path: root/tokio-threadpool
diff options
authorCarl Lerche <>2018-04-05 10:57:05 -0700
committerGitHub <>2018-04-05 10:57:05 -0700
commit3be6b69e1b2036f09db5e0823316daa85efbbeeb (patch)
treec53a2459171bc255fcca84be94451c2106850dd4 /tokio-threadpool
parent0bcf9b0ae61ec78db7ebac9853b76a2bf1c02e62 (diff)
Refactor threadpool task types (#300)
Replaces homegrown Arc with std Arc Is this safer? Unknown. At least we don't have to maintain an arc implementation anymore. This will also make it easier to filter out tsan false positives. Also split task/ into multiple files.
Diffstat (limited to 'tokio-threadpool')
9 files changed, 479 insertions, 546 deletions
diff --git a/tokio-threadpool/src/ b/tokio-threadpool/src/
index 851dc55f..13190b4b 100644
--- a/tokio-threadpool/src/
+++ b/tokio-threadpool/src/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use pool::Pool;
use task::Task;
use std::mem;
-use std::sync::Weak;
+use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use futures::executor::Notify;
@@ -19,37 +19,51 @@ impl Notify for Notifier {
fn notify(&self, id: usize) {
trace!("Notifier::notify; id=0x{:x}", id);
- let id = id as usize;
- let task = unsafe { Task::from_notify_id_ref(&id) };
- if !task.schedule() {
- trace!(" -> task already scheduled");
- // task is already scheduled, there is nothing more to do
- return;
- }
+ unsafe {
+ let ptr = id as *const Task;
+ let task = Arc::from_raw(ptr);
- // TODO: Check if the pool is still running
+ if task.schedule() {
+ // TODO: Check if the pool is still running
+ //
+ // Bump the ref count
+ let task = task.clone();
- // Bump the ref count
- let task = task.clone();
+ if let Some(inner) = self.inner.upgrade() {
+ let _ = inner.submit(task, &inner);
+ }
+ }
- if let Some(inner) = self.inner.upgrade() {
- let _ = inner.submit(task, &inner);
+ // We did not actually take ownership of the `Arc` in this function.
+ mem::forget(task);
fn clone_id(&self, id: usize) -> usize {
- unsafe {
- let handle = Task::from_notify_id_ref(&id);
- mem::forget(handle.clone());
- }
+ let ptr = id as *const Task;
+ // This function doesn't actually get a strong ref to the task here.
+ // However, the only method we have to convert a raw pointer -> &Arc<T>
+ // is to call `Arc::from_raw` which returns a strong ref. So, to
+ // maintain the invariants, `t1` has to be forgotten. This prevents the
+ // ref count from being decremented.
+ let t1 = unsafe { Arc::from_raw(ptr) };
+ let t2 = t1.clone();
+ mem::forget(t1);
+ // t2 is forgotten so that the fn exits without decrementing the ref
+ // count. The caller of `clone_id` ensures that `drop_id` is called when
+ // the ref count needs to be decremented.
+ mem::forget(t2);
fn drop_id(&self, id: usize) {
unsafe {
- let _ = Task::from_notify_id(id);
+ let ptr = id as *const Task;
+ let _ = Arc::from_raw(ptr);
diff --git a/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/ b/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/
index ba4aa17f..91305c2b 100644
--- a/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/
+++ b/tokio-threadpool/src/pool/
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ impl Pool {
/// Called from either inside or outside of the scheduler. If currently on
/// the scheduler, then a fast path is taken.
- pub fn submit(&self, task: Task, inner: &Arc<Pool>) {
+ pub fn submit(&self, task: Arc<Task>, inner: &Arc<Pool>) {
Worker::with_current(|worker| {
match worker {
Some(worker) => {
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ impl Pool {
/// Called from outside of the scheduler, this function is how new tasks
/// enter the system.
