path: root/examples/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-09-23io: use intrusive wait list for I/O driver (#2828)Sean McArthur
This refactors I/O registration in a few ways: - Cleans up the cached readiness in `PollEvented`. This cache used to be helpful when readiness was a linked list of `*mut Node`s in `Registration`. Previous refactors have turned `Registration` into just an `AtomicUsize` holding the current readiness, so the cache is just extra work and complexity. Gone. - Polling the `Registration` for readiness now gives a `ReadyEvent`, which includes the driver tick. This event must be passed back into `clear_readiness`, so that the readiness is only cleared from `Registration` if the tick hasn't changed. Previously, it was possible to clear the readiness even though another thread had *just* polled the driver and found the socket ready again. - Registration now also contains an `async fn readiness`, which stores wakers in an instrusive linked list. This allows an unbounded number of tasks to register for readiness (previously, only 1 per direction (read and write)). By using the intrusive linked list, there is no concern of leaking the storage of the wakers, since they are stored inside the `async fn` and released when the future is dropped. - Registration retains a `poll_readiness(Direction)` method, to support `AsyncRead` and `AsyncWrite`. They aren't able to use `async fn`s, and so there are 2 reserved slots for those methods. - IO types where it makes sense to have multiple tasks waiting on them now take advantage of this new `async fn readiness`, such as `UdpSocket` and `UnixDatagram`. Additionally, this makes the `io-driver` "feature" internal-only (no longer documented, not part of public API), and adds a second internal-only feature, `io-readiness`, to group together linked list part of registration that is only used by some of the IO types. After a bit of discussion, changing stream-based transports (like `TcpStream`) to have `async fn read(&self)` is punted, since that is likely too easy of a footgun to activate. Refs: #2779, #2728
2019-12-13chore: remove benches and fix/work around clippy lints (#1952)Artem Vorotnikov
2019-10-22codec: move into tokio-util (#1675)Carl Lerche
Related to #1318, Tokio APIs that are "less stable" are moved into a new `tokio-util` crate. This crate will mirror `tokio` and provide additional APIs that may require a greater rate of breaking changes. As examples require `tokio-util`, they are moved into a separate crate (`examples`). This has the added advantage of being able to avoid example only dependencies in the `tokio` crate.
2019-03-22chore: Fix examples not working with `cargo run` (#998)Eliza Weisman
* chore: Fix examples not working with `cargo run` ## Motivation PR #991 moved the `tokio` crate to its own subdirectory, but did not move the `examples` directory into `tokio/examples`. While attempting to use the examples for testing another change, I noticed that #991 had broken the ability to use `cargo run`, as the examples were no longer considered part of a crate that cargo was aware of: ``` tokio on master [$] via 🦀v1.33.0 at ☸️ aks-eliza-dev ➜ cargo run --example chat error: no example target named `chat` Did you mean `echo`? ``` ## Solution This branch moves the examples into the `tokio` directory, so cargo is now once again aware of them: ``` tokio on eliza/fix-examples [$] via 🦀v1.33.0 at ☸️ aks-eliza-dev ➜ cargo run --example chat Compiling tokio-executor v0.1.7 (/Users/eliza/Code/tokio/tokio-executor) Compiling tokio-reactor v0.1.9 Compiling tokio-threadpool v0.1.13 Compiling tokio-current-thread v0.1.6 Compiling tokio-timer v0.2.10 Compiling tokio-uds v0.2.5 Compiling tokio-udp v0.1.3 Compiling tokio-tcp v0.1.3 Compiling tokio-fs v0.1.6 Compiling tokio v0.1.18 (/Users/eliza/Code/tokio/tokio) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 7.04s Running `target/debug/examples/chat` server running on localhost:6142 ``` Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <> Signed-off-by: Eliza Weisman <>
2019-02-21chore: apply rustfmt to all crates (#917)Carl Lerche
2018-11-20tests: handle errors properly in examples (#748)Liran Ringel
2018-03-22Add UDP client example (send/recv_dgram) (#239)Denis