path: root/docs/no-NO/config/
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+# Configuration
+To get started configuring starship, create the following file: `~/.config/starship.toml`.
+mkdir -p ~/.config && touch ~/.config/starship.toml
+All configuration for starship is done in this [TOML]( file:
+# Get editor completions based on the config schema
+"$schema" = ''
+# Inserts a blank line between shell prompts
+add_newline = true
+# Replace the '❯' symbol in the prompt with '➜'
+[character] # The name of the module we are configuring is 'character'
+success_symbol = '[➜](bold green)' # The 'success_symbol' segment is being set to '➜' with the color 'bold green'
+# Disable the package module, hiding it from the prompt completely
+disabled = true
+### Config File Location
+You can change default configuration file location with `STARSHIP_CONFIG` environment variable:
+export STARSHIP_CONFIG=~/example/non/default/path/starship.toml
+Equivalently in PowerShell (Windows) would be adding this line to your `$PROFILE`:
+$ENV:STARSHIP_CONFIG = "$HOME\example\non\default\path\starship.toml"
+Or for Cmd (Windows) would be adding this line to your `starship.lua`:
+os.setenv('STARSHIP_CONFIG', 'C:\\Users\\user\\example\\non\\default\\path\\starship.toml')
+### Logging
+By default starship logs warnings and errors into a file named `~/.cache/starship/session_${STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY}.log`, where the session key is corresponding to a instance of your terminal. This, however can be changed using the `STARSHIP_CACHE` environment variable:
+export STARSHIP_CACHE=~/.starship/cache
+Equivalently in PowerShell (Windows) would be adding this line to your `$PROFILE`:
+$ENV:STARSHIP_CACHE = "$HOME\AppData\Local\Temp"
+Or for Cmd (Windows) would be adding this line to your `starship.lua`:
+os.setenv('STARSHIP_CACHE', 'C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp')
+### Terminology
+**Module**: A component in the prompt giving information based on contextual information from your OS. For example, the "nodejs" module shows the version of Node.js that is currently installed on your computer, if your current directory is a Node.js project.
+**Variable**: Smaller sub-components that contain information provided by the module. For example, the "version" variable in the "nodejs" module contains the current version of Node.js.
+By convention, most modules have a prefix of default terminal color (e.g. `via` in "nodejs") and an empty space as a suffix.
+### Strings
+In TOML syntax, [text values]( are declared with `'`, `"`, `'''`, or `"""`.
+The following Starship syntax symbols have special usage in a format string and must be escaped to display as that character: `$ [ ] ( )`.
+| Symbol | Type | Notes |
+| ------ | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
+| `'` | literal string | less escaping |
+| `"` | string | more escaping |
+| `'''` | multi-line literal string | less escaping |
+| `"""` | multi-line string | more escaping, newlines in declarations can be ignored |
+For example:
+# literal string
+format = '☺\☻ '
+# regular string
+format = "☺\\☻ "
+# escaping Starship symbols
+format = '\[\$\] '
+When using line breaks, multi-line declarations can be used. For example, if you want to print a `$` symbol on a new line, the following values for `format` are equivalent:
+# with literal string
+format = '''
+# with multiline basic string
+format = """
+# with basic string
+format = "\n\\$"
+In multiline basic strings, newlines can be used for formatting without being present in the value by escaping them.
+format = """
+### Format Strings
+Format strings are the format that a module prints all its variables with. Most modules have an entry called `format` that configures the display format of the module. You can use texts, variables and text groups in a format string.
+#### Variable
+A variable contains a `$` symbol followed by the name of the variable. The name of a variable can only contain letters, numbers and `_`.
+For example:
+- `'$version'` is a format string with a variable named `version`.
+- `'$git_branch$git_commit'` is a format string with two variables named `git_branch` and `git_commit`.
+- `'$git_branch $git_commit'` has the two variables separated with a space.
+#### Text Group
+A text group is made up of two different parts.
+The first part, which is enclosed in a `[]`, is a [format string](#format-strings). You can add texts, variables, or even nested text groups in it.
+In the second part, which is enclosed in a `()`, is a [style string](#style-strings). This can be used to style the first part.
+For example:
+- `'[on](red bold)'` will print a string `on` with bold text colored red.
