path: root/content
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authorVikrant Chaudhary <>2019-03-27 16:25:44 +0530
committerVikrant Chaudhary <>2019-03-27 16:25:44 +0530
commite2e16cb1f78e2ff02e5407201f36841fbd92f90b (patch)
tree81b3c9f7107b79fd6e388d6b05f8295b5e0c6649 /content
parent57a38c843b670b7750d19d744fd1995d66f4d827 (diff)
release 279
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1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c546342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Title: This Week in Rust 279
+Number: 279
+Date: 2019-03-26
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to another issue of *This Week in Rust*!
+[Rust]( is a systems language pursuing the trifecta: safety, concurrency, and speed.
+This is a weekly summary of its progress and community.
+Want something mentioned? Tweet us at [@ThisWeekInRust]( or [send us a pull request](
+Want to get involved? [We love contributions](
+*This Week in Rust* is openly developed [on GitHub](
+If you find any errors in this week's issue, [please submit a PR](
+# Updates from Rust Community
+## News & Blog Posts
+* [Why Hashbrown (Rust's new HashMap implementation) does a double-lookup on insertion](
+* [Chaining functions without returning self](
+* ["Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists" has been updated for Rust 2018](
+* [Miri available as rustup component](
+* [How to debug Rust with Visual Studio Code](
+* [Rust: The hard parts - part one: References, borrowing, and ownership](
+* [Procedural macro in Rust 101](
+* [Generalizing seqlocks: The swym algorithm](
+* [The phantom builder](
+* [Variance in Rust: An intuitive explanation](
+* [Rust All Hands 2019: Array iterators, Rayon, and more](
+* [This week in Rust and WebAssembly 14](
+* [The Embedded WG newsletter 17](
+# Crate of the Week
+This week's crate is [safety-guard](, a crate providing a `#[safety]` attribute that generates both a doc entry and debug assertion. Thanks to [Willi Kappler]( for the suggestion!
+[Submit your suggestions and votes for next week][submit_crate]!
+# Call for Participation
+Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but didn't know where to start?
+Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
+Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
+* [Call for proposal - RustLab 2019, June 28-29, Florence, IT](
+* [Tools Team: tell us your sorrows](
+* [grpc-rs: Add support for well-known types](
+* [TiKV: Flush logs on fatal errors](
+* [TiKV: Disable test suites that contain no tests](
+* [GNOME Google Summer of Code]( couple of Rust-related ideas lined up for this year's GSOC. From low-level libraries like Gstreamer, and Librsvg, to system services, to desktop applications. More details can be found by searching [this wiki page](
+If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks [here][guidelines].
+# Updates from Rust Core
+169 pull requests were [merged in the last week][merged]
+* [Move libtest out of rust-lang/rust](
+* [Introduce assembly tests suite](
+* [syntax: Better recovery for `$ty::AssocItem` and `ty!()::AssocItem`](
+* [MIR optimization: Run branch cleanup after copy propagation](
+* [Do not complain about non-existing fields after parse recovery](
+* [Make meta-item API compatible with `LocalInternedString::get` soundness fix](
+* [Use a valid name for graphviz graphs](
+* [When moving out of a for loop head, suggest borrowing it](
+* [When encountering `||{}()`, suggest the likely intended `(||{})()`](
+* [Point at coercion reason for `if` expressions without else clause if caused by return type](
+* [Elide object safety errors on non-existent trait function](
+* [Unify `OsString`/`OsStr` for byte-based implementations](
+* [Add provided methods `Seek::`{`stream_len`, `stream_position`}](
+* [Add `todo!()` macro](
+* [Implement `ExactSizeIterator` for `ToLowercase` and `ToUppercase`](
+* [Make `Option<ThreadId>` no larger than `ThreadId` with `NonZeroU64`](
+* [Stabilize `refcell_map_split` feature](
+* [Add const generics to rustdoc](
+* [ Allow download counts to fail to be updated](
+## Approved RFCs
+Changes to Rust follow the Rust [RFC (request for comments)
+process]( These
+are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
+*No RFCs were approved this week.*
+## Final Comment Period
+Every week [the team]( announces the
+'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a
+decision. Express your opinions now.
+### [RFCs](
+* [disposition: merge] [Roadmap for 2019](
+* [disposition: merge] [Transparent Unions and Enums](
+* [disposition: close] [`mut (x, y, ..)` and `mut [x, y, ..]` pattern shorthand](
+### [Tracking Issues & PRs](
+* [disposition: merge] [More restrictive 2 phase borrows - take 2](
+* [disposition: merge] [Introduce RefCell::try_borrow_unguarded](
+* [disposition: merge] [Tracking issue for {f32, f64}::copysign](
+## New RFCs
+* [RFC for a match based surface syntax to get pointer-to-field](
+# Upcoming Events
+### Africa
+* [Mar 30. Nairobi, KE - Rust Nairobi Meetup: Projects Showcase](
+* [Apr 3. Johannesburg, ZA - Johannesburg meetup - using Rust in production](
+### Asia Pacific
+* [Mar 29. Noida, IN - Fearless Concurrency in Rust - Knoldus Meetup](
+* [Mar 30. Taipei, TW - Rust Taiwan Meetup](
+* [Apr 20. Beijing, CN - RustCon Asia](
+### Europe
+* [Mar 28. Copenhagen, DK - Copenhagen Rust Hack Night #14](
+* [Mar 28. Toulouse, FR - Rust Toulouse meetup](
+* [Mar 31. St. Petersburg, RU - St. Petersburg Rust Meetup](
+* [Apr 3. Berlin, DE - Berlin Rust Hack and Learn](
+* [Apr 4. Zagreb, HR - Rust Meetup 201904: Persistent data in Rust](
+* [Apr 04. Wroclaw, PL - Rust Wroclaw Meetup](
+* [Apr 13. Kyiv, UA - PeerLab Kyiv #NativeDev: Rust 1.34 Release in Depth](
+* [Jun 28-29. Firenze, IT - RustLab](
+### North America
+* [Apr 3. Indianapolis, US -](
+* [Apr 3. Atlanta, US - Rust Atlanta Meetup](
+* [Apr 3. Vancouver, CA - Vancouver Rust meetup](
+* [Apr 9. Seattle, US - Seattle Rust Meetup - Monthly meetup](
+* [Apr 11. Arlington, US - Rust DC — Mid-month Rustful](
+* [Apr 11. Columbus, US - Columbus Rust Society - Monthly Meeting](
+### South America
+* [Mar 29. Montevideo, UY - Rust Latam @ Montevideo, Uruguay](
+If you are running a Rust event please add it to the [calendar] to get
+it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too.
+Email the [Rust Community Team][community] for access.
+# Rust Jobs
+* [WebAssembly / Cranelift Intern (Summer 2019) at Mozilla, San Francisco, US](
+* [Senior Software Engineer at Metaswitch, North London, UK](
+* [Lead Engineer (Cryptography) at Cosmian, Paris, FR](
+* [Database Engineer Developer at Parity, Berlin, DE](
+* [Rust Software Consultant at Knoldus, Noida, IN](
+*Tweet us at [@ThisWeekInRust]( to get your job offers listed here!*
+# Quote of the Week
+> all the ergonomic improvements in rust 2018 are really messing up my book that consists entirely of running face-first into compiler errors so i can explain concepts.
+– Alexis Beingessner, author of “Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists”
+Thanks to [icefoxen]( for the suggestion!
+[Please submit your quotes for next week](!
+*This Week in Rust is edited by: [nasa42](, [llogiq](, and [Flavsditz](*
+<small>[Discuss on r/rust]().</small>