path: root/src/init
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4 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/src/init/ b/src/init/
deleted file mode 100644
index 85f8f80d7..000000000
--- a/src/init/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-use std::ffi::OsStr;
-use std::path::Path;
-use std::{env, io};
-/* We use a two-phase init here: the first phase gives a simple command to the
-shell. This command evaluates a more complicated script using `source` and
-process substitution.
-Directly using `eval` on a shell script causes it to be evaluated in
-a single line, which sucks because things like comments will comment out the
-rest of the script, and you have to spam semicolons everywhere. By using
-source and process substitutions, we make it possible to comment and debug
-the init scripts.
-In the future, this may be changed to just directly evaluating the initscript
-using whatever mechanism is available in the host shell--this two-phase solution
-has been developed as a compatibility measure with `eval $(starship init X)`
-fn path_to_starship() -> io::Result<String> {
- let current_exe = env::current_exe()?
- .to_str()
- .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "can't convert to str"))?
- .to_string();
- Ok(current_exe)
-/* This prints the setup stub, the short piece of code which sets up the main
-init code. The stub produces the main init script, then evaluates it with
-`source` and process substitution */
-pub fn init_stub(shell_name: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
- log::debug!("Shell name: {}", shell_name);
- let shell_basename = Path::new(shell_name).file_stem().and_then(OsStr::to_str);
- let starship = path_to_starship()?.replace("\"", "\"'\"'\"");
- let setup_stub = match shell_basename {
- Some("bash") => {
- /*
- * The standard bash bootstrap is:
- * `source <(starship init bash --print-full-init)`
- *
- * Unfortunately there is an issue with bash 3.2 (the MacOS
- * default) which prevents this from working. It does not support
- * `source` with process substitution.
- *
- * There are more details here:
- *
- * The workaround for MacOS is to use the `/dev/stdin` trick you
- * see below. However, there are some systems with emulated POSIX
- * environments which do not support `/dev/stdin`. For example,
- * `Git Bash` within `Git for Windows and `Termux` on Android.
- *
- * Fortunately, these apps ship with recent-ish versions of bash.
- * Git Bash is currently shipping bash 4.4 and Termux is shipping
- * bash 5.0.
- *
- * Some testing has suggested that bash 4.0 is also incompatible
- * with the standard bootstrap, whereas bash 4.1 appears to be
- * consistently compatible.
- *
- * The upshot of all of this, is that we will use the standard
- * bootstrap whenever the bash version is 4.1 or higher. Otherwise,
- * we fall back to the `/dev/stdin` solution.
- *
- * More background can be found in these pull requests:
- *
- *
- */
- let script = {
- format!(
- r#"if [ "${{BASH_VERSINFO[0]}}" -gt 4 ] || ([ "${{BASH_VERSINFO[0]}}" -eq 4 ] && [ "${{BASH_VERSINFO[1]}}" -ge 1 ])
-source <("{}" init bash --print-full-init)
-source /dev/stdin <<<"$("{}" init bash --print-full-init)"
- starship, starship
- )
- };
- Some(script)
- }
- Some("zsh") => {
- let script = format!("source <(\"{}\" init zsh --print-full-init)", starship);
- Some(script)
- }
- Some("fish") => {
- // Fish does process substitution with pipes and psub instead of bash syntax
- let script = format!(
- "source (\"{}\" init fish --print-full-init | psub)",
- starship
- );
- Some(script)
- }
- None => {
- println!(
- "Invalid shell name provided: {}\\n\
- If this issue persists, please open an \
- issue in the starship repo: \\n\
- shell_name
- );
- None
- }
- Some(shell_basename) => {
- println!(
- "printf \"\\n{0} is not yet supported by starship.\\n\
- For the time being, we support bash, zsh, and fish.\\n\
- Please open an issue in the starship repo if you would like to \
- see support for {0}:\\n\"\\n\\n",
- shell_basename
- );
- None
- }
- };
- if let Some(script) = setup_stub {
- print!("{}", script);
- };
- Ok(())
-/* This function (called when `--print-full-init` is passed to `starship init`)
-prints out the main initialization script */
-pub fn init_main(shell_name: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
- let starship_path = path_to_starship()?.replace("\"", "\"'\"'\"");
- let setup_script = match shell_name {
- "bash" => Some(BASH_INIT),
- "zsh" => Some(ZSH_INIT),
- "fish" => Some(FISH_INIT),
- _ => {
- println!(
- "printf \"Shell name detection failed on phase two init.\\n\
- This probably indicates a bug within starship: please open\\n\
- an issue at\\n\""
- );
- None
- }
- };
- if let Some(script) = setup_script {
- // Set up quoting for starship path in case it has spaces.
