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+Title: This Week In Rust 1
+Date: 2013-06-07 18:46
+Tags: this-week-in-rust, rust, programming
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to the first issue of *This Week In Rust*, a weekly overview
+of Rust and its community. I'll be covering what's cooking in incoming,
+meeting summaries, meetups, and anything else pertinent. Any ideas, email them
+to me, <>.
+The Rust interns arrived this week and have got cracking right away. Big hello
+to Aaron Todd, Ben Blum, and Michael Sullivan! We can look forward to work all
+over the place, especially in the RT and debug-info.
+<!-- more -->
+# What's cooking in incoming?
+There were 30 pull requests merged this week. A scattering of doc fixes and a
+bunch of code cleanups and optimization work as usual. Total issue churn
+(excludes pull requests) this week was +6.
+## Notable additions, bugfixes, and cleanups
+- Ben Striegel added the `as_c_str` string function as a method as part of the
+ overall methodization covered by [6045][is6045].
+- James Miller landed a much better optimization pipeline in [6881][is6881],
+ fixing a bunch of nascent optimization problems, especially with inlining,
+ and also fixing an earlier (huge) regression (that he introduced,
+ admittedly).
+- James also fixed [6977][is6977], which allowed nonsensical expressions like `[0,
+ ..-1]`. Whoops!
+- I introduced terminfo handling to `extra::term` in [6826][is6826], bringing
+ rustc's beautiful colors to a wider audience. Unfortunately, it isn't
+ complete yet and, most notably, does not handle `xterm-256color` correctly
+ yet.
+- Daniel Micay landed jemalloc as the default allocator in the runtime,
+ leading to nice allocation performance boosts on all platforms, as well as
+ much improved multithreaded performance. It also has the benefit of
+ cross-platform tuning and instrumentation.
+## Breaking changes
+It would be silly not to mention these changes, even though they weren't
+strictly this week:
+- `libcore` was renamed to `libstd` and `libstd` was renamed to `libextra`, to
+ better reflect their purpose. Confusingly, the code in rustc still uses the
+ old names. Something to watch out for!
+- All of the module reexports were removed from the prelude, so if you use,
+ for example, `io::foo`, `vec::foo`, etc, you will find yourself having to
+ add a lot of extra imports. `use std::*` to regain the old behavior,
+ more or less.
+- Patrick fixed the unsafe checker to safe code can no longer call unsafe
+ methods.
+This week:
+- `pub impl` was removed by Patrick Walton as part of [6944][is6944]. What
+ this did was have all `fn`s in a `pub impl` be `pub` by default. Now, you
+ must explicitly specify `pub` on all `fn`s in the impl if you want them
+ public.
+- Also in [6944][is6944], Patrick removed the ability to have multiple
+ patterns appear in "let" declarations. For example: `let a = 4, b = 2;`
+ becomes `let (a, b) = (4, 2);`
+- Daniel renamed the `Ptr` trait to `RawPtr` in [6913][is6913]
+- Daniel and Huon Wilson have been working on iterators a lot. In
+ [6999][is6999], they start removing the `vec::each_*` functions, as the new
+ iterator code in `std::iterator` is now mature enough for use.
+# Meetings
+There were two main meetings this week. Mostly discussion about DST, closures,
+and the GC. Lots of issues and details remain to be worked out, I suspoect it
+will still be a bit before anything final-looking comes up in a PR. See the
+[meeting][mtg1] [notes][mtg2] for more details.
+# Meetups
+- Erick Tryzelaar has a meetup planned in Mountain View on Wednesday, June 12,
+ at 7pm. See the [ML thread][sanfran] for more details.
+- Tim Chevalier will be giving a talk titled "Rust: A Friendly Introduction"
+ on Monday, June 17, 6-9pm in Portland. See [Calagator][rafi] for more details.
+# Prominent blog posts and ML threads
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+# Other announcements
+- 10gen has some interns working on a MongoDB driver for Rust, which will be
+ very nice to have. Good luck to them!
+- Brendan Zabarauskas has fixed `lmath`. It now works on incoming. Yay!
