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@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ details are still to be determined. Please submit talk proposals.
Several I/O stabilization patches have been nominated for backporting
to 1.1, filling out the somewhat meager story we had for 1.0. With things
moving somewhat slowly since the last release, I/O improvements will
-probably be the most interesting part of the next.
+probably be the most interesting part of the next release.
If you haven't recently, give [the
-playpen]( another look as it's recieved
+playpen]( another look as it's received
several new features lately, including a new design from Chris Morgan,
the ability to output Intel-flavor asm, automatically post GitHub
gists, and run `#[test]` functions.
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+Title: This Week in Rust 83
+Date: 2015-06-15
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to another issue of *This Week in Rust*!
+[Rust]( is a systems language pursuing the trifecta:
+safety, concurrency, and speed. This is a weekly summary of its progress and
+community. Want something mentioned? [Send me an
+Want to get involved? [We love
+*This Week in Rust* is openly developed [on GitHub](
+If you find any errors or omissions in this week's issue, [please submit a PR](
+This week's edition was edited by: Brian Anderson.
+# Notable Links
+* [A graph-based higher-order intermediate representation]( A novel intermediate representation for a dialect of Rust.
+* [Interview with Mozilla's Aaron Turon](
+* [Out of curiosity - Who is currently focusing on improving compile times? If so, how is it coming along?]( People are working on compile time.
+* [Hodor esolang as a Rust macro](
+* [dispatcher]( Many-to-many channels.
+* ['When you have no room for error']( The CommitStrip comic mentions Rust.
+* [Fundraiser for a multi-language (incl. Rust) teaching tent at Chaos Communication Camp](
+# Project Updates
+* [Homu, a gatekeeper for your commits]( Barosl is now offering homu-as-a-service. This is the CI system Rust and Servo both use, and it is compatible with Travis CI.
+* [rustorm]( A simple ORM.
+* [snake-piston]( A snake game written with Piston.
+* [yaml-rust]( A pure-Rust YAML 1.2 parser.
+* [crust]( Reliable p2p with NAT traversal.
+* [aho-corasick]( Fast multi-substring nmatching.
+* [pcapng-rs]( A [pcapng]( parser written with [nom](
+* [deuterium]( A fully-typed SQL query builder.
+* [regex]( It got faster. A lot faster.
+# What's cooking on master?
+160 pull requests were [merged in the last week][merged].
+Now you can follow breaking changes *[as they happen][BitRust2]*!
+# Breaking Changes
+* [Prevent raw pointers from being used as explicit
+ self]( Probably nobody
+ has ever tried to write such code, and the current implemented
+ behavior is bonkers.
+# Other Changes
+* [Add `Result::expect`](
+* [Add
+ `CString::from_ptr/into_ptr`]( For
+ transfering ownership of C strings across the FFI.
+* [Implement `str::split_at`](
+* [Stabilize a number of new `fs` features](
+* [Parallel code generation works
+ again]( Pass `rustc -C
+ codegen-units=4` to try.
+* [The `to_uppercase` and `to_lowercase` functions now support complex
+ case mapping]( This
+ changes the behavior of the *stable*
+ `char::to_uppercase/to_lowercase` and also stabilizes
+ `str::to_uppercase/to_lowercase`.
+* [Implement `Extend<&T> where: T: Copy` for a variety of collection
+ types](
+* [The unstable `String::from_str` is
+ deprecated]( Use
+ `String::from`.
+* [Heuristics for detecting identifier typos are improved](
+# New Contributors
+* ben fleis
+* David Voit
+* Eli Friedman
+* frankamp
+* funkill
+* Johann Tuffe
+* joliv
+* Joshua Landau
+* Leo Correa
+* marcell
+* Marcel Müller
+* Matthew Astley
+* Nathan Long
+* Nick Fitzgerald
+* Russell McClellan
+* saml
+* simplex
+* swgillespie
+# Approved RFCs
+* [RFC 1105. Policy on API
+ evolution]( Describes
+ how the Rust project evaluates changes to the libraries, and which are allowed when.
