path: root/tokio/src/task/
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diff --git a/tokio/src/task/ b/tokio/src/task/
index 36bc4579..28bbcdb5 100644
--- a/tokio/src/task/
+++ b/tokio/src/task/
@@ -51,64 +51,66 @@ cfg_rt_multi_thread! {
-/// Runs the provided closure on a thread where blocking is acceptable.
-/// In general, issuing a blocking call or performing a lot of compute in a
-/// future without yielding is problematic, as it may prevent the executor from
-/// driving other futures forward. This function runs the provided closure on a
-/// thread dedicated to blocking operations. See the [CPU-bound tasks and
-/// blocking code][blocking] section for more information.
-/// Tokio will spawn more blocking threads when they are requested through this
-/// function until the upper limit configured on the [`Builder`] is reached.
-/// This limit is very large by default, because `spawn_blocking` is often used
-/// for various kinds of IO operations that cannot be performed asynchronously.
-/// When you run CPU-bound code using `spawn_blocking`, you should keep this
-/// large upper limit in mind. When running many CPU-bound computations, a
-/// semaphore or some other synchronization primitive should be used to limit
-/// the number of computation executed in parallel. Specialized CPU-bound
-/// executors, such as [rayon], may also be a good fit.
-/// This function is intended for non-async operations that eventually finish on
-/// their own. If you want to spawn an ordinary thread, you should use
-/// [`thread::spawn`] instead.
-/// Closures spawned using `spawn_blocking` cannot be cancelled. When you shut
-/// down the executor, it will wait indefinitely for all blocking operations to
-/// finish. You can use [`shutdown_timeout`] to stop waiting for them after a
-/// certain timeout. Be aware that this will still not cancel the tasks — they
-/// are simply allowed to keep running after the method returns.
-/// Note that if you are using the single threaded runtime, this function will
-/// still spawn additional threads for blocking operations. The basic
-/// scheduler's single thread is only used for asynchronous code.
-/// [`Builder`]: struct@crate::runtime::Builder
-/// [blocking]: ../index.html#cpu-bound-tasks-and-blocking-code
-/// [rayon]:
-/// [`thread::spawn`]: fn@std::thread::spawn
-/// [`shutdown_timeout`]: fn@crate::runtime::Runtime::shutdown_timeout
-/// # Examples
-/// ```
-/// use tokio::task;
-/// # async fn docs() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{
-/// let res = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
-/// // do some compute-heavy work or call synchronous code
-/// "done computing"
-/// }).await?;
-/// assert_eq!(res, "done computing");
-/// # Ok(())
-/// # }
-/// ```
-#[cfg_attr(tokio_track_caller, track_caller)]
-pub fn spawn_blocking<F, R>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<R>
- F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
- R: Send + 'static,
- crate::runtime::spawn_blocking(f)
+cfg_rt! {
+ /// Runs the provided closure on a thread where blocking is acceptable.
+ ///
+ /// In general, issuing a blocking call or performing a lot of compute in a
+ /// future without yielding is problematic, as it may prevent the executor from
+ /// driving other futures forward. This function runs the provided closure on a
+ /// thread dedicated to blocking operations. See the [CPU-bound tasks and
+ /// blocking code][blocking] section for more information.
+ ///
+ /// Tokio will spawn more blocking threads when they are requested through this
+ /// function until the upper limit configured on the [`Builder`] is reached.
+ /// This limit is very large by default, because `spawn_blocking` is often used
+ /// for various kinds of IO operations that cannot be performed asynchronously.
+ /// When you run CPU-bound code using `spawn_blocking`, you should keep this
+ /// large upper limit in mind. When running many CPU-bound computations, a
+ /// semaphore or some other synchronization primitive should be used to limit
+ /// the number of computation executed in parallel. Specialized CPU-bound
+ /// executors, such as [rayon], may also be a good fit.
+ ///
+ /// This function is intended for non-async operations that eventually finish on
+ /// their own. If you want to spawn an ordinary thread, you should use
+ /// [`thread::spawn`] instead.
+ ///
+ /// Closures spawned using `spawn_blocking` cannot be cancelled. When you shut
+ /// down the executor, it will wait indefinitely for all blocking operations to
+ /// finish. You can use [`shutdown_timeout`] to stop waiting for them after a
+ /// certain timeout. Be aware that this will still not cancel the tasks — they
+ /// are simply allowed to keep running after the method returns.
+ ///
+ /// Note that if you are using the single threaded runtime, this function will
+ /// still spawn additional threads for blocking operations. The basic
+ /// scheduler's single thread is only used for asynchronous code.
+ ///
+ /// [`Builder`]: struct@crate::runtime::Builder
+ /// [blocking]: ../index.html#cpu-bound-tasks-and-blocking-code
+ /// [rayon]:
+ /// [`thread::spawn`]: fn@std::thread::spawn
+ /// [`shutdown_timeout`]: fn@crate::runtime::Runtime::shutdown_timeout
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use tokio::task;
+ ///
+ /// # async fn docs() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{
+ /// let res = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
+ /// // do some compute-heavy work or call synchronous code
+ /// "done computing"
+ /// }).await?;
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(res, "done computing");
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg_attr(tokio_track_caller, track_caller)]
+ pub fn spawn_blocking<F, R>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<R>
+ where
+ F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
+ R: Send + 'static,
+ {
+ crate::runtime::spawn_blocking(f)
+ }