+Brendan sent in a correction:
+{% blockquote %}
+Unfortunately whilst it builds on incoming, due to a bug you can't use it in
+external crates. moonchrome and I am are working on fixing this but it will
+require us to remove the trait heirachy and use macros to generate each type
+(Vec3f, Vec3f32, ... etc.) individually instead. Integer and Boolean vector
+types (present in GLSL) will also be removed.
+{% endblockquote %}
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+Title: This Week In Rust 2
+Date: 2013-06-15 22:00
+Tags: this-week-in-rust, programming
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to the second issue of *This Week In Rust*, a weekly overview
+of Rust and its community. I'll be covering what's cooking in incoming,
+meeting summaries, meetups, and anything else pertinent.
+I've decided to stop using real names and use irc/github names, simply because
+that is how I, and most everyone, interacts in the community.
+<!-- more -->
+# What's cooking in incoming?
+There's been a lot of breakage on incoming this week, with jemalloc breaking
+32bit cross-compilation as well as random segfaults and stack corruption of
+unknown cause. Some heroics by the core devs have got it mostly cleaned up,
+though the tree is still rather chaotic. Meanwhile a handful of performance
+improvements have landed, and achricto rewrote `rusti`.
+There were 17 pull requests merged this week. Total issue churn (excludes pull
+requests) this week was +2 (this excludes the 38 pull requests that were
+closed when incoming was killed).
+## `incoming` branch annihilated
+Goodbye `incoming`, hello `master`! This change, long in coming, unfortunately
+closed all open PRs. Start doing your development against `master` rather than
+## Notable additions, bugfixes, and cleanups
+There's a concerted effort to remove duplicate freestanding functions where
+- In [6986][is6986] bjz and jensnockert have cleaned up the numeric code some
+ more, adding methods for existing things like `sin`, as well as adding a
+ bunch of interpolation stuff.
+- steven_is_false added prototype dynamic library loading support in
+ [7027][is7027], which should remove a lot of pain for people looking for
+ easy dynamic loading. It currently doesn't work on Windows, so if you can
+ sling Windows code, help would be appreciated!
+- In [7029][is7029] luqmana allows having multiple impl's add static methods,
+ which previously did not work.
+- Eridius stepped up to [fix the terminfo code][tinfo], colors should be
+ arriving to more people soon.
+- SiegeLord [improved the CSS][css] used by rustdoc with *huge* improvements.
+- sully has gotten default methods working for the most part, he is still
+ testing cross-crate edge casses.
+- vadimcn [has fixed debuginfo][debug], and supposedly the GSoC intern is
+ getting started on improving it next week.
+- doener has got [some nice][inline] [performance][cache] PRs in place.
+- aatch is working on [cleaning up trans][trans]. Huge thanks to him!
+## Breaking changes
+- dbaupp and strcat continue their cleanup of the standard library, removing
+ the ad-hoc iterator functions where `std::iterator` can replace them.
+- All of the string functions that could be reasonably converted to methods
+ have been.
+- If you're working in the stdlib, acrichto has toggled most of the lint
+ settings to "deny" for std/extra, so watch out.
+# Meetings
+The [Tuesday meeting][tues] talked about bblum's [Effect proposal][eff],
+removing the master/incoming split, and "alloc expressions", a replacement for
+The consensus on the effect proposal is that it needs investigation and
+wouldn't be landing in 1.0.
+Discussion about master/incoming mostly centered on "master isn't always
+green, how can we add better coverage to bors' tests?" Consensus seems to be
+that removing incoming would be beneficial, but enabling more OS and valgrind
+coverage on bors would harmfully impact development speed.
+The proposed syntax for alloc expressions is `new (provider) expr`, with `new
+expr` becoming the replacement for the current `~expr`. This would allow
+custom smart pointers. pcwalton ended the meeting with a huge cliff hanger
+{% blockquote %}
+I've been meaning to talk a little bit today about simplifying the
+mut-borrowing story in regards to this, we may be able to effect a large
+simplification on the language
+{% endblockquote %}
+Personally, I think [kimundi's proposal][kim] has a lot of promise, and the
+syntax is more pleasing to me. It wasn't brought up at the meeting, though.