+* [RFC 1119. `Result::expect`](
+* [RFC 1122. Semantic
+ versioning]( Describes
+ how the language itself is allowed to change.
+* [RFC 1123. Introduce `str::split_at`](
+* [RFC 1131. `likely` intrinsic]( For hinting hot and cold branches.
+# New RFCs
+* [Adjust default object
+bounds]( This fixes some
+dumb rules that made it into 1.0, but is a breaking change that
+affects relatively little code.
+* [Expand the `std::net` module](
+# Upcoming Events
+* [6/17. Montreal](
+* [6/17. Los Angeles](
+* [6/24. Columbus Rust Society](
+* [6/29. Sydney](
+If you are running a Rust event please add it to the [calendar] to get
+it mentioned here. Email [Erick Tryzelaar][erickt] or [Brian
+Anderson][brson] for access.
+# Quote of the Week
+<Quxxy> I had a fun one in cargo script: there's currently no way in Rust
+to get a file's mtime and the system time in the same time format
+<Quxxy> (On Windows)
+<Quxxy> You can get one in UNIX time, the other in Windows time
+<Quxxy> Which have different scales and different epochs
+<Quxxy> Rust: Buy Your Own Damn Batteries; What Are You, A Communist?
+Quxxy discovers Rust's stance toward the inclusion of batteries.
+Thanks to cmr for the tip. [Submit your quotes for next week!][submit].
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+Title: This Week in Rust 84
+Date: 2015-06-22
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to another issue of *This Week in Rust*!
+[Rust]( is a systems language pursuing the trifecta:
+safety, concurrency, and speed. This is a weekly summary of its progress and
+community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at [@ThisWeekInRust]( or [send us an
+Want to get involved? [We love
+*This Week in Rust* is openly developed [on GitHub](
+If you find any errors in this week's issue, [please submit a PR](
+This week's edition was edited by: [Brian Anderson](, [Vikrant Chaudhary](, [Andrew Gallant](, and [mdinger](
+# From the Blogosphere
+* [Exceptional results: error handling with C# and Rust]( Exceptions based error handling in C# vs Rust's monadic approach.
+* [Rust Torrent]( Pietro Menna shares his experiece of writing a BitTorrent client in Rust.
+* [Exploring Rust]( A brief look at state of affairs in Rust 1.0.
+* [Rust using Visual Studio Code]( Setup Visual Studio Code for Rust development.
+# Tips & Tricks
+* [How to pass a closure into a trait object](
+* [Rust error stacktraces]( Get stacktrace from errors in production code.
+* [Benchmarking in Rust with `libtest`](
+# In the News
+* [Google Bazel added support for Rust](
+* [Impala: a Rust dialect that can partially evaluate functions at compile time and produce GPU code](
+* [Rust: Announcing the community subteam](
+# New Releases & Project Updates
+* [RustLex]( Lexical analysers generator for Rust.
+* [rsedis]( Redis re-implemented in Rust.
+* [cargo add]( A utility for adding cargo dependencies from the command line.
+* [volley]( A benchmarking tool for measuring the performance of server networking stacks.
+* [Rust Dispatcher]( Dispatcher for Rust, broadcast and subscribe many to many.
+* [rust-vim-setup]( Use VIM as your Rust IDE - set of bash scripts and a customised `vimrc` for Rust development.
+* [Herd]( An experimental HTTP load testing application written in Rust.
+* [MaidSafe's Rust rewrite is going well](
+* [claxon]( A FLAC decoder.
+[Rust by example]( has received a number of
+improvements recently:
+* February 15, 2015: The [flow control
+ section]( was
+ [created]( to
+ house all flow control operations together.
+* March 21, 2015: The [formatting section]( was
+ [revised]( so
+ new users are immediately confronted with the distinction of `Debug`
+ and `Display` and how to deal with them.