- let starship_path_string = format!("\"{}\"", starship_path);
- let script = script.replace("::STARSHIP::", &starship_path_string);
- print!("{}", script);
- };
- Ok(())
-Each init script will be passed as-is. Global notes for init scripts are in this
-comment, with additional per-script comments in the strings themselves.
-JOBS: The argument to `--jobs` is quoted because MacOS's `wc` leaves whitespace
-in the output. We pass it to starship and do the whitespace removal in Rust,
-to avoid the cost of an additional shell fork every shell draw.
-Note that the init scripts are not in their final form--they are processed by
-`starship init` prior to emitting the final form. In this processing, some tokens
-are replaced, e.g. `::STARSHIP::` is replaced by the full path to the
-starship binary.
-const BASH_INIT: &str = include_str!("starship.bash");
-const ZSH_INIT: &str = include_str!("starship.zsh");
-const FISH_INIT: &str = include_str!("");
diff --git a/src/init/starship.bash b/src/init/starship.bash
deleted file mode 100644
index da02f6e42..000000000
--- a/src/init/starship.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# We use PROMPT_COMMAND and the DEBUG trap to generate timing information. We try
-# to avoid clobbering what we can, and try to give the user ways around our
-# clobbers, if it's unavoidable. For example, PROMPT_COMMAND is appended to,
-# and the DEBUG trap is layered with other traps, if it exists.
-# A bash quirk is that the DEBUG trap is fired every time a command runs, even
-# if it's later on in the pipeline. If uncorrected, this could cause bad timing
-# data for commands like `slow | slow | fast`, since the timer starts at the start
-# of the "fast" command.
-# To solve this, we set a flag `PREEXEC_READY` when the prompt is drawn, and only
-# start the timer if this flag is present. That way, timing is for the entire command,
-# and not just a portion of it.
-# Will be run before *every* command (even ones in pipes!)
-starship_preexec() {
- # Avoid restarting the timer for commands in the same pipeline
- if [ "$PREEXEC_READY" = "true" ]; then
- fi
-# Will be run before the prompt is drawn
-starship_precmd() {
- # Save the status, because commands in this pipeline will change $?
- # Run the bash precmd function, if it's set. If not set, evaluates to no-op
- "${starship_precmd_user_func-:}"
- # Prepare the timer data, if needed.
- if [[ $STARSHIP_START_TIME ]]; then
- STARSHIP_END_TIME=$(date +%s)
- PS1="$(::STARSHIP:: prompt --status=$STATUS --jobs="$(jobs -p | wc -l)" --cmd-duration=$STARSHIP_DURATION)"
- else
- PS1="$(::STARSHIP:: prompt --status=$STATUS --jobs="$(jobs -p | wc -l)")"
- fi
- PREEXEC_READY=true; # Signal that we can safely restart the timer
-# If the user appears to be using,
-# then hook our functions into their framework.
-if [[ $preexec_functions ]]; then
- preexec_functions+=(starship_preexec)
- precmd_functions+=(starship_precmd)
-# We want to avoid destroying an existing DEBUG hook. If we detect one, create
-# a new function that runs both the existing function AND our function, then
-# re-trap DEBUG to use this new function. This prevents a trap clobber.
