AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-02-14Add attribute to build all containerstest-infra-k8sMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Split container definition in base container and more layers on topMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add dummy plugin installation in tedge_agent containerMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Build containers with debugging by defaultMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Remove tedge-mapper container for nowMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add container to generate example dataMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14packages: Ignore the examples directoryMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Make sure plugin-example is copied to the right placeMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add "sudo" to container, which is required for running pluginsMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14packages: Only set version variable onceMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14packages: Build thin-edge from current source, with current stable compiler f...Matthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add mozilla overlay to pkgs importMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Update tedge packages: 0.5.1 -> 0.5.2Matthias Beyer
2022-02-14containers: Add example plugin in agent containerMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Fix: Add config dir inside containersMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add error log when config cannot be loadedMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add ps, strace to debug packagesMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14containers: Extract user setup to dedicated script, include it in mosquitto c...Matthias Beyer
2022-02-14containers: Move mosquitto setup to mosquitto container setupMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Fix: Create lockdir in containerMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Fix: Create flock-file directory before creating flock fileMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14containers: Start process with "--debug" if containers are built for debuggingMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14containers: mosquitto: Add user setup, so mosquitto startsMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14containers: Add less to debug packagesMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14containers: Outsource debug packages, make them available in mosquitto contai...Matthias Beyer
2022-02-14Ensure kind is in shell scopeMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Make attr set recursive, so we can include stuff into shell from within attr setMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14kind: Fix kind load string generationMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14kind: Remove port mappings, as we do not need networking to the outside world...Matthias Beyer
2022-02-14Implement deploying of containers in kuberentes in kindMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Build only one container with tedge installedMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add setup script for containerMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Build layered container images instead of using debian as a baseMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14build thin-edge packages from sourceMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Join everything in one attr set, so we can select what to buildMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14container: Install package after installing mosquittoMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add ignore file for nix output linksMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Tie packages together with containersMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add containers definitionMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Add packages definitionMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Merge pull request #868 from matthiasbeyer/clippy-fixes-mqtt_testsMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Merge pull request #854 from matthiasbeyer/clippy-fixes-downloadMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Merge pull request #842 from matthiasbeyer/clippy-fixes-mqtt_channelMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Merge pull request #828 from matthiasbeyer/fix-possible-integer-truncationMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Merge pull request #834 from matthiasbeyer/no-string-pathesMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Merge pull request #865 from matthiasbeyer/clippy-fixes-agent_interfaceMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Merge pull request #864 from matthiasbeyer/clippy-fixes-json_writerMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Remove unnecessary pattern matchingMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Remove unneccessary match blocksMatthias Beyer
2022-02-14Remove unnecessary call of .to_string()Matthias Beyer