AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-03-23chore(release): v0.51.0v0.51.0Matan Kushner
2021-03-23build(deps): bump serde from 1.0.124 to 1.0.125dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-18refactor(dotnet): ".NET" instead of "•NET" (#2471)Eyal Cherevatzki
2021-03-15docs(i18n): New Crowdin updates (#2362)Matan Kushner
2021-03-15refactor: replace RootModuleConfig with Default (#2458)David Knaack
2021-03-15fix(zsh): Set PROMPT just once (#2428)Eric Nielsen
2021-03-15fix(cmake): Change cmake symbol to unicode triangle (#2456)Melroy van den Berg
2021-03-15build(deps): bump regex from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-14feat(scala): Add scala module (#2409)Beni Ben zikry
2021-03-14build: add more architectures to Snap package (#2382)Linus Unnebäck
2021-03-14fix(python): Handle PyPy python version correctly (#2374)Asger Hautop Drewsen
2021-03-13fix(java): use consistent separators for java path (#2455)Thomas O'Donnell
2021-03-13feat(aws): add support for getting profile from awsu (#2451)nils måsén
2021-03-12fix(tcsh): remove quotes and escape backticks (#2429)Vivek Malneedi
2021-03-12fix(docs): "Command Duration" section link target (#2416)Colin Marquardt
2021-03-12fix(package): fix meson version extraction if 'meson_version' is present (#2397)Bao, Huang-Huang
2021-03-12build(deps): bump regex from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-11build(deps): bump open from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-11build(deps): bump byte-unit from 4.0.9 to 4.0.10dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-08chore: run cargo update (#2434)David Knaack
2021-03-08build(deps): bump serde from 1.0.123 to 1.0.124dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-08build(deps): bump indexmap from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-07docs: Add install for chocolatey (#2372)Nimish Bongale
2021-03-06style(aws): Add spacing between profile and region (#2417)Eric Nielsen
2021-03-05fix(bash): escape interpretable characters (#2404)David Knaack
2021-03-04ci: remove AUR deploy (#2411)Tilmann Meyer
2021-03-04fix: update vulnerable generic-array package (#2412)David Knaack
2021-03-04build(deps): bump open from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-03feat(install): make install script posix compliant (#2228)Deavon M. McCaffery
2021-03-03build(deps): bump once_cell from 1.7.0 to 1.7.2dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-01build(deps): bump open from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-01build(deps): bump serde_json from 1.0.63 to 1.0.64dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-03-01build(deps): bump notify-rust from 4.2.2 to 4.3.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-27docs(faq): Add `starship explain` to FAQ (#2387)Thomas O'Donnell
2021-02-27feat: add support for tcsh (#2288)Vivek Malneedi
2021-02-26build(deps): bump serde_json from 1.0.62 to 1.0.63dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-25build(deps): bump once_cell from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-24build(deps): bump quick-xml from 0.21.0 to 0.22.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-23build(deps): bump once_cell from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-23docs: Clarify wording on add_newline option (#2308)Artur Daschevici
2021-02-23docs: Update Nix installation documentation (#2291)Kevin Mullins
2021-02-22fix(nodejs): Change symbol to nerd-font (#1649)whi-tw
2021-02-22build(deps-dev): bump vuepress from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 in /docs (#2368)dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-22build(deps-dev): bump @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics in /docs (#2367)dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-22build(deps): bump nix from 0.19.1 to 0.20.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-22build(deps): bump attohttpc from 0.16.1 to 0.16.3dependabot-preview[bot]
2021-02-21docs(i18n): New Crowdin updates (#2275)Matan Kushner
2021-02-21feat(helm): Configure when the module is shown (#2352)Thomas O'Donnell
2021-02-21feat(java): Configure when the module is shown (#2353)Thomas O'Donnell
2021-02-21feat(julia): Configure when the module is shown (#2358)Thomas O'Donnell