path: root/tokio-util/src/udp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-12-10net: Pass SocketAddr by value (#3125)Nylonicious
2020-11-20util: fix typo in udp/ (#3154)cssivision
2020-11-06util: resurrect UdpFramed (#3044)Evan Cameron
2020-07-23udp: Fix `UdpFramed` with regards to `Decode` (#1445)John Doneth
2020-03-04codec: change Encoder to take &Item (#1746)Lucio Franco
Co-authored-by: Markus Westerlind <>
2019-12-21Fix UdpFramed doc cfg_attr (#2010)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-12-18stream: add `next` and `map` utility fn (#1962)Artem Vorotnikov
Introduces `StreamExt` trait. This trait will be used to add utility functions to make working with streams easier. This patch includes two functions: * `next`: a future returning the item in the stream. * `map`: transform each item in the stream.
2019-11-22default all feature flags to off (#1811)Carl Lerche
Changes the set of `default` feature flags to `[]`. By default, only core traits are included without specifying feature flags. This makes it easier for users to pick the components they need. For convenience, a `full` feature flag is included that includes all components. Tests are configured to require the `full` feature. Testing individual feature flags will need to be moved to a separate crate. Closes #1791
2019-11-20chore: update `bytes` dependency to git master (#1796)Carl Lerche
Tokio will track changes to bytes until 0.5 is released.
2019-10-22codec: move into tokio-util (#1675)Carl Lerche
Related to #1318, Tokio APIs that are "less stable" are moved into a new `tokio-util` crate. This crate will mirror `tokio` and provide additional APIs that may require a greater rate of breaking changes. As examples require `tokio-util`, they are moved into a separate crate (`examples`). This has the added advantage of being able to avoid example only dependencies in the `tokio` crate.