+- `'[⌘ $version](bold green)'` will print a symbol `⌘` followed by the content of variable `version`, with bold text colored green.
+- `'[a [b](red) c](green)'` will print `a b c` with `b` red, and `a` and `c` green.
+#### Style Strings
+Most modules in starship allow you to configure their display styles. This is done with an entry (usually called `style`) which is a string specifying the configuration. Here are some examples of style strings along with what they do. For details on the full syntax, consult the [advanced config guide](/advanced-config/).
+- `'fg:green bg:blue'` sets green text on a blue background
+- `'bg:blue fg:bright-green'` sets bright green text on a blue background
+- `'bold fg:27'` sets bold text with [ANSI color]( 27
+- `'underline bg:#bf5700'` sets underlined text on a burnt orange background
+- `'bold italic fg:purple'` sets bold italic purple text
+- `''` explicitly disables all styling
+Note that what styling looks like will be controlled by your terminal emulator. For example, some terminal emulators will brighten the colors instead of bolding text, and some color themes use the same values for the normal and bright colors. Also, to get italic text, your terminal must support italics.
+#### Conditional Format Strings
+A conditional format string wrapped in `(` and `)` will not render if all variables inside are empty.
+For example:
+- `'(@$region)'` will show nothing if the variable `region` is `None` or empty string, otherwise `@` followed by the value of region.
+- `'(some text)'` will always show nothing since there are no variables wrapped in the braces.
+- When `$combined` is a shortcut for `\[$a$b\]`, `'($combined)'` will show nothing only if `$a` and `$b` are both `None`. This works the same as `'(\[$a$b\] )'`.
+### Negative matching
+Many modules have `detect_extensions`, `detect_files`, and `detect_folders` variables. These take lists of strings to match or not match. "Negative" options, those which should not be matched, are indicated with a leading '!' character. The presence of _any_ negative indicator in the directory will result in the module not being matched.
+Extensions are matched against both the characters after the last dot in a filename, and the characters after the first dot in a filename. For example, `` will be matched against `bar.tar.gz` and `gz` in the `detect_extensions` variable. Files whose name begins with a dot are not considered to have extensions at all.
+To see how this works in practice, you could match TypeScript but not MPEG Transport Stream files thus:
+detect_extensions = ['ts', '!video.ts', '!audio.ts']
+## Prompt
+This is the list of prompt-wide configuration options.
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ----------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | [link](#default-prompt-format) | Configure the format of the prompt. |
+| `right_format` | `''` | See [Enable Right Prompt](/advanced-config/#enable-right-prompt) |
+| `scan_timeout` | `30` | Timeout for starship to scan files (in milliseconds). |
+| `command_timeout` | `500` | Timeout for commands executed by starship (in milliseconds). |
+| `add_newline` | `true` | Inserts blank line between shell prompts. |
+| `palette` | `''` | Sets which color palette from `palettes` to use. |
+| `palettes` | `{}` | Collection of color palettes that assign [colors](/advanced-config/#style-strings) to user-defined names. Note that color palettes cannot reference their own color definitions. |
+### Example
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+# Use custom format
+format = '''
+[┌───────────────────>](bold green)
+[│](bold green)$directory$rust$package
+[└─>](bold green) '''
+# Wait 10 milliseconds for starship to check files under the current directory.
+scan_timeout = 10
+# Disable the blank line at the start of the prompt
+add_newline = false
+# Set 'foo' as custom color palette
+palette = 'foo'
+# Define custom colors
+# Overwrite existing color
+blue = '21'
+# Define new color
+mustard = '#af8700'
+### Default Prompt Format
+The default `format` is used to define the format of the prompt, if empty or no `format` is provided. The default is as shown:
+format = '$all'
+# Which is equivalent to
+format = """
+If you just want to extend the default format, you can use `$all`; modules you explicitly add to the format will not be duplicated. Eg.
+# Move the directory to the second line
+format = '$all$directory$character'
+## AWS
+The `aws` module shows the current AWS region and profile and an expiration timer when using temporary credentials. The output of the module uses the `AWS_REGION`, `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`, and `AWS_PROFILE` env vars and the `~/.aws/config` and `~/.aws/credentials` files as required.
