AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-12-12sync: add blocking_recv method to UnboundedReceiver, similar to Receiver::blo...HEADmasterSunjay Varma
2020-12-11util: add constructors to TokioContext (#3221)Alice Ryhl
2020-12-11net: update `TcpStream::poll_peek` to use `ReadBuf` (#3259)Lucio Franco
2020-12-11net: remove empty udp module (#3260)Evan Cameron
2020-12-10sync: make TryAcquireError public (#3250)Alice Ryhl
2020-12-10net: Pass SocketAddr by value (#3125)Nylonicious
2020-12-10docs: fix typo in signal module documentation (#3249)Yusuke Tanaka
2020-12-10toml: enable test-util feature for the playground (#3224)Clemens Koza
2020-12-10watch: fix spurious wakeup (#3234)Alice Ryhl
2020-12-10net: expose poll_* methods on UnixDatagram (#3223)cssivision
2020-12-09task: add missing feature flags for task_local and spawn_blocking (#3237)Nylonicious
2020-12-09chore: prepare for Tokio 1.0 work (#3238)Carl Lerche
2020-12-08time: Fix race condition in timer drop (#3229)bdonlan
2020-12-09chore: fix stress test (#3233)Blas Rodriguez Irizar
2020-12-07Add stress test (#3222)Blas Rodriguez Irizar
2020-12-07rt: fix deadlock in shutdown (#3228)bdonlan
2020-12-07sync: forward port 0.2 mpsc test (#3225)Carl Lerche
2020-12-06net: add TcpStream::into_std (#3189)Fuyang Liu
2020-12-04deps: replace lazy_static with once_cell (#3187)Iban Eguia
2020-12-03rt: fix panic in task abort when off rt (#3159)John-John Tedro
2020-12-03util: prepare v0.5.1 release (#3210)Eliza Weisman
2020-12-03util: add writev-aware `poll_write_buf` (#3156)Eliza Weisman
2020-12-02sync: make add_permits panic with usize::MAX >> 3 permits (#3188)Blas Rodriguez Irizar
2020-12-01example: add back udp-codec example (#3205)cssivision
2020-12-01process: fix the test on non-Linux systems (#3203)Alan Somers
2020-12-01ci: reenable CI on FreeBSD i686 (#3204)Alan Somers
2020-12-01ci: switch FreeBSD CI environment to 12.2-RELEASE (#3202)Alan Somers
2020-11-30chore: prepare v0.3.5 release (#3201)Carl Lerche
2020-11-30io: add AsyncFd::with_interest (#3167)HK416-is-all-you-need
2020-11-30macros: #[tokio::main] can be used on non-main (#3199)Ivan Tham
2020-11-29runtime: test for shutdown_timeout(0) (#3196)Kyle Kosic
2020-11-29util: add rt to tokio-util full feature (#3194)Alice Ryhl
2020-11-28runtime: fix shutdown_timeout(0) blocking (#3174)Max Sharnoff
2020-11-27signal: expose CtrlC stream on windows (#3186)Niklas Fiekas
2020-11-26macros: fix outdated documentation (#3180)Rajiv Chauhan
2020-11-24time: replace 'ouClockTimeide' in internal docs with 'outside' (#3171)Max Sharnoff
2020-11-24codec: add read_buffer_mut to FramedRead (#3166)漂流
2020-11-23time: use intrusive lists for timer tracking (#3080)bdonlan
2020-11-20macros: fix rustfmt on 1.48.0 (#3160)Eliza Weisman
2020-11-20util: fix typo in udp/ (#3154)cssivision
2020-11-18chore: prepare v0.3.4 release (#3152)Carl Lerche
2020-11-18io: add vectored writes to `AsyncWrite` (#3149)Sean McArthur
2020-11-17net: add SO_LINGER get/set to TcpStream (#3143)Zeki Sherif
2020-11-16net: add UdpSocket readiness and non-blocking ops (#3138)Carl Lerche
2020-11-16sync: add `Notify::notify_waiters` (#3098)Zahari Dichev
2020-11-16net: Add send/recv buf size methods to `TcpSocket` (#3145)Eliza Weisman
2020-11-16net: restore TcpStream::{poll_read_ready, poll_write_ready} (#2743)masnagam
2020-11-13chore: automate running benchmarks (#3140)Carl Lerche
2020-11-13chore: update pin-project-lite to 0.2.0 (#3139)Taiki Endo
2020-11-13net: add missing doc cfg on TcpSocket (#3137)Carl Lerche