path: root/tokio/src/io/util
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-27Revert "util: upgrade tokio-util to bytes 0.6 (#3052)" (#3060)Carl Lerche
2020-10-27util: upgrade tokio-util to bytes 0.6 (#3052)Dirkjan Ochtman
2020-10-21io: add `AsyncReadExt::read_buf` (#3003)Carl Lerche
2020-10-19io: add copy_buf (#2884)Zahari Dichev
2020-10-12io: Rename `ReadBuf` methods (#2945)Lucio Franco
2020-10-09io: make Seek and Copy private (#2935)Taiki Endo
2020-10-06io, stream: assert !Unpin for ext trait futures (#2913)Taiki Endo
2020-10-05io, stream: make ext trait futures !Unpin (#2910)Taiki Endo
2020-10-01chore: make #[doc(hidden)] apis private (#2901)Alice Ryhl
2020-09-25chore: handle std `Mutex` poisoning in a shim (#2872)Zahari Dichev
2020-09-24io: remove poll_{read,write}_buf from traits (#2882)Carl Lerche
2020-09-19io: fix doc-cfg on AsyncSeekExt (#2846)Taiki Endo
2020-09-13doc: fix some links (#2834)Alice Ryhl
2020-09-08io: move StreamReader and ReaderStream into tokio_util (#2788)Alice Ryhl
2020-09-05io: add `ReadBuf::take` (#2817)Zahari Dichev
2020-08-13io: change AsyncRead to use a ReadBuf (#2758)Sean McArthur
2020-07-28io: rewrite read_to_end and read_to_string (#2560)Alice Ryhl
2020-07-24chore: complete CI migration to Github Actions (#2680)Carl Lerche
2020-07-24net: ensure that unix sockets have both split and into_split (#2687)Alice Ryhl
2020-07-22io: add `io::duplex()` as bidirectional reader/writer (#2661)Sean McArthur
2020-07-20Update doc comments (#2572)Mikail Bagishov
2020-07-20io: Forward poll_write_buf on BufReader (#2654)Markus Westerlind
2020-07-16io: add little endian variants for AsyncRead/WriteExt (#1915)Evan Cameron
2020-07-01io: allocate buffer directly on heap (#2634)htrefil
2020-06-18docs: remove unneeded doc from AsyncReadExt::read_ext() (#2621)Jeb Rosen
2020-06-12io: fix unsound pin projection in read_buf and write_buf (#2612)Taiki Endo
2020-06-02io: fix typo on BufReader (#2569)‏‏Dave
2020-05-24io: fix panic in read_line (#2541)Alice Ryhl
2020-05-21io: remove zeroing for AsyncRead implementors (#2525)Mikail Bagishov
2020-04-30io: add get_mut, get_ref and into_inner to Lines (#2450)Hanif Ariffin
2020-04-23docs: make it easier to discover extension traits (#2434)Alice Ryhl
2020-04-21io: remove unsafe from ReadToString (#2384)Geoffry Song
2020-04-12docs: replace some html links with rustdoc paths (#2381)xliiv
2020-04-12io: report error on zero-write in write_int (#2334)shuo
2020-04-02io: Add StreamReader (#2052)Alice Ryhl
2020-01-24docs: use third form in API docs (#2027)Oleg Nosov
2020-01-20io: add `BufStream::with_capacity` (#2125)Vitor Enes
2020-01-13io: Drop AsyncBufRead bound on BufStream impl (#2108)John-John Tedro
2020-01-08Fix Seek adapter and AsyncSeek error handling for FileJeb Rosen
2020-01-07docs: improve tokio::io API documentation (#2060)Alice Ryhl
2019-12-22doc: fill out `fs` and remove html links (#2015)Carl Lerche
2019-12-21chore: fix formatting, remove old rustfmt.toml (#2007)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-18stream: add `next` and `map` utility fn (#1962)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-10io: add AsyncSeek trait (#1924)Michael Howell
2019-12-02io: add async fns for reading / writing bufs (#1881)Carl Lerche
2019-11-30io: read/write big-endian numbers (#1863)Carl Lerche
2019-11-30doc: improve AsyncBufReadExt API documentation (#1868)Carl Lerche
2019-11-30doc: add API docs for AsyncBufReadExt::read_line (#1866)Carl Lerche
2019-11-27doc: misc API documentation fixes (#1834)Oleg Nosov
2019-11-23docs: improve tokio::io API documentation (#1815)Carl Lerche