- fn submit_external(&self, task: Task, inner: &Arc<Pool>) {
+ fn submit_external(&self, task: Arc<Task>, inner: &Arc<Pool>) {
use worker::Lifecycle::Notified;
// First try to get a handle to a sleeping worker. This ensures that
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ impl Pool {
fn submit_to_external(&self,
idx: usize,
- task: Task,
+ task: Arc<Task>,
state: worker::State,
inner: &Arc<Pool>)
diff --git a/tokio-threadpool/src/ b/tokio-threadpool/src/
index c07818fe..d540e558 100644
--- a/tokio-threadpool/src/
+++ b/tokio-threadpool/src/
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ impl<'a> tokio_executor::Executor for &'a Sender {
// execution.
// Create a new task for the future
- let task = Task::new(future);
+ let task = Arc::new(Task::new(future));
self.inner.submit(task, &self.inner);
diff --git a/tokio-threadpool/src/ b/tokio-threadpool/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 61525bb4..00000000
--- a/tokio-threadpool/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
-use notifier::Notifier;
-use sender::Sender;
-use futures::{self, future, Future, Async};
-use futures::executor::{self, Spawn};
-use std::{fmt, mem, panic, ptr};
-use std::cell::Cell;
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicUsize, AtomicPtr};
-use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{AcqRel, Acquire, Release, Relaxed};
-#[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
-use futures2;
-pub(crate) struct Task {
- ptr: *mut Inner,
-pub(crate) struct Queue {
- head: AtomicPtr<Inner>,
- tail: Cell<*mut Inner>,
- stub: Box<Inner>,
-pub(crate) enum Poll {
- Empty,
- Inconsistent,
- Data(Task),
-pub(crate) enum Run {
- Idle,
- Schedule,
- Complete,
-type BoxFuture = Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + Send + 'static>;
-#[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
-type BoxFuture2 = Box<futures2::Future<Item = (), Error = futures2::Never> + Send>;
-enum TaskFuture {
- Futures1(Spawn<BoxFuture>),
- #[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
- Futures2 {
- tls: futures2::task::LocalMap,
- waker: futures2::task::Waker,
- fut: BoxFuture2,
- }
-struct Inner {
- // Next pointer in the queue that submits tasks to a worker.
- next: AtomicPtr<Inner>,
- // Task state
- state: AtomicUsize,
- // Number of outstanding references to the task
- ref_count: AtomicUsize,
- // Store the future at the head of the struct
- //
- // The future is dropped immediately when it transitions to Complete
- future: Option<TaskFuture>,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
-enum State {
- /// Task is currently idle
- Idle,
- /// Task is currently running
- Running,
- /// Task is currently running, but has been notified that it must run again.
- Notified,
- /// Task has been scheduled
- Scheduled,
- /// Task is complete
- Complete,
-// ===== impl Task =====
-impl Task {
- /// Create a new task handle
- pub fn new(future: BoxFuture) -> Task {
- let task_fut = TaskFuture::Futures1(executor::spawn(future));
- let inner = Box::new(Inner {
- next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
- state: AtomicUsize::new(State::new().into()),
- ref_count: AtomicUsize::new(1),
- future: Some(task_fut),
- });
- Task { ptr: Box::into_raw(inner) }
- }
- /// Create a new task handle for a futures 0.2 future
- #[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
- pub fn new2<F>(fut: BoxFuture2, make_waker: F) -> Task
- where F: FnOnce(usize) -> futures2::task::Waker
- {
- let mut inner = Box::new(Inner {
- next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
- state: AtomicUsize::new(State::new().into()),
- ref_count: AtomicUsize::new(1),
- future: None,
- });
- let waker = make_waker((&*inner) as *const _ as usize);
- let tls = futures2::task::LocalMap::new();
- inner.future = Some(TaskFuture::Futures2 { waker, tls, fut });
- Task { ptr: Box::into_raw(inner) }
- }
- /// Transmute a u64 to a Task
- pub unsafe fn from_notify_id(unpark_id: usize) -> Task {
- mem::transmute(unpark_id)
- }
- /// Transmute a u64 to a task ref
- pub unsafe fn from_notify_id_ref<'a>(unpark_id: &'a usize) -> &'a Task {
- mem::transmute(unpark_id)
- }
- /// Execute the task returning `Run::Schedule` if the task needs to be
- /// scheduled again.
