AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
7 daysbuild(deps): update dependency vitepress to ^1.1.4HEADmasterrenovate[bot]
7 daysbuild(deps): update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-typescript to v0.90.4renovate[bot]
7 daysbuild(deps): update rust crate schemars to 0.8.17renovate[bot]
9 daysbuild(deps): update rust crate serde to 1.0.199renovate[bot]
9 daysbuild(deps): update rust crate unicode-width to 0.1.12renovate[bot]
11 daysbuild(deps): update reviewdog/action-suggester action to v1.12.0renovate[bot]
12 daysbuild(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.10renovate[bot]
13 daysbuild(deps): update embarkstudios/cargo-deny-action action to v1.6.3renovate[bot]
14 daysbuild(deps): update rust crate windows to 0.56.0 (#5928)David Knaack
* build(deps): update rust crate windows to 0.56.0 * chore: update lockfile manually --------- Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
14 daysbuild(deps): update dependency vitepress to ^1.1.3renovate[bot]
14 daysbuild(deps): update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-typescript to v0.90.3renovate[bot]
2024-04-19build(deps): update rust crate toml_edit to 0.22.12renovate[bot]
2024-04-19build(deps): update rust crate toml_edit to 0.22.11renovate[bot]
2024-04-16build(deps): update rust crate serde to 1.0.198renovate[bot]
2024-04-16build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.9renovate[bot]
2024-04-16build(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.116renovate[bot]
2024-04-16fix(bash): fix handling of the preserved DEBUG trap (used in Bash <= 4.3) ↵Koichi Murase
(#5908) * refactor(bash): use `STARSHIP_*` for the internal variable names The current codebase uses `dbg_trap` to save the original DEBUG trap in bash <= 4.3. However, the variable name possibly conflicts a user variable since it is not prefixed by `_starship` or `starship_` or `STARSHIP_`. In this patch, we rename `dbg_trap` to `STARSHIP_DEBUG_TRAP` following other variables of `STARSHIP_EXIT_STATUS` and `STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS`. We also rename the variable `_PRESERVED_PROMPT_COMMAND` to `STARSHIP_PROMPT_COMMAND`. * fix(bash): correctly extract DEBUG trap with spaces * fix(bash): evaluate DEBUG trap by eval The current code executes the saved DEBUG trap just by $_starship_dbg_trap. This causes various problems. The content of the variable `_starship_dbg_trap` is unexpectedly subject to the word splitting with the pathname expansions. Also, the needed shell expansions and quote removal are not performed. With a custom IFS, the content of the variable will be split in an unexpected way. The saved DEBUG trap needs to be executed by eval "$_starship_dbg_trap".
2024-04-15build(deps): update rust crate chrono to 0.4.38renovate[bot]
2024-04-15build(deps): update dependency vitepress to ^1.1.0renovate[bot]
2024-04-15build(deps): update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-typescript to v0.90.1renovate[bot]
2024-04-14docs: fix typo in (#5902)redistay
docs: fix typos in Signed-off-by: redistay <>
2024-04-14docs(advanced-config): fix descriptions of the settings (#5907)Koichi Murase
docs(advanced-config): fix the settings
2024-04-14fix(xonsh): remove `| cat` workaround from xonsh init (#5113)Michael Feist
2024-04-13build(deps): update rust crate gix to 0.62.0renovate[bot]
2024-04-12build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.8renovate[bot]
2024-04-10build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.7renovate[bot]
2024-04-09build(deps): update rust crate clap_complete to 4.5.2renovate[bot]
2024-04-09build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.5renovate[bot]
2024-04-08build(deps): update rust crate starship-battery to 0.8.3renovate[bot]
2024-04-08build(deps): update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-typescript to v0.90.0renovate[bot]
2024-04-08build(deps): update dependency vitepress to ^1.0.2renovate[bot]
2024-04-06feat(k8s): Add detect env vars option (#4488)Thomas O'Donnell
* feat(k8s): Add detect env vars option Have added the option to trigger the k8s module based on what env vars are set, this has been done in a backwards compatible way so if nothing is changed from the defaults the module will still behave the same way as before. This is similar to what I did in #4486 for the python module and if goes well I'd like to rollout to other modules. * Update src/modules/ Co-authored-by: David Knaack <> * Update src/modules/ --------- Co-authored-by: David Knaack <>
2024-04-06feat(container): show name if available (#5195)cgzones
Podman exports the name of the container in /run/.containerenv, which is especially useful for distrobox environments.
