path: root/content/2013-07-21-this-week-in-rust.markdown
diff options
authorCorey Richardson <>2014-11-05 17:12:45 -0500
committerCorey Richardson <>2014-11-05 17:12:45 -0500
commitb90d2b10b0708aba718b121861d59555c6818295 (patch)
treec400703ca4f13b34d5ac09099560ebc2f1782f62 /content/2013-07-21-this-week-in-rust.markdown
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'content/2013-07-21-this-week-in-rust.markdown')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/2013-07-21-this-week-in-rust.markdown b/content/2013-07-21-this-week-in-rust.markdown
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+++ b/content/2013-07-21-this-week-in-rust.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+Title: This Week in Rust 7
+Date: 2013-07-21 09:36
+Category: This Week in Rust
+Hello and welcome to the seventh issue of *This Week in Rust*, a weekly
+overview of Rust and its community. Things are calming down quite a bit, in
+that nothing extraordinarily exciting is happening. Lots of great work is
+being done everywhere, and good progress is being made in both bugfixes and
+cleanup. It has been a good week!
+<!-- more -->
+# What's cooking on master?
+Issue churn this week was -15. A total of 59 PRs were merged.
+## Breaking changes
+- **[The semantics of `range_rev` have
+ changed]( This will break your
+ code without warning.** It is now, to use [interval
+ notation](,
+ `(hi, lo]` rather than `[hi, lo)`.
+- `pub extern` and `priv extern` [have been
+ removed]( from the language. This
+ matches the previous similar change to `impl`. Place the visibility
+ qualifier (`pub`/`priv`) on each item in the `extern` block instead.
+- `&T` (besides `&'static T`) is [no longer allowed in
+ `@T`](
+- The `ThreadPerCore` spawn mode [has been
+ removed](, as it doesn't make
+ sense with the new scheduler.
+- The `consume` methods of the hash containers [has been replaced with an
+ external iterator]( The method
+ name is the same, though.
+- Moved values can [no longer be captured
+ twice]( This was a blatant
+ soundness issue.
+- The `swap_unwrap` method of Option has been [renamed to
+ `take_unwrap`](
+- `debug!` statements [generate no
+ code]( unless you pass `--cfg
+ debug` to `rustc`. This should help keep code size down and make your
+ programs a (tiny bit) faster. Now you don't have to feel bad about having
+ `debug!` in hot code.
+- The `mutate_values` method of HashMap [has been
+ removed](
+## Notable library additions, bugfixes, and cleanup
+- An iterator adaptor was added that [endlessly repeats the iterator it is
+ called on](
+- Generated test runners [now have a
+ `-h`/`--help`]( option.
+- Metric capturing + racheting [has been
+ added]( for benchmarks.
+- `local_data` [now has a
+ `get_mut`]( function.
+- `extra::semver` [has been updated to SemVer
+ 2.0.0](
+- Consuming iterators [have been
+ added]( for the hash structures.
+- `extra::ringbuf` [now implements
+ DoubleEndedIterator](
+- `Eq` [now has a default implementation of
+ `ne`](
+- `extra::term` [now knows how to handle more
+ attributes](
+- More containers [implement
+ FromIter]( This means you can use
+ `.collect()` to gather the elements from an iterator into those containers.
+- [Task killing, failure, and exit code
+ propagation]( in the new runtime
+ has been implemented.
+## Notable compiler additions, bugfixes, and cleanup
+- `syntax::attr` [has been
+ modernized](
+- [Tons of debuginfo work]( from mw
+ this week!
+- Trait data structures [have been cleaned
+ up](, as well as a default method
+ fix.
+- Intrinsics [now have much better
+ codegen](
+- A `no_implicit_prelude` attribute [has been
+ added](, which prevents prelude
+ injection in the module heirarchy starting at the item which that attribute
+ is added to.
+- C-style enum variants are [now
+ allowed]( in `[T, ..n]`
+ expressions.
+- All language items are [now
+ optional]( The compiler emits an
+ error if a language item is used but not provided.
+- The removal of `spanned<T>` [has
+ begun](
+- Headers [have been removed]( for
+ `~str` and `~[T]` where `T` is unmanaged.
+## Documentation, tools, and other stuff
+- rustpkg [now works when you don't give it a package
+ ID]( It builds/installs/cleans
+ the package in the current directory, *iff* the current directory is in a
+ rustpkg workspace.
+- `--quiet` is [no longer passed](
+ to git during submodule operations, so you can see the progress of the huge
+ LLVM download.
+- Documentation of the [lint-controlling
+ attributes]( was added.
+- rustpkg [now handles cloning from local git
+ repos](
+- The GtkSourceView highlighting file [was
+ improved](
+# Meetings
+The [Tuesday
+discussed nothing at all of importance.
+# Discussion + Blog posts
+- [A pure-Rust memory allocator
+ (malloc)](
+- [mw's fourth weekly
+ update](
+- [mw's fifth weekly
+ update](
+- [Discussion and slides from Niko's presentation at the Northeastern
+ University Programming Language
+ Seminar](
+- [A nightly Ubuntu
+ PPA](
+- [SIMD
+ discussion](
+- [Rust on bare metal
+ ARM](
+- [dherman's OSCON
+ presentation](