+# Meetups
+- The Mountain View meetup was a great success. 18 showed up. erickt is
+ planning for another SF Bay area meetup in July. If you want to give a
+ presentation, send him your proposal and how long you need to put it
+ together.
+- Tim Chevalier will be giving a talk titled "Rust: A Friendly Introduction"
+ on Monday, June 17, 6-9pm in Portland. See [Calagator][rafi] for more
+ details. This is a preview of a talk he will be giving at [Open Source
+ Bridge][osb], also in Portland.
+# Notable discourse
+- Still more discussion about [iterators][iter], this time focusing around
+ [changing the semantics][for] of the `for` loop.
+- Some discussion about [list comprehensions][listcomp], including initial
+ proofs-of-concept.
+- Graydon explains hashing and versioning
+- Principal author of 0install evaluates rust among other languages as a
+ python replacement
+- Niko thinks about parallelism
+# Other announcements
+- bjz tells me lmath is *actually* fixed now, and is usable
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+Title: This Week in Rust 3
+Date: 2013-06-22 05:21
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to the third issue of *This Week in Rust*, a weekly overview
+of Rust and its community.
+It has come to my attention that Github does not categorize some
+merged-by-bors pull requests as "merged" and instead categorizes it as
+"closed". This skews the numbers and also the PRs that I looked through for
+inclusion into twir. I'll no longer be including issue churn/PR numbers, and I
+hope I didn't miss any import PRs in the last two issues.
+<!-- more -->
+# What's cooking in incoming?
+The last of the tree breakage has been cleaned up. The mysterious stack
+corruption was traced down by Blei to occur in jemalloc. It has been disabled
+until the real cause of the error is found. A bunch more buildbot
+configurations have been turned on for auto, to fend off more breakage. The
+tree is open, and aatch got out a new snapshot!
+Most of the work this week is cleanup and preparation for 0.7, but since the
+tree has been closed (and the extra auto buildbots lengthen the time it takes
+for a PR to be tested for the day it has been open), not much has landed these
+past few days, but a bunch happened earlier this week.
+## Notable additions, bugfixes, and cleanup
+- doener made compiles faster by emitting less useless copies and allocations
+ in [7259](
+- aatch landed [part 1]( and [part
+ 2]( of his huge trans refactor
+ effort, which make trans faster and less terrible.
+- sully got [default methods](
+ less broken
+- yichoi landed a [bunch]( of
+ Android fixes.
+- vadimcn has [fixed debuginfo](,
+ which is super amazing. This makes it a lot easier for the GSoC student (mw)
+ to get started.
+- doener has [fixed]( some
+ pathological behavior in how codegen creates cleanup blocks. This makes the
+ IR better, reducing compile time, and also allowing better optimization,
+ reducing binary size.
+{% blockquote @dotdash %}
+They reduce compile times by about 10% in total.
+{% endblockquote %}
+{% blockquote @dotdash %}
+Reduces the size of librustc by about 5% and the time required to build
+it by about 10%.
+{% endblockquote %}
+{% blockquote @dotdash %}
+The resulting code for rustc is about 13% faster (measured up to and
+including the "trans" pass) and the resulting librustc is about 5%
+{% endblockquote %}
+## Breaking changes
+strcat [continues](
+[work]( with iterators. The changes
+that landed are vector cleanups. Probably most importantly, the `each` and
+`eachi` methods are being removed. The `eachi` removal landed but the `each`
+one broke bors, so it's currently in limbo (**UPDATE** 6/23/2013: it landed).
+The current replacement is:
+// each
+for your_vec.iter().advance |element| {
+ ...
+// eachi
+for your_vec.iter().enumerate().advance |(i, element)| {
+ ...
+Once the rest of the iterator work is hashed out and lands, it will just be
+// each
+for your_vec |element| {
+ ...
+// eachi
+for your_vec.enumerate() |(i, element)| {
+ ...
+although the syntax might be slightly different (`for element in your_vec` is
+my favorite proposal).
+# Meetings
+The [Tuesday
+main topics were once fn's and how namespaces work. For once fn's, graydon
+says "I'm concerned with adding new features and I want to see if we can live
+without it, I understand it is common," not yet making a decision to include
+them in the language.
