diff options
authorMarcel Müller <>2022-08-31 12:01:34 +0200
committerMatthias Beyer <>2022-09-09 14:19:04 +0200
commit55c3f56dc53de2451718d3fdba16d2197b48b509 (patch)
parent4fa4856c5d21fdcfb37d5d6a0ca9853372f809f9 (diff)
Implement generating thin-edge binariespost-merge/nix-thin-edge-builder
The flake now exports a working `lib.mkThinEdge` function with which users can generate a working binary with only the components they wish to include. It works as follows: - It pulls in all the dependencies required for the thin-edge CLI - It then pulls in and patches the sources given. Any path references to tedge_api/lib are patched to their nix-store equivalencies. - The Cargo.lock is generated by downloading the cargo index and overriding its location to be effectively offline - A temporary Rust project is created, where all the different components are then referenced and pulled in. - This Rust project is then compiled using `crane` (currently a private fork with some hacks due to a deficiency in Nix relating to importing store paths in the TOML reader) - crane automatically copies the resulting binary to the output Signed-off-by: Marcel Müller <>
5 files changed, 228 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/flake.lock b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/flake.lock
index 31cda59b..d181e45d 100644
--- a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/flake.lock
+++ b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/flake.lock
@@ -9,15 +9,16 @@
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1660447363,
- "narHash": "sha256-Y1OtGWEb0bgFlp9YULaiYcgfEoHVIz1NuXwzlFZ/0HE=",
- "owner": "ipetkov",
+ "lastModified": 1661841194,
+ "narHash": "sha256-uTKGw9NVaJ/PlEoJzrnqYLU3ADOvGiXqeXr5pTX2WPE=",
+ "owner": "TheNeikos",
"repo": "crane",
- "rev": "5548a68f5d4d60a2315ab1232e6fba5528e71dc8",
+ "rev": "1bb502992605a5ffe5085987aa8924ae15c57349",
"type": "github"
"original": {
- "owner": "ipetkov",
+ "owner": "TheNeikos",
+ "ref": "fix/use_unsafe",
"repo": "crane",
"type": "github"
@@ -70,11 +71,11 @@
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1661300288,
- "narHash": "sha256-R3FTmbhGhJ4bZZYFn/7KZjoFemhuSYCjPdPLzYSJKpI=",
+ "lastModified": 1661353537,
+ "narHash": "sha256-1E2IGPajOsrkR49mM5h55OtYnU0dGyre6gl60NXKITE=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
- "rev": "eb569cf5cc4ff90eb78896c04ee1fd377acc7e1b",
+ "rev": "0e304ff0d9db453a4b230e9386418fd974d5804a",
"type": "github"
"original": {
diff --git a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/flake.nix b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/flake.nix
index 8ece62d3..904d0c93 100644
--- a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/flake.nix
+++ b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/flake.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
- crane.url = "github:ipetkov/crane";
+ crane.url = "github:TheNeikos/crane/fix/use_unsafe";
crane.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
@@ -12,76 +12,112 @@
craneLib = crane.lib.${system};
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
- {
- lib = rec {
- officialComponents = [
- (mkThinEdgeComponent { src = ../../plugins/plugin_avg; pluginBuilderPath = "foo"; })
- ];
+ {
+ lib = rec {
+ officialComponents = [
+ (mkThinEdgeComponent { src = ../../plugins/plugin_avg; pluginBuilderPath = "plugin_avg::AvgPluginBuilder"; })