+* May 2, 2015: The table of contents was
+ [reorganized](
+ so examples are sorted consistently by categories.
+* May 23, 2015: The [generics
+ section]( was majorly
+ [expanded](
+* June 15, 2015: The [closures
+ section]( was completely
+ rewritten and
+ [expanded](
+# What's cooking on master?
+112 pull requests were [merged in the last week][merged].
+Now you can follow breaking changes *[as they happen][BitRust2]*!
+# Breaking Changes
+* [Don't panic when stdout doesn't
+ exist]( See [RFC
+ 1014]( This
+ is breaking because it changes the behavior of stdio, but in ways
+ that are expected to be less surprising. Considered a bugfix.
+# Other Changes
+* Thanks to Ashesh Kumar for pointing out that was not
+ configured with DMARC to prevent spoofing. The misconfiguration has
+ now been corrected.
+* [Optimize implementations of FromIterator and Extend for
+ Vec](
+* [Result - Add an `expect` method that prints a message and the `Err`
+ value](
+* [Break apart global unstable
+ features]( Some of the
+ catch-all feature names, `core`, `std_misc`, `collections`, `alloc`,
+ are split into smaller, better-named features.
+* The regex crate received a [rewrite that includes a big performance
+ improvement](
+* [Avoid deref/ref cycles for no-op conversions between unsafe
+ pointers]( Reduces the
+ amount of IR rustc generates.
+* [Pass fat pointers in two immediate
+ arguments]( More
+ codegen improvements from dotdash.
+* [Add FromRaw{Fd,Handle,Socket} to os
+ preludes](
+* [Custom Debug impl for
+ io::Error](
+# New Contributors
+* David Stygstra
+* Gulshan Singh
+* Jake Hickey
+* joliv
+* Markus
+* Steven Walter
+* Yongqian Li
+# Approved RFCs
+* [Update RFC 195 to account for RFC
+ 246]( Just accounting
+ for the `const`/`static` distinction in the associated items RFC.
+* [Clarify cast rules, especially regarding fat
+ pointers]( Updates RFC
+ 401: coercions.
+* [RFC 1156: Adjust default object
+ bounds]( This
+ is a stable breaking change (the first) to the default lifetime
+ bounds of trait objects.
+# Final Comment Period
+Every week the teams announce a 'final comment period' for RFCs which
+are close to reaching a conclusion. Express your opinions now. [This
+week's][fcp] RFCs entering FCP are:
+* [Allow closure expressions to expand to a `&` or `&mut` temporary](
+* [Allow macros in types](
+* [read_all](
+* [Add read_into_buf and get_buf to BufRead](
+* [Rename `connect` to `join`](
+* [Implement `FromIterator` for the unit type](
+* [Add some of `[T]`'s methods to strings and vice-versa](
+# New RFCs
+* [Make `size` an associated constant](
+# Upcoming Events
+* [6/23. Hannover](
+* [6/24. Columbus Rust Society](
+* [6/29. Sydney](
+If you are running a Rust event please add it to the [calendar] to get
+it mentioned here. Email [Erick Tryzelaar][erickt] or [Brian
+Anderson][brson] for access.
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+Title: This Week in Rust 85
+Date: 2015-06-29
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to another issue of *This Week in Rust*!
+[Rust]( is a systems language pursuing the trifecta:
+safety, concurrency, and speed. This is a weekly summary of its progress and
+community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at [@ThisWeekInRust]( or [send us an
+Want to get involved? [We love
+*This Week in Rust* is openly developed [on GitHub](
+If you find any errors in this week's issue, [please submit a PR](
+# From the Blogosphere
+* [Dealing With the Rust Shift in Perspective](
+* [rusty radio: Episode 1: A Rusty Start](
+* [Rust, the Language for Growth](
+# Tips & Tricks
+* [How to Use Rust with Node.js When Performance Matters]( Write performance critical code in Rust and use it via FFI in Node.js.
+* [Effectively Using Iterators In Rust]( Iterate over vector and slice types using `.iter()` and `.into_iter()`.
