage of this new `async fn readiness`, such as `UdpSocket` and `UnixDatagram`. Additionally, this makes the `io-driver` "feature" internal-only (no longer documented, not part of public API), and adds a second internal-only feature, `io-readiness`, to group together linked list part of registration that is only used by some of the IO types. After a bit of discussion, changing stream-based transports (like `TcpStream`) to have `async fn read(&self)` is punted, since that is likely too easy of a footgun to activate. Refs: #2779, #2728
2020-09-23macros: add #[allow(unused_mut)] to select! (#2858)Alice Ryhl
2020-08-23sync: move CancellationToken to tokio-util (#2721)Carl Lerche
* sync: move CancellationToken to tokio-util The `CancellationToken` utility is only available with the `tokio_unstable` flag. This was done as the API is not final, but it adds friction for users. This patch moves `CancellationToken` to tokio-util where it is generally available. The tokio-util crate does not have any constraints on breaking change releases. * fix clippy * clippy again
2020-07-28macros: silence unreachable_code warning in select! (#2678)Blas Rodriguez Irizar
Solves #2665 by adding #[allow(unreachable_code)] inside a branch matching arm. Co-authored-by: Alice Ryhl <>
2020-07-13task: add Tracing instrumentation to spawned tasks (#2655)Eliza Weisman
## Motivation When debugging asynchronous systems, it can be very valuable to inspect what tasks are currently active (see #2510). The [`tracing` crate] and related libraries provide an interface for Rust libraries and applications to emit and consume structured, contextual, and async-aware diagnostic information. Because this diagnostic information is structured and machine-readable, it is a better fit for the task-tracking use case than textual logging — `tracing` spans can be consumed to generate metrics ranging from a simple counter of active tasks to histograms of poll durations, idle durations, and total task lifetimes. This information is potentially valuable to both Tokio users *and* to maintainers. Additionally, `tracing` is maintained by the Tokio project and is becoming widely adopted by other libraries in the "Tokio stack", such as [`hyper`], [`h2`], and [`tonic`] and in [other] [parts] of the broader Rust ecosystem. Therefore, it is suitable for use in Tokio itself. [`tracing` crate]: [`hyper`]: [`h2`]: [`tonic`]: [other]: [parts]: ## Solution This PR is an MVP for instrumenting Tokio with `tracing` spans. When the "tracing" optional dependency is enabled, every spawned future will be instrumented with a `tracing` span. The generated spans are at the `TRACE` verbosity level, and have the target "tokio::task", which may be used by consumers to filter whether they should be recorded. They include fields for the type name of the spawned future and for what kind of task the span corresponds to (a standard `spawn`ed task, a local task spawned by `spawn_local`, or a `blocking` task spawned by `spawn_blocking`). Because `tracing` has separate concepts of "opening/closing" and "entering/exiting" a span, we enter these spans every time the spawned task is polled. This allows collecting data such as: - the total lifetime of the task from `spawn` to `drop` - the number of times the task was polled before it completed - the duration of each individual time that the span was polled (and therefore, aggregated metrics like histograms or averages of poll durations) - the total time a span was actively being polled, and the total time it was alive but **not** being polled - the time between when the task was `spawn`ed and the first poll As an example, here is the output of a version of the `chat` example instrumented with `tracing`: ![image]( And, with multiple connections actually sending messages: ![trace_example_1]( I haven't added any `tracing` spans in the example, only converted the existing `println!`s to `tracing::info` and `tracing::error` for consistency. The span durations in the above output are generated by `tracing-subscriber`. Of course, a Tokio-specific subscriber could generate even more detailed statistics, but that's follow-up work once basic tracing support has been added. Note that the `Instrumented` type from `tracing-futures`, which attaches a `tracing` span to a future, was reimplemented inside of Tokio to avoid a dependency on that crate. `tracing-futures` has a feature flag that enables an optional dependency on Tokio, and I believe that if another crate in a dependency graph enables that feature while Tokio's `tracing` support is also enabled, it would create a circular dependency that Cargo wouldn't be able to handle. Also, it avoids a dependency for a very small amount of code that is unlikely to ever change. There is, of course, room for plenty of future work here. This might include: - instrumenting other parts of `tokio`, such as I/O resources and channels (possibly via waker instrumentation) - instrumenting the threadpool so that the state of worker threads can be inspected - writing `tracing-subscriber` `Layer`s to collect and display Tokio-specific data from these traces - using `track_caller` (when it's stable) to record _where_ a task was `spawn`ed from However, this is intended as an MVP to get us started on that path. Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2020-06-15doc: fix typo on select macro (#2622)s0lst1ce
2020-05-31docs: use intra-links in the docs (#2575)xliiv
2020-05-30chore: fix clippy errors (#2571)Mikail Bagishov
2020-05-06rt: simplify coop implementation (#2498)Carl Lerche
Simplifies coop implementation. Prunes unused code, create a `Budget` type to track the current budget.
2020-05-03sync: move CancellationToken tests (#2477)Carl Lerche
In preparation of work on `CancellationToken` internals, the tests are moved into `tests/` and are updated to not depend on internals.