+The module will display a profile only if its credentials are present in `~/.aws/credentials` or if a `credential_process` or `sso_start_url` are defined in `~/.aws/config`. Alternatively, having any of the `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, or `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` env vars defined will also suffice. If the option `force_display` is set to `true`, all available information will be displayed even if no credentials per the conditions above are detected.
+When using [aws-vault]( the profile is read from the `AWS_VAULT` env var and the credentials expiration date is read from the `AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION` env var.
+When using [awsu]( the profile is read from the `AWSU_PROFILE` env var.
+When using [AWSume]( the profile is read from the `AWSUME_PROFILE` env var and the credentials expiration date is read from the `AWSUME_EXPIRATION` env var.
+When using [saml2aws]( the expiration information obtained from `~/.aws/credentials` falls back to the `x_security_token_expires` key.
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `'on [$symbol($profile )(\($region\) )(\[$duration\] )]($style)'` | The format for the module. |
+| `symbol` | `'☁️ '` | The symbol used before displaying the current AWS profile. |
+| `region_aliases` | `{}` | Table of region aliases to display in addition to the AWS name. |
+| `profile_aliases` | `{}` | Table of profile aliases to display in addition to the AWS name. |
+| `style` | `'bold yellow'` | The style for the module. |
+| `expiration_symbol` | `X` | The symbol displayed when the temporary credentials have expired. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `AWS` module. |
+| `force_display` | `false` | If `true` displays info even if `credentials`, `credential_process` or `sso_start_url` have not been setup. |
+### Variables
+| Variable | Example | Description |
+| --------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
+| region | `ap-northeast-1` | The current AWS region |
+| profile | `astronauts` | The current AWS profile |
+| duration | `2h27m20s` | The temporary credentials validity duration |
+| symbol | | Mirrors the value of option `symbol` |
+| style\* | | Mirrors the value of option `style` |
+*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string
+### Examples
+#### Display everything
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+format = 'on [$symbol($profile )(\($region\) )]($style)'
+style = 'bold blue'
+symbol = '🅰 '
+ap-southeast-2 = 'au'
+us-east-1 = 'va'
+CompanyGroupFrobozzOnCallAccess = 'Frobozz'
+#### Display region
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+format = 'on [$symbol$region]($style) '
+style = 'bold blue'
+symbol = '🅰 '
+ap-southeast-2 = 'au'
+us-east-1 = 'va'
+#### Display profile
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+format = 'on [$symbol$profile]($style) '
+style = 'bold blue'
+symbol = '🅰 '
+Enterprise_Naming_Scheme-voidstars = 'void**'
+## Azure
+The `azure` module shows the current Azure Subscription. This is based on showing the name of the default subscription or the username, as defined in the `~/.azure/azureProfile.json` file.
+### Options
+| Variable | Default | Description |
+| ---------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
+| `format` | `'on [$symbol($subscription)]($style) '` | The format for the Azure module to render. |
+| `symbol` | `'ﴃ '` | The symbol used in the format. |
+| `style` | `'blue bold'` | The style used in the format. |
+| `disabled` | `true` | Disables the `azure` module. |
+### Examples
+#### Display Subscription Name
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+disabled = false
+format = 'on [$symbol($subscription)]($style) '
+symbol = 'ﴃ '
+style = 'blue bold'
+#### Display Username
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+disabled = false
+format = "on [$symbol($username)]($style) "
+symbol = "ﴃ "
+style = "blue bold"
+## Battery
+The `battery` module shows how charged the device's battery is and its current charging status. The module is only visible when the device's battery is below 10%.
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| -------------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| `full_symbol` | `' '` | The symbol shown when the battery is full. |
+| `charging_symbol` | `' '` | The symbol shown when the battery is charging. |
+| `discharging_symbol` | `' '` | The symbol shown when the battery is discharging. |
+| `unknown_symbol` | `' '` | The symbol shown when the battery state is unknown. |
+| `empty_symbol` | `' '` | The symbol shown when the battery state is empty. |
+| `format` | `'[$symbol$percentage]($style) '` | The format for the module. |
+| `display` | [link](#battery-display) | Display threshold and style for the module. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `battery` module. |
+### Example
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+full_symbol = '🔋 '
+charging_symbol = '⚡️ '
+discharging_symbol = '💀 '
+### Battery Display
+The `display` configuration option is used to define when the battery indicator should be shown (threshold), which symbol would be used (symbol), and what it would like (style). If no `display` is provided. The default is as shown:
+threshold = 10
+style = 'bold red'
+The default value for the `charging_symbol` and `discharging_symbol` option is respectively the value of `battery`'s `charging_symbol` and `discharging_symbol` option.