- pub fn run(&self, unpark: &Arc<Notifier>, exec: &mut Sender) -> Run {
- use self::State::*;
- // Transition task to running state. At this point, the task must be
- // scheduled.
- let actual: State = self.inner().state.compare_and_swap(
- Scheduled.into(), Running.into(), AcqRel).into();
- trace!("running; state={:?}", actual);
- match actual {
- Scheduled => {},
- _ => panic!("unexpected task state; {:?}", actual),
- }
- trace!("Task::run; state={:?}", State::from(self.inner().state.load(Relaxed)));
- let fut = &mut self.inner_mut().future;
- // This block deals with the future panicking while being polled.
- //
- // If the future panics, then the drop handler must be called such that
- // `thread::panicking() -> true`. To do this, the future is dropped from
- // within the catch_unwind block.
- let res = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
- struct Guard<'a>(&'a mut Option<TaskFuture>, bool);
- impl<'a> Drop for Guard<'a> {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- // This drops the future
- if self.1 {
- let _ = self.0.take();
- }
- }
- }
- let mut g = Guard(fut, true);
- let ret = g.0.as_mut().unwrap()
- .poll(unpark, self.ptr as usize, exec);
- g.1 = false;
- ret
- }));
- match res {
- Ok(Ok(Async::Ready(_))) | Ok(Err(_)) | Err(_) => {
- trace!(" -> task complete");
- // Drop the future
- self.inner_mut().drop_future();
- // Transition to the completed state
- self.inner(), Release);
- Run::Complete
- }
- Ok(Ok(Async::NotReady)) => {
- trace!(" -> not ready");
- // Attempt to transition from Running -> Idle, if successful,
- // then the task does not need to be scheduled again. If the CAS
- // fails, then the task has been unparked concurrent to running,
- // in which case it transitions immediately back to scheduled
- // and we return `true`.
- let prev: State = self.inner().state.compare_and_swap(
- Running.into(), Idle.into(), AcqRel).into();
- match prev {
- Running => Run::Idle,
- Notified => {
- self.inner(), Release);
- Run::Schedule
- }
- _ => unreachable!(),
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// Transition the task state to scheduled.
- ///
- /// Returns `true` if the caller is permitted to schedule the task.
- pub fn schedule(&self) -> bool {
- use self::State::*;
- loop {
- let actual = self.inner().state.compare_and_swap(
- Idle.into(),
- Scheduled.into(),
- AcqRel).into();
- match actual {
- Idle => return true,
- Running => {
- let actual = self.inner().state.compare_and_swap(
- Running.into(), Notified.into(), AcqRel).into();
- match actual {
- Idle => continue,
- _ => return false,
- }
- }
- Complete | Notified | Scheduled => return false,
- }
- }
- }
- #[inline]
- fn inner(&self) -> &Inner {
- unsafe { &*self.ptr }
- }
- #[inline]
- fn inner_mut(&self) -> &mut Inner {
- unsafe { &mut *self.ptr }
- }
-impl fmt::Debug for Task {
- fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- fmt.debug_struct("Task")
- .field("inner", self.inner())
- .finish()
- }
-impl Clone for Task {
- fn clone(&self) -> Task {
- use std::isize;
- const MAX_REFCOUNT: usize = (isize::MAX) as usize;
- // Using a relaxed ordering is alright here, as knowledge of the
- // original reference prevents other threads from erroneously deleting
- // the object.
- //
- // As explained in the [Boost documentation][1], Increasing the
- // reference counter can always be done with memory_order_relaxed: New
- // references to an object can only be formed from an existing
- // reference, and passing an existing reference from one thread to
- // another must already provide any required synchronization.
