path: root/tokio-util
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-29util: add rt to tokio-util full feature (#3194)Alice Ryhl
2020-11-24codec: add read_buffer_mut to FramedRead (#3166)漂流
2020-11-23time: use intrusive lists for timer tracking (#3080)bdonlan
2020-11-20util: fix typo in udp/ (#3154)cssivision
2020-11-13chore: update pin-project-lite to 0.2.0 (#3139)Taiki Endo
2020-11-06util: resurrect UdpFramed (#3044)Evan Cameron
2020-11-03util: remove stream feature flag from DelayQueue (#3087)Akira Hayakawa
2020-11-02util: copy paste error in documentation for Compat (#3088)Naja Melan
2020-11-01util: add back public poll_read_buf() function (#3079)Dirkjan Ochtman
2020-10-30chore: prepare tokio-util v0.5.0 release (#3078)Carl Lerche
2020-10-29util: update to bytes 0.6 (#3071)Dirkjan Ochtman
2020-10-29util: deduplicate implementations of poll_read_buf() (#3064)Dirkjan Ochtman
2020-10-27Revert "util: upgrade tokio-util to bytes 0.6 (#3052)" (#3060)Carl Lerche
2020-10-27util: upgrade tokio-util to bytes 0.6 (#3052)Dirkjan Ochtman
2020-10-20util: prevent read buffer from being swapped during a read_poll (#2993)John-John Tedro
2020-10-19util: add a poll_read_buf shim to tokio-util (#2972)John-John Tedro
2020-10-15chore: post release Cargo.toml fixes (#2963)Carl Lerche
2020-10-15chore: prepare for v0.3.0 release (#2960)Carl Lerche
2020-10-13rt: switch `enter` to an RAII guard (#2954)Carl Lerche
2020-10-12rt: simplify rt-* features (#2949)Taiki Endo
2020-10-12rt: Remove `threaded_scheduler()` and `basic_scheduler()` (#2876)Lucio Franco
2020-10-12time: move error types into `time::error` (#2938)Juan Alvarez
2020-10-12io: Rename `ReadBuf` methods (#2945)Lucio Franco
2020-10-08time: rename `Delay` future to `Sleep` (#2932)Juan Alvarez
2020-10-08chore: Fix clippy lints (#2931)bdonlan
2020-10-08io: remove Poll from the AsyncSeek::start_seek return value (#2885)Zahari Dichev
2020-10-07util: fix a typo in sync/ (#2922)Taiki Endo
2020-10-06time: clean time driver (#2905)greenwoodcm
2020-10-05time: move DelayQueue to tokio-util (#2897)bdonlan
2020-10-01time: introduce `sleep` and `sleep_until` functions (#2826)Juan Alvarez
2020-09-24io: remove poll_{read,write}_buf from traits (#2882)Carl Lerche
2020-09-23io: use intrusive wait list for I/O driver (#2828)Sean McArthur
2020-09-19util: remove Slice wrapper (#2847)Taiki Endo
2020-09-13doc: fix some links (#2834)Alice Ryhl
2020-09-08util: implement Either type (#2821)Igor Aleksanov
2020-09-08io: move StreamReader and ReaderStream into tokio_util (#2788)Alice Ryhl
2020-08-27rt: Refactor `Runtime::block_on` to take `&self` (#2782)Lucio Franco
2020-08-27util: Add `TokioContext` future (#2791)Blas Rodriguez Irizar
2020-08-23sync: move CancellationToken to tokio-util (#2721)Carl Lerche
2020-08-13io: change AsyncRead to use a ReadBuf (#2758)Sean McArthur
2020-08-07chore: prepare for v0.3 breaking changes (#2747)Carl Lerche
2020-07-23udp: Fix `UdpFramed` with regards to `Decode` (#1445)John Doneth
2020-07-20chore: fix new manual_non_exhaustive clippy lint (#2669)Alice Ryhl
2020-05-31docs: use intra-links in the docs (#2575)xliiv
2020-05-20codec: add Framed::read_buffer_mut (#2546)Ondřej Hruška
2020-05-14docs: improve discoverability of codec module (#2523)Geoff Shannon
2020-05-12codec: rewrite of codec::Framed (#2368)Plecra
2020-04-21Remove relative link when possible and fix invalid links (#2423)damienrg
2020-04-17Link PRs in CHANGELOG files (#2383)Nikolai Vazquez
2020-04-12docs: replace some html links with rustdoc paths (#2381)xliiv