+#### Options
+The `display` option is an array of the following table.
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| -------------------- | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `threshold` | `10` | The upper bound for the display option. |
+| `style` | `'red bold'` | The style used if the display option is in use. |
+| `charging_symbol` | | Optional symbol displayed if display option is in use, defaults to battery's `charging_symbol` option. |
+| `discharging_symbol` | | Optional symbol displayed if display option is in use, defaults to battery's `discharging_symbol` option. |
+#### Example
+[[battery.display]] # 'bold red' style and discharging_symbol when capacity is between 0% and 10%
+threshold = 10
+style = 'bold red'
+[[battery.display]] # 'bold yellow' style and 💦 symbol when capacity is between 10% and 30%
+threshold = 30
+style = 'bold yellow'
+discharging_symbol = '💦'
+# when capacity is over 30%, the battery indicator will not be displayed
+## Buf
+The `buf` module shows the currently installed version of [Buf]( By default, the module is shown if all of the following conditions are met:
+- The [`buf`]( CLI is installed.
+- The current directory contains a [`buf.yaml`](, [`buf.gen.yaml`](, or [``]( configuration file.
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `'with [$symbol($version )]($style)'` | The format for the `buf` module. |
+| `version_format` | `'v${raw}'` | The version format. |
+| `symbol` | `'🐃 '` | The symbol used before displaying the version of Buf. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `['buf.yaml', 'buf.gen.yaml', '']` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this modules. |
+| `style` | `'bold blue'` | The style for the module. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `elixir` module. |
+### Variables
+| Variable | Example | Description |
+| --------- | -------- | ------------------------------------ |
+| `version` | `v1.0.0` | The version of `buf` |
+| `symbol` | | Mirrors the value of option `symbol` |
+| `style`* | | Mirrors the value of option `style` |
+*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string
+### Example
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+symbol = '🦬 '
+## Bun
+The `bun` module shows the currently installed version of the [bun]( JavaScript runtime. By default the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
+- The current directory contains a `bun.lockb` file
+- The current directory contains a `bunfig.toml` file
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'` | The format for the module. |
+| `version_format` | `'v${raw}'` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` |
+| `symbol` | `'🍞 '` | A format string representing the symbol of Bun. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `['bun.lockb', 'bunfig.toml']` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
+| `style` | `'bold red'` | The style for the module. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `bun` module. |
+### Variables
+| Variable | Example | Description |
+| --------- | -------- | ------------------------------------ |
+| version | `v0.1.4` | The version of `bun` |
+| symbol | | Mirrors the value of option `symbol` |
+| style\* | | Mirrors the value of option `style` |
+*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string
+### Example
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+format = 'via [🍔 $version](bold green) '
+## C
+The `c` module shows some information about your C compiler. By default the module will be shown if the current directory contains a `.c` or `.h` file.
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `'via [$symbol($version(-$name) )]($style)'` | The format string for the module. |
+| `version_format` | `'v${raw}'` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` |
+| `symbol` | `'C '` | The symbol used before displaying the compiler details |
+| `detect_extensions` | `['c', 'h']` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
+| `commands` | [ [ 'cc', '--version' ], [ 'gcc', '--version' ], [ 'clang', '--version' ] ] | How to detect what the compiler is |
+| `style` | `'bold 149'` | The style for the module. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `c` module. |
+### Variables
+| Variable | Example | Description |
+| -------- | ------- | ------------------------------------ |
+| name | clang | The name of the compiler |
+| version | 13.0.0 | The version of the compiler |
+| symbol | | Mirrors the value of option `symbol` |
+| style | | Mirrors the value of option `style` |
+NB that `version` is not in the default format.
+### Commands
+The `commands` option accepts a list of commands to determine the compiler version and name.