- //
- // [1]: (
- let old_size = self.inner().ref_count.fetch_add(1, Relaxed);
- // However we need to guard against massive refcounts in case someone
- // is `mem::forget`ing Arcs. If we don't do this the count can overflow
- // and users will use-after free. We racily saturate to `isize::MAX` on
- // the assumption that there aren't ~2 billion threads incrementing
- // the reference count at once. This branch will never be taken in
- // any realistic program.
- //
- // We abort because such a program is incredibly degenerate, and we
- // don't care to support it.
- if old_size > MAX_REFCOUNT {
- // TODO: abort
- panic!();
- }
- Task { ptr: self.ptr }
- }
-impl Drop for Task {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- // Because `fetch_sub` is already atomic, we do not need to synchronize
- // with other threads unless we are going to delete the object. This
- // same logic applies to the below `fetch_sub` to the `weak` count.
- if self.inner().ref_count.fetch_sub(1, Release) != 1 {
- return;
- }
- // This fence is needed to prevent reordering of use of the data and
- // deletion of the data. Because it is marked `Release`, the decreasing
- // of the reference count synchronizes with this `Acquire` fence. This
- // means that use of the data happens before decreasing the reference
- // count, which happens before this fence, which happens before the
- // deletion of the data.
- //
- // As explained in the [Boost documentation][1],
- //
- // > It is important to enforce any possible access to the object in one
- // > thread (through an existing reference) to *happen before* deleting
- // > the object in a different thread. This is achieved by a "release"
- // > operation after dropping a reference (any access to the object
- // > through this reference must obviously happened before), and an
- // > "acquire" operation before deleting the object.
- //
- // [1]: (
- atomic::fence(Acquire);
- unsafe {
- let _ = Box::from_raw(self.ptr);
- }
- }
-unsafe impl Send for Task {}
-// ===== impl Inner =====
-impl Inner {
- fn stub() -> Inner {
- Inner {
- next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
- state: AtomicUsize::new(State::stub().into()),
- ref_count: AtomicUsize::new(0),
- future: Some(TaskFuture::Futures1(executor::spawn(Box::new(future::empty())))),
- }
- }
- fn drop_future(&mut self) {
- let _ = self.future.take();
- }
-impl Drop for Inner {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- self.drop_future();
- }
-impl fmt::Debug for Inner {
- fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- fmt.debug_struct("Inner")
- .field("next", &
- .field("state", &self.state)
- .field("ref_count", &self.ref_count)
- .field("future", &"Spawn<BoxFuture>")
- .finish()
- }
-// ===== impl Queue =====
-impl Queue {
- pub fn new() -> Queue {
- let stub = Box::new(Inner::stub());
- let ptr = &*stub as *const _ as *mut _;
- Queue {
- head: AtomicPtr::new(ptr),
- tail: Cell::new(ptr),
- stub: stub,
- }
- }
- pub fn push(&self, handle: Task) {
- unsafe {
- self.push2(handle.ptr);
- // Forgetting the handle is necessary to avoid the ref dec
- mem::forget(handle);
- }
- }
- unsafe fn push2(&self, handle: *mut Inner) {
- // Set the next pointer. This does not require an atomic operation as
- // this node is not accessible. The write will be flushed with the next
- // operation
- (*handle).next = AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut());
- // Update the head to point to the new node. We need to see the previous
- // node in order to update the next pointer as well as release `handle`
- // to any other threads calling `push`.
- let prev = self.head.swap(handle, AcqRel);
- // Release `handle` to the consume end.
- (*prev), Release);
- }
- pub unsafe fn poll(&self) -> Poll {
- let mut tail = self.tail.get();
- let mut next = (*tail).next.load(Acquire);
- let stub = &*self.stub as *const _ as *mut _;
- if tail == stub {
- if next.is_null() {
- return Poll::Empty;
- }
- self.tail.set(next);
- tail = next;
- next = (*next).next.load(Acquire);
- }
- if !next.is_null() {
- self.tail.set(next);
- // No ref_count inc is necessary here as this poll is paired
- // with a `push` which "forgets" the handle.