+ ];
- mkThinEdgeComponent = attrs@{
- name ? null,
- version ? null,
- src,
- pluginBuilderPath,
- }:
- let
- crateInfo = craneLib.crateNameFromCargoToml {
- cargoToml = "${src}/Cargo.toml";
- };
- in {
- name = if builtins.isNull name
- then crateInfo.pname
- else name;
+ mkThinEdgeComponent =
+ attrs@{ name ? null
+ , version ? null
+ , nativeBuildInputs ? [ ]
+ , buildInputs ? [ ]
+ , src
+ , pluginBuilderPath
+ ,
+ }:
+ let
+ crateInfo = craneLib.crateNameFromCargoToml {
+ cargoToml = "${src}/Cargo.toml";
+ };
+ in
+ {
+ name =
+ if builtins.isNull name
+ then crateInfo.pname
+ else name;
- version = if builtins.isNull version
- then crateInfo.version
- else version;
+ version =
+ if builtins.isNull version
+ then crateInfo.version
+ else version;
- inherit src pluginBuilderPath;
- };
+ inherit src pluginBuilderPath nativeBuildInputs buildInputs;
+ };
+ mkThinEdgeCrateSource =
+ attrs@{ defaultComponents ? officialComponents
+ , extraComponents ? [ ]
+ ,
+ }:
+ let
+ allComponents = defaultComponents ++ extraComponents;
+ writeCargoToml = import ./writeCargoToml.nix;
+ writeSrcMainRs = import ./writeSrcMainRs.nix;
+ writeCargoRegistry = import ./writeCargoRegistry.nix;
- mkThinEdgeCrateSource = attrs@{
- defaultComponents ? officialComponents,
- extraComponents ? [],
- }:
- let
- allComponents = defaultComponents ++ extraComponents;
+ cargoToml = writeCargoToml {
+ inherit pkgs craneLib;
+ components = allComponents;
+ };
- writeCargoToml = import ./writeCargoToml.nix;
- writeSrcMainRs = import ./writeSrcMainRs.nix;
+ srcmainrs = writeSrcMainRs {
+ inherit pkgs craneLib;
+ components = allComponents;
+ };
- cargoToml = writeCargoToml {
- inherit craneLib;
- components = allComponents;
- };
+ cargoConfig = writeCargoRegistry {
+ inherit pkgs craneLib;
+ };
- srcmainrs = writeSrcMainRs {
- inherit pkgs craneLib;
- components = allComponents;
- };
+ thinEdgeLockFile = pkgs.runCommand "buildThinEdgeLockFile" { } ''
+ mkdir -p src
+ mkdir -p .cargo
+ mkdir -p home
+ HOME=$(pwd)/home
+ cp -v "${cargoToml}" Cargo.toml
+ cp -v "${cargoConfig}" .cargo/config.toml
+ cp -v "${srcmainrs}" src/
+ ${pkgs.cargo}/bin/cargo -v generate-lockfile --offline
+ cp Cargo.lock $out
+ '';
- thinEdgeCrateSrc = pkgs.runCommand "buildThinEdgeCrateSrc" {} ''
- mkdir -p $out/src
- cp -v "${cargoToml}" $out/Cargo.toml
- cp -v "${srcmainrs}" $out/src/
- '';
- in thinEdgeCrateSrc;
+ thinEdgeCrateSrc = pkgs.runCommand "buildThinEdgeCrateSrc" { } ''
+ mkdir -p $out/src
+ mkdir -p $out/.cargo
+ mkdir -p $out/home
+ cp -v "${cargoToml}" $out/Cargo.toml
+ cp -v "${thinEdgeLockFile}" $out/Cargo.lock
+ cp -v "${srcmainrs}" $out/src/
+ '';
+ in
+ thinEdgeCrateSrc;
- mkThinEdge = attrs@{
- defaultComponents ? officialComponents,
- extraComponents ? [],
- }:
- let
- thinEdgeCrateSrc = mkThinEdgeCrateSource {
- inherit defaultComponents extraComponents;
- };
+ mkThinEdge =
+ attrs@{ defaultComponents ? officialComponents
+ , extraComponents ? [ ]
+ }:
+ let
+ thinEdgeCrateSrc = mkThinEdgeCrateSource {
+ inherit defaultComponents extraComponents;
+ };
+ collectedInputs = {
+ buildInputs = pkgs.lib.lists.concatMap (comp: comp.buildInputs) extraComponents;
+ nativeBuildInputs = pkgs.lib.lists.concatMap (comp: comp.nativeBuildInputs) extraComponents;
+ };
- builtPackage = craneLib.buildPackage {
- pname = "thin-edge";
