path: root/examples/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 473 deletions
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
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index b21432af..00000000
--- a/examples/
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-//! A chat server that broadcasts a message to all connections.
-//! This example is explicitly more verbose than it has to be. This is to
-//! illustrate more concepts.
-//! A chat server for telnet clients. After a telnet client connects, the first
-//! line should contain the client's name. After that, all lines sent by a
-//! client are broadcasted to all other connected clients.
-//! Because the client is telnet, lines are delimited by "\r\n".
-//! You can test this out by running:
-//! cargo run --example chat
-//! And then in another terminal run:
-//! telnet localhost 6142
-//! You can run the `telnet` command in any number of additional windows.
-//! You can run the second command in multiple windows and then chat between the
-//! two, seeing the messages from the other client as they're received. For all
-//! connected clients they'll all join the same room and see everyone else's
-//! messages.
-extern crate tokio;
-extern crate futures;
-extern crate bytes;
-use bytes::{BufMut, Bytes, BytesMut};
-use futures::future::{self, Either};
-use futures::sync::mpsc;
-use tokio::io;
-use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
-use tokio::prelude::*;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::net::SocketAddr;
-use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
-/// Shorthand for the transmit half of the message channel.
-type Tx = mpsc::UnboundedSender<Bytes>;
-/// Shorthand for the receive half of the message channel.
-type Rx = mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Bytes>;
-/// Data that is shared between all peers in the chat server.
-/// This is the set of `Tx` handles for all connected clients. Whenever a
-/// message is received from a client, it is broadcasted to all peers by
-/// iterating over the `peers` entries and sending a copy of the message on each
-/// `Tx`.
-struct Shared {
- peers: HashMap<SocketAddr, Tx>,
-/// The state for each connected client.
-struct Peer {
- /// Name of the peer.
- ///
- /// When a client connects, the first line sent is treated as the client's
- /// name (like alice or bob). The name is used to preface all messages that
- /// arrive from the client so that we can simulate a real chat server:
- ///
- /// ```text
- /// alice: Hello everyone.
- /// bob: Welcome to telnet chat!
- /// ```
- name: BytesMut,
- /// The TCP socket wrapped with the `Lines` codec, defined below.
- ///
- /// This handles sending and receiving data on the socket. When using
- /// `Lines`, we can work at the line level instead of having to manage the
- /// raw byte operations.
- lines: Lines,
- /// Handle to the shared chat state.
- ///
- /// This is used to broadcast messages read off the socket to all connected
- /// peers.
- state: Arc<Mutex<Shared>>,
- /// Receive half of the message channel.
- ///
- /// This is used to receive messages from peers. When a message is received
- /// off of this `Rx`, it will be written to the socket.
- rx: Rx,
- /// Client socket address.
- ///
- /// The socket address is used as the key in the `peers` HashMap. The
- /// address is saved so that the `Peer` drop implementation can clean up its
- /// entry.
- addr: SocketAddr,
-/// Line based codec
-/// This decorates a socket and presents a line based read / write interface.
-/// As a user of `Lines`, we can focus on working at the line level. So, we send
-/// and receive values that represent entire lines. The `Lines` codec will
-/// handle the encoding and decoding as well as reading from and writing to the
-/// socket.
-struct Lines {
- /// The TCP socket.
- socket: TcpStream,
- /// Buffer used when reading from the socket. Data is not returned from this
- /// buffer until an entire line has been read.
- rd: BytesMut,
- /// Buffer used to stage data before writing it to the socket.
- wr: BytesMut,
-impl Shared {
- /// Create a new, empty, instance of `Shared`.
- fn new() -> Self {
- Shared {
- peers: HashMap::new(),
- }
- }
-impl Peer {
- /// Create a new instance of `Peer`.
- fn new(name: BytesMut, state: Arc<Mutex<Shared>>, lines: Lines) -> Peer {
- // Get the client socket address
- let addr = lines.socket.peer_addr().unwrap();
- // Create a channel for this peer
- let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
- // Add an entry for this `Peer` in the shared state map.
- state.lock().unwrap().peers.insert(addr, tx);
- Peer {
- name,
- lines,
- state,
- rx,
- addr,
- }
- }
-/// This is where a connected client is managed.
-/// A `Peer` is also a future representing completely processing the client.
-/// When a `Peer` is created, the first line (representing the client's name)
-/// has already been read. When the socket closes, the `Peer` future completes.
-/// While processing, the peer future implementation will:
-/// 1) Receive messages on its message channel and write them to the socket.
-/// 2) Receive messages from the socket and broadcast them to all peers.
-impl Future for Peer {
- type Item = ();
- type Error = io::Error;
- fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(), io::Error> {
- // Tokio (and futures) use cooperative scheduling without any
- // preemption. If a task never yields execution back to the executor,
- // then other tasks may be starved.
- //
- // To deal with this, robust applications should not have any unbounded
- // loops. In this example, we will read at most `LINES_PER_TICK` lines
- // from the client on each tick.
- //
- // If the limit is hit, the current task is notified, informing the
- // executor to schedule the task again asap.
- const LINES_PER_TICK: usize = 10;
- // Receive all messages from peers.
- for i in 0..LINES_PER_TICK {
- // Polling an `UnboundedReceiver` cannot fail, so `unwrap` here is
- // safe.
- match self.rx.poll().unwrap() {
- Async::Ready(Some(v)) => {
- // Buffer the line. Once all lines are buffered, they will
- // be flushed to the socket (right below).
- self.lines.buffer(&v);
- // If this is the last iteration, the loop will break even
- // though there could still be lines to read. Because we did
- // not reach `Async::NotReady`, we have to notify ourselves
- // in order to tell the executor to schedule the task again.
- if i + 1 == LINES_PER_TICK {
- task::current().notify();
- }
- }
- _ => break,
- }
- }
- // Flush the write buffer to the socket
- let _ = self.lines.poll_flush()?;
- // Read new lines from the socket
- while let Async::Ready(line) = self.lines.poll()? {
- println!("Received line ({:?}) : {:?}",, line);
- if let Some(message) = line {
- // Append the peer's name to the front of the line:
- let mut line =;
- line.extend_from_slice(b": ");
- line.extend_from_slice(&message);
- line.extend_from_slice(b"\r\n");
- // We're using `Bytes`, which allows zero-copy clones (by
- // storing the data in an Arc internally).
- //
- // However, before cloning, we must freeze the data. This
- // converts it from mutable -> immutable, allowing zero copy
- // cloning.
- let line = line.freeze();
- // Now, send the line to all other peers
- for (addr, tx) in &self.state.lock().unwrap().peers {
- // Don't send the message to ourselves
- if *addr != self.addr {
- // The send only fails if the rx half has been dropped,
- // however this is impossible as the `tx` half will be
- // removed from the map before the `rx` is dropped.
- tx.unbounded_send(line.clone()).unwrap();
- }
- }
- } else {
- // EOF was reached. The remote client has disconnected. There is
- // nothing more to do.
- return Ok(Async::Ready(()));
- }
- }
- // As always, it is important to not just return `NotReady` without
- // ensuring an inner future also returned `NotReady`.
- //
- // We know we got a `NotReady` from either `self.rx` or `self.lines`, so
- // the contract is respected.
- Ok(Async::NotReady)
- }
-impl Drop for Peer {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- self.state.lock().unwrap().peers.remove(&self.addr);
- }
-impl Lines {
- /// Create a new `Lines` codec backed by the socket
- fn new(socket: TcpStream) -> Self {
- Lines {
- socket,
- rd: BytesMut::new(),
- wr: BytesMut::new(),
- }
- }
- /// Buffer a line.
- ///
- /// This writes the line to an internal buffer. Calls to `poll_flush` will
- /// attempt to flush this buffer to the socket.
- fn buffer(&mut self, line: &[u8]) {
- // Ensure the buffer has capacity. Ideally this would not be unbounded,
- // but to keep the example simple, we will not limit this.
- self.wr.reserve(line.len());
- // Push the line onto the end of the write buffer.
- //
- // The `put` function is from the `BufMut` trait.
- self.wr.put(line);
- }
- /// Flush the write buffer to the socket
- fn poll_flush(&mut self) -> Poll<(), io::Error> {
- // As long as there is buffered data to write, try to write it.
- while !self.wr.is_empty() {
- // Try to write some bytes to the socket
- let n = try_ready!(self.socket.poll_write(&self.wr));
- // As long as the wr is not empty, a successful write should
- // never write 0 bytes.
- assert!(n > 0);
- // This discards the first `n` bytes of the buffer.
- let _ = self.wr.split_to(n);
- }
- Ok(Async::Ready(()))
- }
- /// Read data from the socket.
- ///
- /// This only returns `Ready` when the socket has closed.
- fn fill_read_buf(&mut self) -> Poll<(), io::Error> {
- loop {
- // Ensure the read buffer has capacity.
- //
- // This might result in an internal allocation.
- self.rd.reserve(1024);
- // Read data into the buffer.