+Each command is represented as a list of the executable name, followed by its arguments, usually something like `['mycc', '--version']`. Starship will try executing each command until it gets a result on STDOUT.
+If a C compiler is not supported by this module, you can request it by [raising an issue on GitHub](
+### Example
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+format = 'via [$name $version]($style)'
+## Character
+The `character` module shows a character (usually an arrow) beside where the text is entered in your terminal.
+The character will tell you whether the last command was successful or not. It can do this in two ways:
+- changing color (`red`/`green`)
+- changing shape (`❯`/`✖`)
+By default it only changes color. If you also want to change its shape take a look at [this example](#with-custom-error-shape).
+::: warning
+`vimcmd_symbol` is only supported in cmd, fish and zsh. `vimcmd_replace_one_symbol`, `vimcmd_replace_symbol`, and `vimcmd_visual_symbol` are only supported in fish due to [upstream issues with mode detection in zsh](
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| --------------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `'$symbol '` | The format string used before the text input. |
+| `success_symbol` | `'[❯](bold green)'` | The format string used before the text input if the previous command succeeded. |
+| `error_symbol` | `'[❯](bold red)'` | The format string used before the text input if the previous command failed. |
+| `vimcmd_symbol` | `'[❮](bold green)'` | The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim normal mode. |
+| `vimcmd_replace_one_symbol` | `'[❮](bold purple)'` | The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim `replace_one` mode. |
+| `vimcmd_replace_symbol` | `'[❮](bold purple)'` | The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim replace mode. |
+| `vimcmd_visual_symbol` | `'[❮](bold yellow)'` | The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim visual mode. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `character` module. |
+### Variables
+| Variable | Example | Description |
+| -------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| symbol | | A mirror of either `success_symbol`, `error_symbol`, `vimcmd_symbol` or `vimcmd_replace_one_symbol` etc. |
+### Examples
+#### With custom error shape
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+success_symbol = '[➜](bold green) '
+error_symbol = '[✗](bold red) '
+#### Without custom error shape
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+success_symbol = '[➜](bold green) '
+error_symbol = '[➜](bold red) '
+#### With custom vim shape
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+vicmd_symbol = '[V](bold green) '
+## CMake
+The `cmake` module shows the currently installed version of [CMake]( By default the module will be activated if any of the following conditions are met:
+- The current directory contains a `CMakeLists.txt` file
+- The current directory contains a `CMakeCache.txt` file
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `format` | `'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'` | The format for the module. |
+| `version_format` | `'v${raw}'` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` |
+| `symbol` | `'△ '` | The symbol used before the version of cmake. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `[]` | Which extensions should trigger this module |
+| `detect_files` | `['CMakeLists.txt', 'CMakeCache.txt']` | Which filenames should trigger this module |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module |
+| `style` | `'bold blue'` | The style for the module. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `cmake` module. |
+### Variables
+| Variable | Example | Description |
+| --------- | --------- | ------------------------------------ |
+| version | `v3.17.3` | The version of cmake |
+| symbol | | Mirrors the value of option `symbol` |
+| style\* | | Mirrors the value of option `style` |
+*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string
+The `cobol` module shows the currently installed version of COBOL. By default, the module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:
+- The current directory contains any files ending in `.cob` or `.COB`
+- The current directory contains any files ending in `.cbl` or `.CBL`
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `symbol` | `'⚙️ '` | The symbol used before displaying the version of COBOL. |
+| `format` | `'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'` | The format for the module. |
+| `version_format` | `'v${raw}'` | The version format. Available vars are `raw`, `major`, `minor`, & `patch` |
+| `style` | `'bold blue'` | The style for the module. |
+| `detect_extensions` | `['cbl', 'cob', 'CBL', 'COB']` | Which extensions should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_files` | `[]` | Which filenames should trigger this module. |
+| `detect_folders` | `[]` | Which folders should trigger this module. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `cobol` module. |
+### Variables
+| Variable | Example | Description |
+| --------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------ |
+| version | `v3.1.2.0` | The version of `cobol` |
+| symbol | | Mirrors the value of option `symbol` |
+| style\* | | Mirrors the value of option `style` |
+*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string
+## