path: root/tokio/src/fs/os
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-10-08fs: add os::windows::OpenOptionsExt (#2923)Taiki Endo
2020-10-08fs: switch to our own DirEntryExt trait (#2921)Taiki Endo
2020-10-05fs: seal OpenOptionsExt and DirBuilderExt (#2909)Taiki Endo
2020-05-21fs: implement OpenOptionsExt for OpenOptions (#2515)Charles Hovine
Trait OpenOptionsExt is now implemented for fs::OpenOption. In order to access the underlying std::fs::OpenOptions wrapped in tokio's OpenOption, an as_inner_mut method was added to OpenOption, only visible to the parent module. Fixes: #2366
2020-05-21fs: add DirBuilder (#2524)Dmitri Shkurski
The initial idea was to implement a thin wrapper around an internally held `std::fs::DirBuilder` instance. This, however, didn't work due to `std::fs::DirBuilder` not having a Copy/Clone traits implemented, which are necessary for constructing an instance to move-capture it into a closure. Instead, we mirror `std::fs::DirBuilder` configuration by storing the `recursive` and (unix-only) `mode` parameters locally, which are then used to construct an `std::fs::DirBuilder` instance on-the-fly. This commit also mirrors the (unix-only) DirBuilderExt trait from std. Fixes: #2369
2019-12-22doc: fill out `fs` and remove html links (#2015)Carl Lerche
also add an async version of `fs::canonicalize`
2019-10-26chore: use argument position impl trait (#1690)Linus Färnstrand
2019-10-21fs: move into `tokio` (#1672)Carl Lerche
A step towards collapsing Tokio sub crates into a single `tokio` crate (#1318). The `fs` implementation is now provided by the main `tokio` crate. The `fs` functionality may still be excluded from the build by skipping the `fs` feature flag.