- version = "0.1.0";
- src = thinEdgeCrateSrc;
- };
- in builtPackage;
- };
- });
+ builtPackage = craneLib.buildPackage {
+ pname = "thin-edge";
+ version = "0.1.0";
+ src = thinEdgeCrateSrc;
+ buildInputs = collectedInputs.buildInputs;
+ nativeBuildInputs = collectedInputs.nativeBuildInputs;
+ };
+ in
+ builtPackage;
+ };
+ });
diff --git a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeCargoRegistry.nix b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeCargoRegistry.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d536b2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeCargoRegistry.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{ craneLib, pkgs }:
+ cratesIoRegistry = fetchGit {
+ url = "";
+ ref = "master";
+ rev = "e9936adc4a5f03f929c3d19a8d3bcc73479ccc9a";
+ };
+ localCrateRegistry = pkgs.linkFarm "local-crate-registry" [
+ { name = "index"; path = cratesIoRegistry; }
+ ];
+ config = {
+ source = {
+ crates-io = {
+ local-registry = localCrateRegistry;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+craneLib.writeTOML "Cargo.toml" config
diff --git a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeCargoToml.nix b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeCargoToml.nix
index 34a276af..91dc2288 100644
--- a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeCargoToml.nix
+++ b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeCargoToml.nix
@@ -1,43 +1,60 @@
-{ craneLib, components }:
+{ craneLib, components, pkgs }:
edition = "2021";
+ applyOverrides = replacements: pkg: pkgs.runCommand "apply-${}" { } ''
+ cp -R ${pkg.src}/* .
+ rm Cargo.toml
+ cat ${pkg.src}/Cargo.toml ${pkgs.lib.concatMapStrings (r: '' | sed 's|${r.localPath}|"${r.src}"|' '') replacements} > Cargo.toml
+ cp -R ./ $out
+ '';
+ apiOnlyPatchCrates = [
+ { localPath = "\".*/tedge_api\""; src = ../../crates/core/tedge_api; }
+ ];
+ allPatchCrates = apiOnlyPatchCrates ++ [
+ { localPath = "\".*/tedge_lib\""; src = localCrates.tedge_lib.path; }
+ { localPath = "\".*/tedge_core\""; src = localCrates.tedge_core.path; }
+ ];
+ localCrates = {
+ tedge_api = { path = ../../crates/core/tedge_api; };
+ tedge_core = { path = applyOverrides apiOnlyPatchCrates { name = "tedge_core"; src = ../../crates/core/tedge_core; }; };
+ tedge_lib = { path = applyOverrides apiOnlyPatchCrates { name = "tedge_lib"; src = ../../crates/core/tedge_lib; }; };
+ tedge-cli = {
+ default-features = false;
+ path = applyOverrides allPatchCrates { name = "tedge-cli"; src = ../../tedge; };
+ };
+ };
defaultDependencies = {
- clap = { version = "3"; features = ["derive" "cargo" "suggestions"]; };
+ clap = { version = "3"; features = [ "derive" "cargo" "suggestions" ]; };
toml = "0.5.8";
- tokio = { version = "1"; features = ["fs" "macros" "rt-multi-thread" "signal"]; };
- miette = { version = "4.7"; features = ["fancy"]; };
+ tokio = { version = "1"; features = [ "fs" "macros" "rt-multi-thread" "signal" ]; };
+ miette = { version = "4.7"; features = [ "fancy" ]; };
cfg-if = "1";
tracing = "0.1";
- tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.11"; features = ["env-filter"]; };
+ tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.11"; features = [ "env-filter" ]; };
tracing-chrome = "0.6";
tracing-tracy = "0.9";
cfg_table = "1.0.0";
nu-ansi-term = "0.45.1";
- pretty = { version = "0.11.3"; features = ["termcolor"]; };
