path: root/tokio-sync
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-06-30timer: finish updating timer (#1222)Carl Lerche
2019-06-27sync: change oneshot poll_close to poll_closedSean McArthur
2019-06-27sync: add async APIs to oneshot and mpsc (#1211)Carl Lerche
2019-06-27chore: format code and enable rustfmt CI task (#1212)Carl Lerche
2019-06-26sync: Fix lock test to actually test the inner lock value (#1197)Lucio Franco
2019-06-25sync: Add LockFuture for Lock (#1184)Lucio Franco
2019-06-24Update Tokio to use `std::future`. (#1120)Carl Lerche
2019-06-05Merge branch 'v0.1.x' into merge-0.1Carl Lerche
2019-06-05Bump `tokio-sync` to 0.1.6 (#1123)Kevin Leimkuhler
2019-06-04sync: Add Sync impl for Lock (#1117)Kevin Leimkuhler
2019-06-03sync: Add Sync impl for Lock (#1116)Kevin Leimkuhler
2019-05-14Update Tokio to Rust 2018 (#1082)Carl Lerche
2019-04-24chore: remember to remove path deps on release (#1057)Carl Lerche
2019-04-22Bump `tokio` to 0.1.19. (#1053)Carl Lerche
2019-04-18tokio-sync: Add async mutual exclusion primitive (#964)Jon Gjengset
2019-04-09sync: remove unnecessary imports (#1043)Carl Lerche
2019-03-19chore: repo maintenance + no path dependencies (#991)Carl Lerche
2019-03-13Bump Tokio to v0.1.17 (#983)Carl Lerche
2019-03-13sync: add mpsc benchmarks of small, medium, and large message types (#982)Sean McArthur
2019-03-13sync: free chan Blocks when Chan is dropped (#978)Sean McArthur
2019-03-12sync: impl `Error` for oneshot and watch error types (#967)Thomas Lacroix
2019-03-01Bump Tokio to 0.1.16. (#941)Carl Lerche
2019-03-01Bump tokio-sync version to v0.1.3 (#938)Carl Lerche
2019-03-01sync: impl `Error` for mpsc error types (#937)Carl Lerche
2019-02-22sync: Add watch, a single value broadcast channel (#922)Carl Lerche
2019-02-21chore: apply rustfmt to all crates (#917)Carl Lerche
2019-02-21Bump tokio-sync to v0.1.2. (#909)Carl Lerche
2019-02-20sync: fix warnings in benches and tests (#912)Sean McArthur
2019-02-20sync: drop old tasks in oneshot (#911)Sean McArthur
2019-02-20sync: add loom test for mpsc (#903)Carl Lerche
2019-02-19sync: improve assert message for bounded channel buffer sizeSean McArthur
2019-02-19sync: fix mpsc/sempahore when releasing permits (#904)Carl Lerche
2019-02-14sync: add AtomicTask::take_task()Sean McArthur
2019-02-14Check Task::will_notify_current before cloning in AtomicTaskSean McArthur
2019-02-14Use tokio-sync's AtomicTask in mpscSean McArthur
2019-02-14Add poll_ready and constructor benchmarks for tokio-syncSean McArthur
2019-02-01Bump tokio-sync v0.1.1 (#881)Carl Lerche
2019-02-01sync: bounded channel can not have 0 size (#879)Stephen Carman
2019-01-25Bump Tokio to v0.1.15. (#869)Carl Lerche
2019-01-23Make reason for try_send errors clearer (#864)Jon Gjengset
2019-01-23Remove T: Debug bound on mpsc Debug impls (#866)Jon Gjengset
2019-01-23Explicit impl Clone for tx to avoid T: Clone (#865)Jon Gjengset
2019-01-22tokio-sync: add into_inner for TrySendErrors (#862)Sean McArthur
2019-01-22Introduce tokio-sync crate containing synchronization primitives. (#839)Carl Lerche