- return Poll::Data(Task {
- ptr: tail,
- });
- }
- if self.head.load(Acquire) != tail {
- return Poll::Inconsistent;
- }
- self.push2(stub);
- next = (*tail).next.load(Acquire);
- if !next.is_null() {
- self.tail.set(next);
- return Poll::Data(Task {
- ptr: tail,
- });
- }
- Poll::Inconsistent
- }
-// ===== impl State =====
-impl State {
- /// Returns the initial task state.
- ///
- /// Tasks start in the scheduled state as they are immediately scheduled on
- /// creation.
- fn new() -> State {
- State::Scheduled
- }
- fn stub() -> State {
- State::Idle
- }
-impl From<usize> for State {
- fn from(src: usize) -> Self {
- use self::State::*;
- match src {
- 0 => Idle,
- 1 => Running,
- 2 => Notified,
- 3 => Scheduled,
- 4 => Complete,
- _ => unreachable!(),
- }
- }
-impl From<State> for usize {
- fn from(src: State) -> Self {
- use self::State::*;
- match src {
- Idle => 0,
- Running => 1,
- Notified => 2,
- Scheduled => 3,
- Complete => 4,
- }
- }
-// ===== impl TaskFuture =====
-impl TaskFuture {
- #[allow(unused_variables)]
- fn poll(&mut self, unpark: &Arc<Notifier>, id: usize, exec: &mut Sender) -> futures::Poll<(), ()> {
- match *self {
- TaskFuture::Futures1(ref mut fut) => fut.poll_future_notify(unpark, id),
- #[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
- TaskFuture::Futures2 { ref mut fut, ref waker, ref mut tls } => {
- let mut cx = futures2::task::Context::new(tls, waker, exec);
- match fut.poll(&mut cx).unwrap() {
- futures2::Async::Pending => Ok(Async::NotReady),
- futures2::Async::Ready(x) => Ok(Async::Ready(x)),
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/tokio-threadpool/src/task/ b/tokio-threadpool/src/task/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3361789a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tokio-threadpool/src/task/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+mod queue;
+mod state;
+pub(crate) use self::queue::{Queue, Poll};
+use self::state::State;
+use notifier::Notifier;
+use sender::Sender;
+use futures::{self, Future, Async};
+use futures::executor::{self, Spawn};
+use std::{fmt, panic, ptr};
+use std::cell::{UnsafeCell};
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicPtr};
+use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{AcqRel, Release, Relaxed};
+#[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
+use futures2;
+/// Harness around a future.
+/// This also behaves as a node in the inbound work queue and the blocking
+/// queue.
+pub(crate) struct Task {
+ /// Task state
+ state: AtomicUsize,
+ /// Next pointer in the queue that submits tasks to a worker.
+ next: AtomicPtr<Task>,
+ /// Store the future at the head of the struct
+ ///
+ /// The future is dropped immediately when it transitions to Complete
+ future: UnsafeCell<Option<TaskFuture>>,
+pub(crate) enum Run {
+ Idle,
+ Schedule,
+ Complete,
+type BoxFuture = Box<Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + Send + 'static>;
+#[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
+type BoxFuture2 = Box<futures2::Future<Item = (), Error = futures2::Never> + Send>;
+enum TaskFuture {
+ Futures1(Spawn<BoxFuture>),
+ #[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
+ Futures2 {
+ tls: futures2::task::LocalMap,
+ waker: futures2::task::Waker,
+ fut: BoxFuture2,
+ }
+// ===== impl Task =====
+impl Task {
+ /// Create a new `Task` as a harness for `future`.
+ pub fn new(future: BoxFuture) -> Task {
+ // Wrap the future with an execution context.