2020-04-30task: fix LocalSet having a single shared task budget (#2462)Eliza Weisman
## Motivation Currently, an issue exists where a `LocalSet` has a single cooperative task budget that's shared across all futures spawned on the `LocalSet` _and_ by any future passed to `LocalSet::run_until` or `LocalSet::block_on`. Because these methods will poll the `run_until` future before polling spawned tasks, it is possible for that task to _always_ deterministically starve the entire `LocalSet` so that no local tasks can proceed. When the completion of that future _itself_ depends on other tasks on the `LocalSet`, this will then result in a deadlock, as in issue #2460. A detailed description of why this is the case, taken from [this comment][1]: `LocalSet` wraps each time a local task is run in `budget`: This is identical to what tokio's other schedulers do when running tasks, and in theory should give each task its own budget every time it's polled. _However_, `LocalSet` is different from other schedulers. Unlike the runtime schedulers, a `LocalSet` is itself a future that's run on another scheduler, in `block_on`. `block_on` _also_ sets a budget: The docs for `budget` state that: This means that inside of a `LocalSet`, the calls to `budget` are no-ops. Instead, each future polled by the `LocalSet` is subtracting from a single global budget. `LocalSet`'s `RunUntil` future polls the provided future before polling any other tasks spawned on the local set: In this case, the provided future is `JoinAll`. Unfortunately, every time a `JoinAll` is polled, it polls _every_ joined future that has not yet completed. When the number of futures in the `JoinAll` is >= 128, this means that the `JoinAll` immediately exhausts the task budget. This would, in theory, be a _good_ thing --- if the `JoinAll` had a huge number of `JoinHandle`s in it and none of them are ready, it would limit the time we spend polling those join handles. However, because the `LocalSet` _actually_ has a single shared task budget, this means polling the `JoinAll` _always_ exhausts the entire budget. There is now no budget remaining to poll any other tasks spawned on the `LocalSet`, and they are never able to complete. [1]: ## Solution This branch solves this issue by resetting the task budget when polling a `LocalSet`. I've added a new function to `coop` for resetting the task budget to `UNCONSTRAINED` for the duration of a closure, and thus allowing the `budget` calls in `LocalSet` to _actually_ create a new budget for each spawned local task. Additionally, I've changed `LocalSet` to _also_ ensure that a separate task budget is applied to any future passed to `block_on`/`run_until`. Additionally, I've added a test reproducing the issue described in #2460. This test fails prior to this change, and passes after it. Fixes #2460 Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2020-04-30macros: `scoped_thread_local` should be private (#2470)Carl Lerche
Do not export the `scoped_thread_local` macro outside of the Tokio crate. This is not considered a breaking change as the macro never worked if used from outside of the crate due to the generated code referencing crate-private types.
2020-04-24Add Handle::block_on method (#2437)Dan Burkert
2020-03-05rt: cleanup and simplify scheduler (scheduler v2.5) (#2273)Carl Lerche
A refactor of the scheduler internals focusing on simplifying and reducing unsafety. There are no fundamental logic changes. * The state transitions of the core task component are refined and reduced. * `basic_scheduler` has most unsafety removed. * `local_set` has most unsafety removed. * `threaded_scheduler` limits most unsafety to its queue implementation.
2020-02-29macros: fix select! documentation formatting (#2283)Jeffrey Czyz
2020-02-28macros: fix unresolved import in pin! (#2281)Hiro Saito
2020-02-25macros: add assignment form to pin! (#2274)Carl Lerche
Allows combining assignment to a binding and pinning it.
2020-01-29macros: correctly feature gate join/try_join (#2196)Carl Lerche
The `macros` feature flag was ommitted despite the fact that these macros require the feature flag to function. The macros are now scoped by the `macros` feature flag. This is *not* a breaking change due to the fact that the macros were broken without the `macros` feature flag in the first place.
2020-01-24future: provide try_join! macro (#2169)Carl Lerche
Provides a `try_join!` macro that supports concurrently driving multiple `Result` futures on the same task and await the completion of all the futures as `Ok` or the **first** `Err` future.
2020-01-24docs: use third form in API docs (#2027)Oleg Nosov
2020-01-23macros: add pin! macro (#2163)Carl Lerche
Used for stack pinning and based on `pin_mut!` from the pin-util crate. Pinning is used often when working with stream operators and the select! macro. Given the small size of `pin!` it makes more sense to include a version than re-export one from a separate crate or require the user to depend on `pin-util` themselves.
2020-01-23future: provide join! macro (#2158)Carl Lerche
Provides a `join!` macro that supports concurrently driving multiple futures on the same task and await the completion of all futures.
