AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-07Add a doctest to BooleanQuery (#630)HEADmasterpetr-tik
2019-10-04Fix bench (#663)Paul Masurel
2019-10-04fmt (#661)Paul Masurel
2019-10-01Waiting potentially longer on watchPaul Masurel
2019-10-01Merge branch 'hotfix-656'Paul Masurel
2019-10-01Address #656Paul Masurel
2019-09-26Removed enum variants on type aliasPaul Masurel
2019-09-18Fixing the issue associated with the Regex performance changePaul Masurel
2019-09-18add checksum check in ManagedDirectory (#605)fdb-hiroshima
2019-09-11fix Term documentation (#655)fdb-hiroshima
2019-09-11fix documentation error (#654)fdb-hiroshima
2019-09-09Remove unnecessary duplicate methods (#650)petr-tik
2019-09-07Using FnvHashMap for mapping UnorderedTermId to TermOrdinal. Fixes #507 (#647)Raminder Singh
2019-09-07Occur debug interface (#648)Paul Masurel
2019-09-07Fixed clippy warning: unneeded return statement (#646)Raminder Singh
2019-09-05Moving queyr grammar to a different crate. (#645)Paul Masurel
2019-09-04Lighter regex dependency. (#644)Paul Masurel
2019-09-03Small code clean upPaul Masurel
2019-09-03Update once_cell requirement from 0.2 to 1.0 (#643)dependabot-preview[bot]
2019-08-22RegexQuery performance: make it possible to cache Regexes - remastered by ful...Paul Masurel
2019-08-19Expose new segment meta from Index (#637)Paul Masurel
2019-08-19Added segmentid_from_string (#636)Paul Masurel
2019-08-19Update import statements in examples, doctests (#633)Joshua Dutton
2019-08-19Fix trait object in doctest (#635)Joshua Dutton
2019-08-19Fixing typos (#634)Joshua Dutton
2019-08-15Introducing a wrapper struct instead of Boxed<BoxableTokenizer> (#631)Paul Masurel
2019-08-14Change for tantivy-pyPaul Masurel
2019-08-12Added cargo-fmt to CI runs (#627)petr-tik
2019-08-12Elastic unbounded range query (#624)petr-tik
2019-08-11Added Schema.from_named_docPaul Masurel
2019-08-08WTF is this file doing here (#622)Paul Masurel
2019-08-08fix parsing neg float in range query (#621)fdb-hiroshima
2019-08-08cargo fmtPaul Masurel
2019-08-08Various bugfix in the query parser (#619)Paul Masurel
2019-08-06Trying to fix #609 (#616)Paul Masurel
2019-08-05Bump deps (#613)Kornel
2019-08-01Changes required for python binding (#610)Paul Masurel
2019-07-31Replace unwrap with match and proper Error handling (#606)petr-tik
2019-07-30Closes #544. (#607)Paul Masurel
2019-07-27add to_path for Facet (#604)fdb-hiroshima
2019-07-27add support for float (#603)fdb-hiroshima
2019-07-22Added phrase query tests (#601)Paul Masurel
2019-07-22Failrs (#600)Paul Masurel
2019-07-21Made the SegmentMeta inventory out of static.Paul Masurel
2019-07-20Small code cleaningPaul Masurel
2019-07-18Merge branch 'master' of Masurel
2019-07-18Disabling generating docsPaul Masurel
2019-07-18Disabling generating docsPaul Masurel
2019-07-17Using instead of u64.Paul Masurel
2019-07-17Small refactoringPaul Masurel