+ let task_fut = TaskFuture::Futures1(executor::spawn(future));
+ Task {
+ state: AtomicUsize::new(State::new().into()),
+ next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
+ future: UnsafeCell::new(Some(task_fut)),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Create a new `Task` as a harness for a futures 0.2 `future`.
+ #[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
+ pub fn new2<F>(fut: BoxFuture2, make_waker: F) -> Task
+ where F: FnOnce(usize) -> futures2::task::Waker
+ {
+ let mut inner = Box::new(Task {
+ next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
+ state: AtomicUsize::new(State::new().into()),
+ future: None,
+ });
+ let waker = make_waker((&*inner) as *const _ as usize);
+ let tls = futures2::task::LocalMap::new();
+ inner.future = Some(TaskFuture::Futures2 { waker, tls, fut });
+ Task { ptr: Box::into_raw(inner) }
+ }
+ /// Create a fake `Task` to be used as part of the intrusive mpsc channel
+ /// algorithm.
+ fn stub() -> Task {
+ let future = Box::new(futures::empty());
+ let task_fut = TaskFuture::Futures1(executor::spawn(future));
+ Task {
+ next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
+ state: AtomicUsize::new(State::stub().into()),
+ future: UnsafeCell::new(Some(task_fut)),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Execute the task returning `Run::Schedule` if the task needs to be
+ /// scheduled again.
+ pub fn run(&self, unpark: &Arc<Notifier>, exec: &mut Sender) -> Run {
+ use self::State::*;
+ // Transition task to running state. At this point, the task must be
+ // scheduled.
+ let actual: State = self.state.compare_and_swap(
+ Scheduled.into(), Running.into(), AcqRel).into();
+ trace!("running; state={:?}", actual);
+ match actual {
+ Scheduled => {},
+ _ => panic!("unexpected task state; {:?}", actual),
+ }
+ trace!("Task::run; state={:?}", State::from(self.state.load(Relaxed)));
+ // The transition to `Running` done above ensures that a lock on the
+ // future has been obtained.
+ let fut = unsafe { &mut (*self.future.get()) };
+ // This block deals with the future panicking while being polled.
+ //
+ // If the future panics, then the drop handler must be called such that
+ // `thread::panicking() -> true`. To do this, the future is dropped from
+ // within the catch_unwind block.
+ let res = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
+ struct Guard<'a>(&'a mut Option<TaskFuture>, bool);
+ impl<'a> Drop for Guard<'a> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // This drops the future
+ if self.1 {
+ let _ = self.0.take();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut g = Guard(fut, true);
+ let ret = g.0.as_mut().unwrap()
+ .poll(unpark, self as *const _ as usize, exec);
+ g.1 = false;
+ ret
+ }));
+ match res {
+ Ok(Ok(Async::Ready(_))) | Ok(Err(_)) | Err(_) => {
+ trace!(" -> task complete");
+ // The future has completed. Drop it immediately to free
+ // resources and run drop handlers.
+ //
+ // The `Task` harness will stay around longer if it is contained
+ // by any of the various queues.
+ self.drop_future();
+ // Transition to the completed state
+, Release);
+ Run::Complete
+ }
+ Ok(Ok(Async::NotReady)) => {
+ trace!(" -> not ready");
+ // Attempt to transition from Running -> Idle, if successful,
+ // then the task does not need to be scheduled again. If the CAS
+ // fails, then the task has been unparked concurrent to running,
+ // in which case it transitions immediately back to scheduled
+ // and we return `true`.
+ let prev: State = self.state.compare_and_swap(
+ Running.into(), Idle.into(), AcqRel).into();
+ match prev {
+ Running => Run::Idle,
+ Notified => {
+, Release);
+ Run::Schedule
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Transition the task state to scheduled.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `true` if the caller is permitted to schedule the task.
+ pub fn schedule(&self) -> bool {
+ use self::State::*;
+ loop {
+ // Scheduling can only be done from the `Idle` state.