2024-04-06fix: combine ANSI color codes before wrapping them (#5762)Daniel Watkins
* combine ANSI color codes before wrapping them The existing code wraps each individual module's output for ``, concatenates all that output together and passes it to `AnsiStrings` to merge ANSI color codes. However, the wrapping obscures ANSI color codes, meaning that no merging is possible. This commit changes the shell-specific wrapping to happen right before output, once all modules' output has been concatenated together. This results in ANSI color codes being correctly merged, as well as reducing the number of calls to `wrap_colorseq_for_shell` to one. With a minimal `starship.toml`: ``` format = """$directory""" [directory] format = '[a]($style)[b]($style)' ``` The current code produces[0]: ``` \n%{\x1b[31m%}a%{\x1b[0m%}%{\x1b[31m%}b%{\x1b[0m% ``` And this commit's code: ``` \n%{\x1b[31m%}ab%{\x1b[0m%} ``` You can see that the current code emits an additional reset and repeated color code between "a" and "b" compared to the new code. [0] Produced in a Python shell with: ``` subprocess.check_output( "./target/debug/starship prompt", shell=True, env={"STARSHIP_CONFIG": "./starship.toml", "STARSHIP_SHELL": "zsh"} ) ``` * utils: return early from wrap_seq_for_shell unless wrapping required * refactor(utils): simplify wrap_seq_for_shell This commit modifies wrap_seq_for_shell to (a) return early for shells with no wrapping required, and (b) determine the wrapping characters once at the start of the function (rather than inline in the map function for every character).
2024-04-05feat(username): add aliases option (#5855)Alper Cugun
* Create place to put it in the config * Initial functional version * Fix grammar * Add option documentation to README * Add test for two aliases and emoji translation * Remove println * Rewrite match as iflet * Improve converting the reference * Format file * Try to restore autoformat of markdown * Replace toml:Map with concrete IndexMap * Update schema * Add option that got lost
2024-04-05feat(odin): Add Odin Lang module (#5873)[Error_27]
* Add Odin lang module * add utils string and remove commit number from output * switch to new symbol because ZWJ support is rare * add config docs * add option to show the commit number * fix lack of trimming * fix formatting to comply with checks * Add trailing newline to comply with cargo fmt * Add new Odin test and add newline in cmd output
2024-04-05feat(gleam): Add Gleam module (#5886)boreinhardt
Co-authored-by: benno.reinhardt <>
2024-04-04build(deps): update rust crate notify-rust to 4.11.0renovate[bot]
2024-04-04build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.4renovate[bot]
2024-04-04docs(faq): fix typo (#5905)Sam
2024-04-03build(deps): update rust crate strsim to 0.11.1renovate[bot]
2024-04-02build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.3renovate[bot]
2024-04-02fix(bash): use `eval` instead of a procsub for the POSIX mode (#5020)Koichi Murase
fix(bash): use eval instead of a procsub for the POSIX mode
2024-04-02build(deps): update pest crates to 2.7.9renovate[bot]
2024-04-02build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.1renovate[bot]
2024-04-01build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.20.0renovate[bot]
2024-04-01docs(preset): fix incorrect Rocky Linux key in plain text symbols preset (#5899)Andrei Lapshin
2024-03-30fix(bun): change default icon (#5880)Ramy
* feat: change bun icon #5871 * fix: reverts docs
2024-03-30docs(i18n): new Crowdin updates (#5883)Matan Kushner
* New translations (Chinese Traditional) * New translations (Chinese Traditional) * New translations (Chinese Traditional) * New translations (Chinese Traditional) * New translations (Chinese Traditional)
2024-03-29chore(master): release 1.18.2 (#5882)v1.18.2github-actions[bot]
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]>