2020-01-23Don't export select unless macros is enabled (#2161)John-John Tedro
2020-01-22Provide `select!` macro (#2152)Carl Lerche
Provides a `select!` macro for concurrently waiting on multiple async expressions. The macro has similar goals and syntax as the one provided by the `futures` crate, but differs significantly in implementation. First, this implementation does not require special traits to be implemented on futures or streams (i.e., no `FuseFuture`). A design goal is to be able to pass a "plain" async fn result into the select! macro. Even without `FuseFuture`, this `select!` implementation is able to handle all cases the `futures::select!` macro can handle. It does this by supporting pre-poll conditions on branches and result pattern matching. For pre-conditions, each branch is able to include a condition that disables the branch if it evaluates to false. This allows the user to guard futures that have already been polled, preventing double polling. Pattern matching can be used to disable streams that complete. A second big difference is the macro is implemented almost entirely as a declarative macro. The biggest advantage to using this strategy is that the user will not need to alter the rustc recursion limit except in the most extreme cases. The resulting future also tends to be smaller in many cases.
2020-01-07rt: cleanup runtime::context (#2063)Carl Lerche
Tweak context to remove more fns and usage of `Option`. Remove `ThreadContext` struct as it is reduced to just `Handle`. Avoid passing around individual driver handles and instead limit to the `runtime::Handle` struct.
2019-12-13chore: remove benches and fix/work around clippy lints (#1952)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-01doc: fix documented feature flags for tokio::task (#1876)Carl Lerche
Some feature flags are missing and some are duplicated. Closes #1836
2019-11-26task: add `LocalSet` API for running `!Send` futures (#1733)Eliza Weisman
## Motivation In earlier versions of `tokio`, the `current_thread::Runtime` type could be used to run `!Send` futures. However, PR #1716 merged the current-thread and threadpool runtimes into a single type, which can no longer run `!Send` futures. There is still a need in some cases to support futures that don't implement `Send`, and the `tokio-compat` crate requires this in order to provide APIs that existed in `tokio` 0.1. ## Solution This branch implements the API described by @carllerche in It adds a new `LocalSet` type and `spawn_local` function to `tokio::task`. The `LocalSet` type is used to group together a set of tasks which must run on the same thread and don't implement `Send`. These are available when a new "rt-util" feature flag is enabled. Currently, the local task set is run by passing it a reference to a `Runtime` and a future to `block_on`. In the future, we may also want to investigate allowing spawned futures to construct their own local task sets, which would be executed on the worker that the future is executing on. In order to implement the new API, I've made some internal changes to the `task` module and `Schedule` trait to support scheduling both `Send` and `!Send` futures. Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2019-11-25doc: add more doc_cfg annotations (#1821)Carl Lerche
Also makes the `tokio::net::{tcp, udp, unix}` modules only for "utility" types. The primary types are in `tokio::net` directly.
2019-11-22docs: annotate io mod with doc_cfg (#1808)Carl Lerche
Annotates types in `tokio::io` module with their required feature flag. This annotation is included in generated documentation. Notes: * The annotation must be on the type or function itself. Annotating just the re-export is not sufficient. * The annotation must be **inside** the `pin_project!` macro or it is lost.
2019-11-21runtime: cleanup and add config options (#1807)Carl Lerche
* runtime: cleanup and add config options This patch finishes the cleanup as part of the transition to Tokio 0.2. A number of changes were made to take advantage of having all Tokio types in a single crate. Also, fixes using Tokio types from `spawn_blocking`. * Many threads, one resource driver Previously, in the threaded scheduler, a resource driver (mio::Poll / timer combo) was created per thread. This was more or less fine, except it required balancing across the available drivers. When using a resource driver from **outside** of the thread pool, balancing is tricky. The change was original done to avoid having a dedicated driver thread. Now, instead of creating many resource drivers, a single resource driver is used. Each scheduler thread will attempt to "lock" the resource driver before parking on it. If the resource driver is already locked, the thread uses a condition variable to park. Contention should remain low as, under load, the scheduler avoids using the drivers. * Add configuration options to enable I/O / time New configuration options are added to `runtime::Builder` to allow enabling I/O and time drivers on a runtime instance basis. This is useful when wanting to create lightweight runtime instances to execute compute only tasks. * Bug fixes The condition variable parker is updated to the same algorithm used in `std`. This is motivated by some potential deadlock cases discovered by `loom`. The basic scheduler is fixed to fairly schedule tasks. `push_front` was accidentally used instead of `push_back`. I/O, time, and spawning now work from within `spawn_blocking` closures. * Misc cleanup The threaded scheduler is no longer generic over `P :Park`. Instead, it is hard coded to a specific parker. Tests, including loom tests, are updated to use `Runtime` directly. This provides greater coverage. The `blocking` module is moved back into `runtime` as all usage is within `runtime` itself.
2019-11-18chore: refine feature flags (#1785)Carl Lerche
Removes dependencies between Tokio feature flags. For example, `process` should not depend on `sync` simply because it uses the `mpsc` channel. Instead, feature flags represent **public** APIs that become available with the feature enabled. When the feature is not enabled, the functionality is removed. If another Tokio component requires the functionality, it is stays as `pub(crate)`. The threaded scheduler is now exposed under `rt-threaded`. This feature flag only enables the threaded scheduler and does not include I/O, networking, or time. Those features must be explictly enabled. A `full` feature flag is added that enables all features. `stdin`, `stdout`, `stderr` are exposed under `io-std`. Macros are used to scope code by feature flag.