- dbg_trap="$(trap -p DEBUG | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr -d \')"
- if [[ -z "$dbg_trap" ]]; then
- trap starship_preexec DEBUG
- elif [[ "$dbg_trap" != "starship_preexec" && "$dbg_trap" != "starship_preexec_all" ]]; then
- function starship_preexec_all(){
- $dbg_trap; starship_preexec
- }
- trap starship_preexec_all DEBUG
- fi
- # Finally, prepare the precmd function and set up the start time.
-# Set up the start time and STARSHIP_SHELL, which controls shell-specific sequences
-export STARSHIP_SHELL="bash" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/init/ b/src/init/
deleted file mode 100644
index b2e88e5ee..000000000
--- a/src/init/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-function fish_prompt
- switch "$fish_key_bindings"
- case fish_hybrid_key_bindings fish_vi_key_bindings
- set keymap "$fish_bind_mode"
- case '*'
- set keymap insert
- end
- set -l exit_code $status
- # Account for changes in variable name between v2.7 and v3.0
- set -l CMD_DURATION "$CMD_DURATION$cmd_duration"
- set -l starship_duration (math --scale=0 "$CMD_DURATION / 1000")
- ::STARSHIP:: prompt --status=$exit_code --keymap=$keymap --cmd-duration=$starship_duration --jobs=(count (jobs -p))
-function fish_mode_prompt; end
-export STARSHIP_SHELL="fish"
diff --git a/src/init/starship.zsh b/src/init/starship.zsh
deleted file mode 100644
index fdae70e12..000000000
--- a/src/init/starship.zsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# ZSH has a quirk where `preexec` is only run if a command is actually run (i.e
-# pressing ENTER at an empty command line will not cause preexec to fire). This
-# can cause timing issues, as a user who presses "ENTER" without running a command
-# will see the time to the start of the last command, which may be very large.
-# To fix this, we create STARSHIP_START_TIME upon preexec() firing, and destroy it
-# after drawing the prompt. This ensures that the timing for one command is only
-# ever drawn once (for the prompt immediately after it is run).
-zmodload zsh/parameter # Needed to access jobstates variable for NUM_JOBS
-# Will be run before every prompt draw
-starship_precmd() {
- # Save the status, because commands in this pipeline will change $?
- # Use length of jobstates array as number of jobs. Expansion fails inside
- # quotes so we set it here and then use the value later on.
- NUM_JOBS=$#jobstates
- # Compute cmd_duration, if we have a time to consume
- if [[ ! -z "${STARSHIP_START_TIME+1}" ]]; then
- STARSHIP_END_TIME="$(date +%s)"
- PROMPT="$(::STARSHIP:: prompt --status=$STATUS --cmd-duration=$STARSHIP_DURATION --jobs="$NUM_JOBS")"
- else
- PROMPT="$(::STARSHIP:: prompt --status=$STATUS --jobs="$NUM_JOBS")"
- fi
- STARSHIP_START_TIME="$(date +%s)"
-# If precmd/preexec arrays are not already set, set them. If we don't do this,
-# the code to detect whether starship_precmd is already in precmd_functions will
-# fail because the array doesn't exist (and same for starship_preexec)
-[[ -z "${precmd_functions+1}" ]] && precmd_functions=()
-[[ -z "${preexec_functions+1}" ]] && preexec_functions=()
-# If starship precmd/preexec functions are already hooked, don't double-hook them
-# to avoid unnecessary performance degradation in nested shells
-if [[ ${precmd_functions[(ie)starship_precmd]} -gt ${#precmd_functions} ]]; then
- precmd_functions+=(starship_precmd)
-if [[ ${preexec_functions[(ie)starship_preexec]} -gt ${#preexec_functions} ]]; then
- preexec_functions+=(starship_preexec)
-# Set up a function to redraw the prompt if the user switches vi modes
-function zle-keymap-select
- PROMPT=$(::STARSHIP:: prompt --keymap=$KEYMAP --jobs="$(jobs | wc -l)")
- zle reset-prompt
-STARSHIP_START_TIME="$(date +%s)"
-zle -N zle-keymap-select
-export STARSHIP_SHELL="zsh"