path: root/tokio/src/timer/timer/
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1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tokio/src/timer/timer/ b/tokio/src/timer/timer/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbff2be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tokio/src/timer/timer/
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+use crate::timer::clock::now;
+use crate::timer::timer::Inner;
+use crate::timer::{Delay, Error, Timeout};
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
+use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+/// Handle to timer instance.
+/// The `Handle` allows creating `Delay` instances that are driven by the
+/// associated timer.
+/// A `Handle` is obtained by calling [`Timer::handle`], [`Handle::current`], or
+/// [`Handle::default`].
+/// * [`Timer::handle`]: returns a handle associated with the specific timer.
+/// The handle will always reference the same timer.
+/// * [`Handle::current`]: returns a handle to the timer for the execution
+/// context **at the time the function is called**. This function must be
+/// called from a runtime that has an associated timer or it will panic.
+/// The handle will always reference the same timer.
+/// * [`Handle::default`]: returns a handle to the timer for the execution
+/// context **at the time the handle is used**. This function is safe to call
+/// at any time. The handle may reference different specific timer instances.
+/// Calling `Handle::default().delay(...)` is always equivalent to
+/// `Delay::new(...)`.
+/// [`Timer::handle`]: struct.Timer.html#method.handle
+/// [`Handle::current`]: #method.current
+/// [`Handle::default`]: #method.default
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct Handle {
+ inner: Option<HandlePriv>,
+/// Like `Handle` but never `None`.
+pub(crate) struct HandlePriv {
+ inner: Weak<Inner>,
+thread_local! {
+ /// Tracks the timer for the current execution context.
+ static CURRENT_TIMER: RefCell<Option<HandlePriv>> = RefCell::new(None)
+///Unsets default timer handler on drop.
+pub struct DefaultGuard<'a> {
+ _lifetime: PhantomData<&'a u8>,
+impl Drop for DefaultGuard<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ CURRENT_TIMER.with(|current| {
+ let mut current = current.borrow_mut();
+ *current = None;
+ })
+ }
+///Sets handle to default timer, returning guard that unsets it on drop.
+/// # Panics
+/// This function panics if there already is a default timer set.
+pub fn set_default(handle: &Handle) -> DefaultGuard<'_> {
+ CURRENT_TIMER.with(|current| {
+ let mut current = current.borrow_mut();
+ assert!(
+ current.is_none(),
+ "default Tokio timer already set \
+ for execution context"
+ );
+ let handle = handle
+ .as_priv()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("`handle` does not reference a timer"));
+ *current = Some(handle.clone());
+ });
+ DefaultGuard {
+ _lifetime: PhantomData,
+ }
+impl Handle {
+ pub(crate) fn new(inner: Weak<Inner>) -> Handle {
+ let inner = HandlePriv { inner };
+ Handle { inner: Some(inner) }
+ }
+ /// Returns a handle to the current timer.
+ ///
+ /// The current timer is the timer that is currently set as default using
+ /// [`with_default`].
+ ///
+ /// This function should only be called from within the context of
+ /// [`with_default`]. Calling this function from outside of this context
+ /// will return a `Handle` that does not reference a timer. `Delay`
+ /// instances created with this handle will error.
+ ///
+ /// See [type] level documentation for more ways to obtain a `Handle` value.
+ ///
+ /// [`with_default`]: fn.with_default
+ /// [type]: #
+ pub fn current() -> Handle {
+ let private =
+ HandlePriv::try_current().unwrap_or_else(|_| HandlePriv { inner: Weak::new() });
+ Handle {
+ inner: Some(private),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Create a `Delay` driven by this handle's associated `Timer`.
+ pub fn delay(&self, deadline: Instant) -> Delay {
+ self.delay_timeout(deadline, Duration::from_secs(0))
+ }
+ fn delay_timeout(&self, deadline: Instant, duration: Duration) -> Delay {
+ match self.inner {
+ Some(ref handle_priv) => {
+ Delay::new_with_handle(deadline, Duration::from_secs(0), handle_priv.clone())
+ }
+ None => Delay::new_timeout(deadline, duration),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Create a `Timeout` driven by this handle's associated `Timer`.
+ pub fn timeout<T>(&self, value: T, timeout: Duration) -> Timeout<T> {
+ Timeout::new_with_delay(value, self.delay_timeout(now() + timeout, timeout))
+ }
+ /*
+ /// Create a new `Interval` that starts at `at` and yields every `duration`
+ /// interval after that.
+ pub fn interval(&self, at: Instant, duration: Duration) -> Interval {
+ Interval::new_with_delay(self.delay(at), duration)
+ }
+ */
+ fn as_priv(&self) -> Option<&HandlePriv> {
+ self.inner.as_ref()
+ }
+impl Default for Handle {
+ fn default() -> Handle {
+ Handle { inner: None }
+ }
+impl HandlePriv {
+ /// Try to get a handle to the current timer.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `Err` if no handle is found.
+ pub(crate) fn try_current() -> Result<HandlePriv, Error> {
+ CURRENT_TIMER.with(|current| match *current.borrow() {
+ Some(ref handle) => Ok(handle.clone()),
+ None => Err(Error::shutdown()),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Try to return a strong ref to the inner
+ pub(crate) fn inner(&self) -> Option<Arc<Inner>> {
+ self.inner.upgrade()
+ }
+ /// Consume the handle, returning the weak Inner ref.
+ pub(crate) fn into_inner(self) -> Weak<Inner> {
+ self.inner
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for HandlePriv {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "HandlePriv")
+ }