path: root/src/
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a56c41b..5f43e2d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -6,23 +6,12 @@
//! Module containing types and functions for annotations of tasks
-use std::result::Result as RResult;
-use std::fmt::Formatter;
-use std::fmt::Result as FmtResult;
-use serde::Serialize;
-use serde::Serializer;
-use serde::Deserialize;
-use serde::Deserializer;
-use serde::de::Visitor;
-use serde::de::MapVisitor as DeserializeMapVisitor;
use date::Date;
/// Annotation type for task annotations.
/// Each annotation in taskwarrior consists of a date and a description,
/// the date is named "entry", the description "description" in the JSON export.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Annotation {
entry: Date,
description: String
@@ -50,92 +39,6 @@ impl Annotation {
-impl Serialize for Annotation {
- fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> RResult<S::Ok, S::Error>
- where S: Serializer
- {
- use serde::ser::SerializeStruct;
- let mut state = try!(serializer.serialize_struct("Annotation", 2));
- try!(state.serialize_field("entry", &self.entry));
- try!(state.serialize_field("description", &self.description));
- state.end()
- }
-impl Deserialize for Annotation {
- fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> RResult<Annotation, D::Error>
- where D: Deserializer
- {
- static FIELDS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
- "entry",
- "description"
- ];
- deserializer.deserialize_struct("Annotation", FIELDS, AnnotationDeserializeVisitor)
- }
-/// Helper type for the `Deserialize` implementation
-struct AnnotationDeserializeVisitor;
-impl Visitor for AnnotationDeserializeVisitor {
- type Value = Annotation;
- fn expecting(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> FmtResult {
- write!(fmt, "a taskwarrior annotation object")
- }
- fn visit_map<V>(self, mut visitor: V) -> RResult<Annotation, V::Error>
- where V: DeserializeMapVisitor
- {
- use serde::de::Error;
- let mut entry = None;
- let mut description = None;
- loop {
- let key : Option<String> = try!(visitor.visit_key());
- if key.is_none() {
- break;
- }
- let key = key.unwrap();
- match &key[..] {
- "entry" => {
- entry = Some(try!(visitor.visit_value()));
- },
- "description" => {
- description = Some(try!(visitor.visit_value()));
- },
- field => {
- use serde::de::impls::IgnoredAny;
- debug!("field '{}' ignored", field);
- let _: IgnoredAny = try!(visitor.visit_value());
- }
- }
- }
- let entry = match entry {
- Some(entry) => entry,
- None => return Err(V::Error::missing_field("entry")),
- };
- let description = match description {
- Some(description) => description,
- None => return Err(V::Error::missing_field("description")),
- };
- Ok(Annotation::new(entry, description))
- }
mod test {