+ let actual = self.state.compare_and_swap(
+ Idle.into(),
+ Scheduled.into(),
+ AcqRel).into();
+ match actual {
+ Idle => return true,
+ Running => {
+ // The task is already running on another thread. Transition
+ // the state to `Notified`. If this CAS fails, then restart
+ // the logic again from `Idle`.
+ let actual = self.state.compare_and_swap(
+ Running.into(), Notified.into(), AcqRel).into();
+ match actual {
+ Idle => continue,
+ _ => return false,
+ }
+ }
+ Complete | Notified | Scheduled => return false,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Drop the future
+ ///
+ /// This must only be called by the thread that successfully transitioned
+ /// the future state to `Running`.
+ fn drop_future(&self) {
+ let _ = unsafe { (*self.future.get()).take() };
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for Task {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.debug_struct("Task")
+ .field("next", &
+ .field("state", &self.state)
+ .field("future", &"Spawn<BoxFuture>")
+ .finish()
+ }
+// ===== impl TaskFuture =====
+impl TaskFuture {
+ #[allow(unused_variables)]
+ fn poll(&mut self, unpark: &Arc<Notifier>, id: usize, exec: &mut Sender) -> futures::Poll<(), ()> {
+ match *self {
+ TaskFuture::Futures1(ref mut fut) => fut.poll_future_notify(unpark, id),
+ #[cfg(feature = "unstable-futures")]
+ TaskFuture::Futures2 { ref mut fut, ref waker, ref mut tls } => {
+ let mut cx = futures2::task::Context::new(tls, waker, exec);
+ match fut.poll(&mut cx).unwrap() {
+ futures2::Async::Pending => Ok(Async::NotReady),
+ futures2::Async::Ready(x) => Ok(Async::Ready(x)),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tokio-threadpool/src/task/ b/tokio-threadpool/src/task/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d205b6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tokio-threadpool/src/task/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+use task::Task;
+use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use std::sync::atomic::AtomicPtr;
+use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{Acquire, Release, AcqRel, Relaxed};
+pub(crate) struct Queue {
+ /// Queue head.
+ ///
+ /// This is a strong reference to `Task` (i.e, `Arc<Task>`)
+ head: AtomicPtr<Task>,
+ /// Tail pointer. This is `Arc<Task>`.
+ tail: UnsafeCell<*mut Task>,
+ /// Stub pointer, used as part of the intrusive mpsc channel algorithm
+ /// described by 1024cores.
+ stub: Box<Task>,
+pub(crate) enum Poll {
+ Empty,
+ Inconsistent,
+ Data(Arc<Task>),
+// ===== impl Queue =====
+impl Queue {
+ /// Create a new, empty, `Queue`.
+ pub fn new() -> Queue {
+ let stub = Box::new(Task::stub());
+ let ptr = &*stub as *const _ as *mut _;
+ Queue {
+ head: AtomicPtr::new(ptr),
+ tail: UnsafeCell::new(ptr),
+ stub: stub,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Push a task onto the queue.
+ ///
+ /// This function is `Sync`.
+ pub fn push(&self, task: Arc<Task>) {
+ unsafe {
+ self.push2(Arc::into_raw(task));
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn push2(&self, task: *const Task) {
+ let task = task as *mut Task;
+ // Set the next pointer. This does not require an atomic operation as
+ // this node is not accessible. The write will be flushed with the next
+ // operation
+ (*task), Relaxed);
+ // Update the head to point to the new node. We need to see the previous
+ // node in order to update the next pointer as well as release `task`
+ // to any other threads calling `push`.
+ let prev = self.head.swap(task, AcqRel);
+ // Release `task` to the consume end.
+ (*prev), Release);
+ }
+ /// Poll a task from the queue.
+ ///
+ /// This function is **not** `Sync` and requires coordination by the caller.
+ pub unsafe fn poll(&self) -> Poll {
+ let mut tail = *self.tail.get();
+ let mut next = (*tail).next.load(Acquire);
+ let stub = &*self.stub as *const _ as *mut _;
+ if tail == stub {
+ if next.is_null() {