+* [First Rust Program Pain (So you can avoid it…)]( Tips for Rust beginners on how to avoid a fight with the compiler.
+* [Implement Traits on Generics](
+* [The Unsafe Rust Programming Language]( An excellent document about advanced functionality and low-level development practices in the Rust Programming Language.
+# In the News
+* [Rust 1.1 stable, the Community Subteam, and RustCamp](
+* [Tickets are on sale now for RustCamp!](
+# New Releases & Project Updates
+* [rust-timsort]( Rust implementation of the modified MergeSort used in Python and Java.
+* [trust]( Rust automated test runner.
+* [mongo-rust-driver]( Mongo Rust driver built on top of the Mongo C driver.
+* [rust-ffi-omnibus]( A collection of examples of using code written in Rust from other languages.
+* [hyper is now at v0.6]( An HTTP/S library for Rust.
+* [rust-throw]( A new experimental rust error handling library, meant to assist and build on existing error handling systems.
+* [burrito]( A monadic IO interface in Rust.
+* [mimty]( Fast, safe, self-contained MIME Type Identification for C and Rust.
+# What's cooking on master?
+95 pull requests were [merged in the last week][merged].
+# Breaking Changes
+Now you can follow breaking changes *[as they happen][BitRust2]*!
+# Other Changes
+* [std: Add support for Windows XP](
+* [Reset signal behavior before starting children with std::process]( Resets Rust's SIGPIPE handler, as well as any signal mask that may have been set, before spawning a child.
+* [MSVC: Implement runtime support for unwinding]( A key aspect is missing, however, which is that unwinding is still turned off by default for MSVC.
+* [Suggest missing trait bounds when a method exists but the bounds aren't satisfied](
+# New Contributors
+* Andy Grover
+* Brody Holden
+* Christian Persson
+* Cruz Julian Bishop
+* Dirkjan Ochtman
+* Gulshan Singh
+* Jake Hickey
+* Makoto Kato
+* Yongqian Li
+# Final Comment Period
+Every week the teams announce a 'final comment period' for RFCs which
+are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now. [This week's][fcp]
+RFCs entering FCP are:
+* [Add some of `[T]`’s methods to strings and vice versa](
+* [Implement `FromIterator` for the unit type](
+* [Rename `connect` to `join`](
+* [Add `read_into_buf` and `get_buf` to `BufRead`](
+* [read_all](
+* [Allow macros in types](
+* [Allow closure expressions to expand to a `&` or `&mut` temporary](
+# New RFCs
+* [Return `Result` from `main`](
+# Upcoming Events
+* [7/7, San Diego Rust Meetup](
+* [7/8, Rust in Production - San Francisco](
+* [7/13, Seattle Rust Meetup](
+* [7/15, Rust Los Angeles Monthly Meetup](
+If you are running a Rust event please add it to the [calendar] to get
+it mentioned here. Email [Erick Tryzelaar][erickt] or [Brian
+Anderson][brson] for access.
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+Title: This Week in Rust 86
+Date: 2015-07-06
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to another issue of *This Week in Rust*!
+[Rust]( is a systems language pursuing the trifecta:
+safety, concurrency, and speed. This is a weekly summary of its progress and
+community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at [@ThisWeekInRust]( or [send us an
+Want to get involved? [We love
+*This Week in Rust* is openly developed [on GitHub](
+If you find any errors in this week's issue, [please submit a PR](
+# From the Blogosphere
+* [Things rust shipped without]( Rust released 1.0 without these "features", and for good reasons.
+* [Rust Never Sleeps: How Mozilla Could Become Cool Again]( Mozilla has almost faded from memory, but Rust could make it hip again.
+* [Why Go and Rust are not competitors](
+* [A Rusting Rubyist]( Mike Piccolo documents his attempt to create a web scraping library in Rust that can be called from a Ruby module.
