path: root/content/2014-03-02-this-week-in-rust.markdown
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authorCorey Richardson <>2014-11-05 17:12:45 -0500
committerCorey Richardson <>2014-11-05 17:12:45 -0500
commitb90d2b10b0708aba718b121861d59555c6818295 (patch)
treec400703ca4f13b34d5ac09099560ebc2f1782f62 /content/2014-03-02-this-week-in-rust.markdown
Initial commit
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1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Title: This Week in Rust 39
+Date: 2014-03-02 12:43
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to another issue of *This Week in Rust*!
+[Rust]( is a systems language pursuing the trifecta:
+safe, concurrent, and fast. This is a weekly summary of its progress and
+community. Want something mentioned? [Send me an
+Want to get involved? [We love
+<!-- more -->
+# What's cooking on master?
+83 pull requests were merged this week.
+## Breaking Changes
+- IterBytes and `std::to_bytes` [have been
+removed]( If you were depending on
+them for anything non-`Hash` related, look into using `serialize` instead.
+- `break` and `continue` [are now hygienic in
+macros](, with respect to labels.
+Unfortunately there's a bug in it where [loop labels hide variables of the
+same name](
+- `extern fn` [now always means `extern "C"
+fn`](, rather than being
+- `std::run` [has been removed](,
+and `std::io::process` improved to pick up the slack.
+- `#[deriving(ToStr)]` [has been
+removed]( in favor of
+`#[deriving(Show)]`. `ToStr` is now implemented over all types which implement
+`Show`, as `format!("{}" val)`.
+- `flate` [now returns a
+`CVec<u8>`]( rather than a `~[u8]`,
+for efficiency.
+- `extra::json` [has been
+liberated]( and now lives in
+- `swap_remove` on vectors [now returns an
+- A curious bug where bindings in match weren't treated as assignment [has
+been fixed]( See the associated
+bug report for examples which this will break.
+- Some useless reexports [have been
+removed]( from the prelude.
+- The `Bool` trait [has been
+- A bug where operator overloads were over-zealous [has been
+- Statics are [no longer allowed to contain anything with
+destructors]( The exact rules are
+laid out quite nicely in the PR.
+- `collections:List` [has been refactored to use
+- `HashMap` [is now generic over
+- `assert_eq!` [now uses `{}` instead of `{:?}` for the error
+- Type parameter overrides [are now feature
+## Other Changes
+- Invalid crate handling [is now more
+- `std::io::stdout()` and `stderr()` [are buffered by default
+- Improper operator overloads [are no longer an
+- There's now a warning for [publicly exposing private types in function
+- `libnative`'s Windows file handling [has been
+rewritten]( and now actually works.
+rustc uses libnative by default now.
+- Generated binary size [has been brought down a
+bit]( There is much more room for
+- "Strict Version Hashes" [have been
+introduced]( This is a purely
+internal change. The hash is of the crate's public ABI and rustc checks this
+when linking crates together, to avoid problems such as "def id drift".
+## New Contributors
+- Daniel Fagnan
+- Felix Crux
+- Gary M. Josack
+- George Papanikolaou
+- Jag Talon
+- Johannes Löthberg
+- Mickaël Delahaye
+# Weekly Meeting
+The [weekly
+discussed TotalEq/TotalOrd, weak extern functions, channel naming, and a brief
+discussion on `use` paths being absolute.
+It was announced that a Sam Wright has been contracted to work on the
+tutorial, and the Michael Woerister has been contracted to work on debug info.
+# This Week in Servo
+Servo is a web browser engine written in Rust and is one of the primary test
+cases for the Rust language.
+This week, we landed 27 PRs.
+## Notable additions
+- Josh Matthews landed the massive changes to remove `@mut` from the DOM types
+in preparation for a Rust upgrade in
+[#1591]( and
+- Tetsuharu Ohzeki refactored our commandline options out of the rendering
+crate and into a more reasonable place in
+- Ms2ger simplified our Document implementation in
+- Patrick Walton removed the need to explicitly create leaf sets during
+parallel layout in [#1700](
+- Harrison Gentry cleaned up some type names in
+- Keegan McAllister moved fontconfig in-tree on Linux in order to get a
+thread-safe implementation in
+- Saurabh Anand made the DOM parser pass in the correct content types in
+- tgkokk fixed the bindings generator to no longer produce .pyc files in
+## New contributors
+- Saurabh Anand (sawrubh)
+- Harrison Gentry (hgentry)
+- tgkokk
+## Meetings
+At this week's
+[meeting](, we
+discussed embedding, the JSManaged conversion, a Rust upgrade, vtables, and
+recruiting efforts.
+# Announcements, etc
+- [RFC: Opt-in Builtin
+- [Structural single-inheritance
+- [RFC: Stronger Guarantees for Mutable
+- [Dark](, an experimental universal data
+compressor based on the BWT-DC scheme
+- [cargo-lite
+v1.1.0 release](
+- [Revamped parallel layout in
+- [February Bay Area Rust
+- [A bloom filter implementation](
+- [A tweening library](