- let n = try_ready!(self.socket.read_buf(&mut self.rd));
- if n == 0 {
- return Ok(Async::Ready(()));
- }
- }
- }
-impl Stream for Lines {
- type Item = BytesMut;
- type Error = io::Error;
- fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
- // First, read any new data that might have been received off the socket
- let sock_closed = self.fill_read_buf()?.is_ready();
- // Now, try finding lines
- let pos = self
- .rd
- .windows(2)
- .enumerate()
- .find(|&(_, bytes)| bytes == b"\r\n")
- .map(|(i, _)| i);
- if let Some(pos) = pos {
- // Remove the line from the read buffer and set it to `line`.
- let mut line = self.rd.split_to(pos + 2);
- // Drop the trailing \r\n
- line.split_off(pos);
- // Return the line
- return Ok(Async::Ready(Some(line)));
- }
- if sock_closed {
- Ok(Async::Ready(None))
- } else {
- Ok(Async::NotReady)
- }
- }
-/// Spawn a task to manage the socket.
-/// This will read the first line from the socket to identify the client, then
-/// add the client to the set of connected peers in the chat service.
-fn process(socket: TcpStream, state: Arc<Mutex<Shared>>) {
- // Wrap the socket with the `Lines` codec that we wrote above.
- //
- // By doing this, we can operate at the line level instead of doing raw byte
- // manipulation.
- let lines = Lines::new(socket);
- // The first line is treated as the client's name. The client is not added
- // to the set of connected peers until this line is received.
- //
- // We use the `into_future` combinator to extract the first item from the
- // lines stream. `into_future` takes a `Stream` and converts it to a future
- // of `(first, rest)` where `rest` is the original stream instance.
- let connection = lines
- .into_future()
- // `into_future` doesn't have the right error type, so map the error to
- // make it work.
- .map_err(|(e, _)| e)
- // Process the first received line as the client's name.
- .and_then(|(name, lines)| {
- // If `name` is `None`, then the client disconnected without
- // actually sending a line of data.
- //
- // Since the connection is closed, there is no further work that we
- // need to do. So, we just terminate processing by returning
- // `future::ok()`.
- //
- // The problem is that only a single future type can be returned
- // from a combinator closure, but we want to return both
- // `future::ok()` and `Peer` (below).
- //
- // This is a common problem, so the `futures` crate solves this by
- // providing the `Either` helper enum that allows creating a single
- // return type that covers two concrete future types.
- let name = match name {
- Some(name) => name,
- None => {
- // The remote client closed the connection without sending
- // any data.
- return Either::A(future::ok(()));
- }
- };
- println!("`{:?}` is joining the chat", name);
- // Create the peer.
- //
- // This is also a future that processes the connection, only
- // completing when the socket closes.
- let peer = Peer::new(name, state, lines);
- // Wrap `peer` with `Either::B` to make the return type fit.
- Either::B(peer)
- })
- // Task futures have an error of type `()`, this ensures we handle the
- // error. We do this by printing the error to STDOUT.
- .map_err(|e| {
- println!("connection error = {:?}", e);
- });
- // Spawn the task. Internally, this submits the task to a thread pool.
- tokio::spawn(connection);
-pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
- // Create the shared state. This is how all the peers communicate.
- //
- // The server task will hold a handle to this. For every new client, the
- // `state` handle is cloned and passed into the task that processes the
- // client connection.
- let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Shared::new()));
- let addr = "".parse()?;
- // Bind a TCP listener to the socket address.
- //
- // Note that this is the Tokio TcpListener, which is fully async.
- let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr)?;
- // The server task asynchronously iterates over and processes each
- // incoming connection.
- let server = listener
- .incoming()
- .for_each(move |socket| {
- // Spawn a task to process the connection
- process(socket, state.clone());
- Ok(())
- })
- .map_err(|err| {
- // All tasks must have an `Error` type of `()`. This forces error
- // handling and helps avoid silencing failures.
- //
- // In our example, we are only going to log the error to STDOUT.
- println!("accept error = {:?}", err);
- });
- println!("server running on localhost:6142");
- // Start the Tokio runtime.
- //
- // The Tokio is a pre-configured "out of the box" runtime for building
- // asynchronous applications. It includes both a reactor and a task
- // scheduler. This means applications are multithreaded by default.
- //
- // This function blocks until the runtime reaches an idle state. Idle is
- // defined as all spawned tasks have completed and all I/O resources (TCP
- // sockets in our case) have been dropped.
- //
- // In our example, we have not defined a shutdown strategy, so this will
- // block until `ctrl-c` is pressed at the terminal.
- tokio::run(server);
- Ok(())