+* [A Rusting Rubyist II](
+* [A Pythonist getting Rusty these days... (Part 1)]( Rust from a Python developer's perspective.
+* [A Simple Web App in Rust, Part 3 -- Integration]( The third part in a series on writing a very simple web application in Rust.
+* [Understanding Lifetime in Rust – Part I](
+* [[PDF] Parallelization in Rust with fork-join and friends](
+# New Releases & Project Updates
+* [capgun]( A simple utility that watches files and fires a specified command when they do.
+* [pirate]( A command-line arrrrguments parser, written in Rust.
+* [rust-worldgen]( Noise and World Generation library for Rust.
+* [plex]( A parser and lexer generator as a Rust syntax extension.
+# What's cooking on nightly?
+107 pull requests were [merged in the last week][merged].
+# New Contributors
+* Adam Heins
+* Alex Newman
+* Christian Persson
+* Eljay
+* Kagami Sascha Rosylight
+# Approved RFCs
+* [Add some of `[T]`’s methods to strings and vice versa](
+# Final Comment Period
+Every week the teams announce a 'final comment period' for RFCs which
+are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now. [This week's][fcp]
+RFCs entering FCP are:
+* [Expand the std::net module]( Expand the surface area of std::net to bind more low-level interfaces and provide more advanced customization and configuration of sockets.
+* [Rename `connect` to `join`](
+* [Replace `slice::tail()`/`init()` with new methods](
+* [Redirect `stdio` of child processes to open file handles](
+* [Allow macros in types](
+* [Allow closure expressions to expand to a `&` or `&mut` temporary]( Modify the `||` expression sugar so that it can expand to either `F`, `&F`, or `&mut F`, where `F` is a fresh struct type implementing one of the `Fn`/`FnMut`/`FnOnce` traits.
+# New RFCs
+* [Add a high-level intermediate representation (HIR) to the compiler.](
+* [Style: How should we format function declarations?](
+* [Stabilize the `#![no_std]` attribute](
+* [Anonymous/placeholder lifetime `'_`]( Allow using an undeclared '_ wherever an explicit lifetime can be used, but is optional, such as function argument/return types and any path inside a function.
+* [Create `IntoRaw{Fd, Socket, Handle}` trait to complement `AsRaw*`](
+* [Allow changing the default allocator]( Add support to the compiler to override the default allocator, allowing a different allocator to be used by default in Rust programs.
+* [Propose `Interior<T>` data-type, to allow moves out of the dropped value during the drop hook](
+# Upcoming Events
+* [7/7, San Diego Rust Meetup](
+* [7/8, Rust in Production - San Francisco](
+* [7/13, Seattle Rust Meetup](
+* [7/15, Rust Los Angeles Monthly Meetup](
+* [7/20, Rust Paris](
+* [7/22, Columbus Rust Society](
+If you are running a Rust event please add it to the [calendar] to get
+it mentioned here. Email [Erick Tryzelaar][erickt] or [Brian
+Anderson][brson] for access.
+# Quote of the Week
+*"Greek constitution to be rewritten in #rustlang to deal with their ownership and borrowing problem."* — [@bigthingist](
+[Submit your quotes for next week!][submit].
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+Title: This Week in Rust 87
+Date: 2015-07-13
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to another issue of *This Week in Rust*!
+[Rust]( is a systems language pursuing the trifecta:
+safety, concurrency, and speed. This is a weekly summary of its progress and
+community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at [@ThisWeekInRust]( or [send us an
+Want to get involved? [We love
+*This Week in Rust* is openly developed [on GitHub](
+If you find any errors in this week's issue, [please submit a PR](
+This week's edition was edited by: Brian Anderson, Vikrant Chaudhary
+# From the Blogosphere
+* [Rust in Detail: Writing Scalable Chat Service from Scratch](
+* [Reading Rust Function Signatures]( How to read function signatures and extract information from them.
+* [Collecting Results from Collections]( Use `.collect()` to transform `Vec<Result<()>>` into `Result<Vec<()>>`.