+ pretty = { version = "0.11.3"; features = [ "termcolor" ]; };
termcolor = "1.1.3";
termimad = "0.20.1";
term_size = "0.3.2";
owo-colors = "3.4.0";
textwrap = "0.15.0";
- tedge_api = { path = "../crates/core/tedge_api"; };
- tedge_core = { path = "../crates/core/tedge_core"; };
- tedge_lib = { path = "../crates/core/tedge_lib"; };
- env_logger = { version = "0.9"; optional = true; };
- };
+ } // localCrates;
componentDependencies =
mkDep = component: {
name =;
value = {
- path = component.src;
+ path = applyOverrides allPatchCrates component;
- in builtins.listToAttrs ( mkDep components);
+ in
+ builtins.listToAttrs ( mkDep components);
craneLib.writeTOML "Cargo.toml" {
diff --git a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeSrcMainRs.nix b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeSrcMainRs.nix
index b95bca48..73493b38 100644
--- a/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeSrcMainRs.nix
+++ b/lib/nix-thin-edge-builder/writeSrcMainRs.nix
@@ -5,8 +5,74 @@ let
pkgs.writeText "" ''
/// This file was generated by nix
+use clap::Parser;
+use tracing::debug;
+use tracing::info;
-fn main() {
- println!("HelloWorld");
+use tedge_cli::Registry;
+use tedge_lib::measurement::Measurement;
+use tedge_lib::notification::Notification;
+async fn main() -> miette::Result<()> {
+ let args = tedge_cli::cli::Cli::parse();
+ let _guard = tedge_cli::logging::setup_logging(
+ args.logging,
+ args.chrome_logging.as_ref(),
+ args.tracy_logging,
+ )?;
+ info!("Tedge booting...");
+ debug!(?args, "Tedge CLI");
+ let registry = tedge_cli::Registry::default();
+ info!("Building application");
+ ${ pkgs.lib.concatMapStrings (comp: ''
+ let registry = {
+ let kind_name: &'static str = <${comp.pluginBuilderPath} as tedge_api::PluginBuilder<tedge_core::PluginDirectory>>::kind_name();
+ info!(%kind_name, "Registering plugin builder");
+ let mut registry = registry;
+ if !registry.plugin_kinds.insert(kind_name.to_string()) {
+ miette::bail!("Plugin kind '{}' was already registered, cannot register!", kind_name)
+ }
+ let kind_name_str = kind_name.to_string();
+ registry.doc_printers.insert(kind_name.to_string(), Box::new(move || {
+ use std::io::Write;
+ use miette::IntoDiagnostic;
+ use pretty::Arena;
+ let mut stdout = std::io::stdout();
+ if let Some(config_desc) = <${comp.pluginBuilderPath} as tedge_api::PluginBuilder<tedge_core::PluginDirectory>>::kind_configuration() {
+ let terminal_width = term_size::dimensions().map(|(w, _)| w).unwrap_or(80);
+ let arena = Arena::new();
+ let rendered_doc = tedge_cli::config::as_terminal_doc(&config_desc, &arena);
+ let mut output = String::new();
+ rendered_doc.render_fmt(terminal_width, &mut output).into_diagnostic()?;
+ writeln!(stdout, " ----- Documentation for plugin '{}'", kind_name_str)
+ .into_diagnostic()?;
+ writeln!(stdout, "{}", output).into_diagnostic()?;
+ } else {
+ let msg = format!(" Documentation for plugin '{}' is unavailable", kind_name);
+ writeln!(stdout, "{}", nu_ansi_term::Color::Red.bold().paint(msg))
+ .into_diagnostic()?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }));
+ tedge_cli::Registry {
+ app_builder: registry.app_builder.with_plugin_builder(${comp.pluginBuilderPath}),
+ plugin_kinds: registry.plugin_kinds,
+ doc_printers: registry.doc_printers,
+ }
+ };
+ '') components }
+ tedge_cli::run_app(args, registry).await