AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-25Fix broken translationsvuepress-2Kid
2023-04-25Add back sitemap pluginKid
2023-04-25Add back code copy pluginKid
2023-04-25Update file includesKid
2023-04-25Port stylesKid
2023-04-25Update action buttonKid
2023-04-25Initial setupKid
2023-04-24refactor(Context): `set_config` method for `Context` (#5079)marcybell
2023-04-24fix(style): ensure nested style variables are processed during formatting (#5...Andrew Pantuso
2023-04-23docs(pwsh): use a more convenient method to update the window title (#5125)Micky Brunetti
2023-04-21build(deps): update rust crate regex to 1.8.1renovate[bot]
2023-04-21build(deps): update rust crate clap_complete to 4.2.1renovate[bot]
2023-04-20build(deps): update rust crate regex to 1.8.0renovate[bot]
2023-04-19build(deps): update rust crate dunce to 1.0.4renovate[bot]
2023-04-19build(deps): update rust crate clap to 4.2.4renovate[bot]
2023-04-19build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.14.8renovate[bot]
2023-04-19build(deps): update rust crate gix-features to 0.29.0renovate[bot]
2023-04-18build(deps): update rust crate clap to 4.2.3renovate[bot]
2023-04-16build(deps): update rust crate open to 4.0.2renovate[bot]
2023-04-13fix(config): Make print-config not panic without a config (#5001)Dom Slee
2023-04-13build(deps): update rust crate clap to 4.2.2renovate[bot]
2023-04-13build(deps): update crate-ci/typos action to v1.14.6renovate[bot]
2023-04-13feat: Add Solidity Module (#5047)AnirbanHalder654322
2023-04-13feat(git_metrics): add option to ignore submodules (#5052)Colton Donnelly
2023-04-13feat(azure): subscription name aliases (#4949)marcybell
2023-04-13feat: add typechange to git_status module (#4829)Chad Denyar
2023-04-13build(deps): update rust crate gethostname to 0.4.2renovate[bot]
2023-04-13build(deps): update rust crate starship-battery to 0.8.0 (#5106)David Knaack
2023-04-13build(deps): update rust crate serde_json to 1.0.96renovate[bot]
2023-04-12build(deps): update rust crate quick-xml to 0.28.2renovate[bot]
2023-04-12build(deps): update embarkstudios/cargo-deny-action action to v1.5.2renovate[bot]
2023-04-12chore(master): release 1.14.2 (#5098)v1.14.2github-actions[bot]
2023-04-12docs(i18n): new Crowdin updates (#5093)Matan Kushner
2023-04-12chore(choco): remove chocolatey dependency (#5078)David Knaack
2023-04-12fix(git_commit): resolve panic on 32-bit targets (#5095)David Knaack
2023-04-12docs: update snap instructions (#5007)Aki Kanellis
2023-04-11build(deps): update rust crate serde to 1.0.160renovate[bot]
2023-04-11ci: add missing GH token to doc publishing flowMatan Kushner
2023-04-11chore(master): release 1.14.1 (#5090)v1.14.1github-actions[bot]
2023-04-11ci: Revert "fix: bootstrap manifest for release-please (#5087)"Matan Kushner
2023-04-11chore: fix release-please-manifest versionMatan Kushner
2023-04-11fix: update the release-please manifestMatan Kushner
2023-04-11fix: bootstrap manifest for release-please (#5087)Matan Kushner
2023-04-11fix: trigger releaseMatan Kushner
2023-04-11chore(master): release 1.14.0 (#4948)v1.14.0github-actions[bot]
2023-04-11docs(i18n): new Crowdin updates (#4956)Matan Kushner
2023-04-10build(deps): update rust crate os_info to 3.7.0 (#5057)David Knaack
2023-04-10build(deps): update dprint pluginsrenovate[bot]
2023-04-07fix(java): wrong version number when using Android Studio JDK (#4966)Aurélien Gâteau