+* [Easier libc in Rust]( An index of some of the most commonly used libc calls and their higher level wrappers.
+* [Importing C constants: Proof of Concept]( A proof-of-concept rustc plugin that imports C macro constants from C include files at compile time.
+* [A Pythonist getting Rusty these days... (Part 2)]( Rust from a Python developer's perspective (part 2).
+* [Converting longitude and latitude coordinates into BNG coordinates](
+* [ArcadeRS - making a simple game in Rust](
+* [opinion] [Why Go and Rust are Competitors](
+# New Releases & Project Updates
+* [stdx]( Curated collection of well-regarded Rust crates.
+* [ipc-channel]( A multiprocess drop-in replacement for Rust channels.
+* [rocket]( A toy game in Rust, using Piston.
+* [forkjoin]( A work stealing fork-join parallelism library for Rust.
+* [capsize]( Conversions between units of capacity.
+* [porthole]( A tiny rust crate for resolving the next available network port.
+# What's cooking on nightly?
+122 pull requests were [merged in the last week][merged].
+* [bluss]( updated [substring search to use the Two Way algorithm](
+* [1.2 beta will issue warnings about code that will break]( when [RFC 1156]( is implemented. This approved breaking change will fix a major wart and is thought to break no real code.
+* [Linux installation will try harder to set up the dynamic linker](, fixing a bad first-run issue where Fedora systems can't run rustc out of the box.
+* The `#[prelude_import]` attribute, which is employed by rustc to perform [dark]( and [mysterious]( acts, but is not supposed to be stable. This is not known to break real code.
+* `rustc` on Windows now [looks in the registry]( to find the location of the MSVC linker.
+* Inspired by some [poor I/O performance on the forums](, bluss dug into the problem [and pulled out some big improvements in zero-filling]( that greatly improve the performance of `Vec::resize` and `Read::read_to_end`.
+* GuillaumeGomez [added a host]( of [new error explanations](
+* dotdash got some [huge improvements in the performance of `PartialEq` for slices](
+* `rustc` now uses [LLVM to write archive files where possible]( Eventually this will eliminate the compiler's dependency on the `ar` utility.
+* [Add `String::into_boxed_slice` and `Box<str>::into_string`](
+* Dave Huseby added [initial support for FreeBSD on i686]( Rust has long worked on 64-bit FreeBSD.
+* Simon [updated the gedit syntax highlighter](
+# New Contributors
+* Alex HotShot Newman
+* Christian Weinz
+* Esption
+* Georg Brandl
+* Jesús Espino
+* jethrogb
+# Approved RFCs
+* [RFC 1058: Replace `slice.tail()`, `slice.init()` with new methods `slice.split_first()`, `slice.split_last()`](
+* [RFC 1102: Rename `connect` to `join`](
+# Final Comment Period
+Every week the teams announce a 'final comment period' for RFCs and
+key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions
+now. [This week's FCPs][fcp] are:
+* [Add a method `lines_any` to `BufRead`](
+* [RFC for creation of `IntoRaw{Fd, Socket, Handle}` trait to complement `AsRaw*`](
+* [RFC: Expand the std::net module](
+* [RFC: Allow re-exporting associated items with `use`](
+* [Allow macros in types](
+# New RFCs
+* [RFC for inclusive ranges with ...](
+* [RFC: Prevent lint changes being a breaking change](
+* [RFC: Add item recovery collection APIs](
+* [ordered query API](
+* [RFC for allowing eliding more type parameters](
+* [pretty print `Debug` of tuples, tuple structs and enum variants in a single line](
+* [SIMD groundwork](
+* [RFC: Add `cargo install`](
+* [Add support for naked functions](
+# Upcoming Events
+* [7/15. Tokyo Rust Monthly Meetup](
+* [7/15. Rust Los Angeles Monthly Meetup](
+* [7/20. Rust Paris](
+* [7/22. Columbus Rust Society](
+If you are running a Rust event please add it to the [calendar] to get