+# Meetups
+- tjc's pre-talk and talk, "Rust: A Friendly Introduction" went very well. The
+ [slides]( are up, and
+ a recording is coming soon (hopefuly). tjc says the slides aren't as
+ understanable without the audio of the talk.
+- nmatsakis has expressed willingness/interest in a Boston meetup sometime. If
+ you're interested, contact him on IRC or the ML.
+# Notable discourse and external projects
+- [mmap and the Rust FFI](
+ (indutny is working on mman bindings in libc, for the record. will mention
+ in next week's twir when it lands)
+- [code generation and rustc speed](
+- [Rust for game development?](
+- [Feed us some low hanging fruit!](
+- [Paying Technical Debt in rustc](
+- [What issues in Rust today effect (sic) you most?](
+- [rustdoc rewrite and redesign](
+- [rust-bench: a tool for profiling memory usage](
+# Other announcements
+- Michael Woerister (mw), the GSoC student working on debug info, has begun
+ work. His [project log]( will be updated
+ weekly. I'm looking forward to a much better debug experience.
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+Title: This Week in Rust 4
+Date: 2013-06-29 12:26
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to the fourth issue of *This Week in Rust*, a weekly overview of Rust and its community.
+`0.7` is being cut soon (today, I think). There are preliminary release notes [on
+GitHub]( The tree has been quite calm, with regards to
+breakage. Cycle time is still high, but at least when things land they don't break master.
+<!-- more -->
+# What's cooking on master?
+Issue churn this week was -1. Yay! Issue churn this month was -47. 61 people pushed 1,080 commits, changing 2,117 files
+and adding a total of 53347 lines. The top 10 committers were pcwalton, brson, dbaupp, strcat, bblum, nmatsakis,
+acricto, Blei, me (cmr), and aatch.
+Much of the work this week was cleanup or rebases of older PRs that just hadn't made it in yet.
+## Notable additions, bugfixes, and cleanup
+- Eridius has finished (I think!) the last bit of UNIX [terminal support](,
+ adding fallback and smarter detection. It should work in 8-color terminals now too.
+- pcwalton [rewrote each_path](, with the goal of future performance
+ enhancements.
+- tjc has done a [bunch]( of
+ [rustpkg]( work.
+- aatch did some [trans cleanup](
+- gifnksm added [`max_by` and `min_by`]( methods to `IteratorUtil` for getting
+ the largest/smallest value in an iterator given a score function.
+- brson got a fix that [releases large stacks]( after they are used to lower
+ memory usage.
+- mw has a bunch of [debuginfo]( work, as well as [docs and
+ cleanup](
+- Blei did an [intrinsic overhaul](
+- acrichto implemented [`static mut`](, for globals. Using them requires
+ unsafe code.
+- DaGenix [cleaned up and extended]( the SHA code.
+- acrichto renamed `.rc` files to `.rs`. `.rc` is deprecated and functionally equivalent to `.rs`, all new code should
+ use it. He also [added]( a `warnings` lint attribute for enabling/disabling
+ warnings in bulk.
+- indutny added [`mman` (including `mmap`)]( FFI.
+- dbaupp found a [curious performance win]( by changing some ordering around,
+ while also enabling conditionally defined macros and macro expansion to items with `#[cfg]` attributes.
+- Luqman [fixed by-value self](
+- acrichto expanded the `deriving(ToStr)` code to use `ToStr` on fields rather than using `fmt!("%?", x)`.
+- Blei [fixed a lot of problems]( with owned trait objects (`~Trait`).
+- sully has [landed some default method fixes](
+## Breaking Changes
+- As usual, [a]( [bunch](
+ [of]( [iterator]( work.
+- pcwalton renamed Owned to Send and Const to Freeze, better reflecting their actual semantics.
+- He also disallowed `mut` from distributing over bindings. For example, the following code no longer works: `let mut
+ (a, b) = (c, d)`.
+- dbaupp [converted]( many vector functions to methods. He has a [second
+ part]( in line.
+- Luqman renamed the `finalize` method in the `Drop` trait to `drop`.
+## Other changes
+bblum did some trait/fn/closure bounds
+[here]( and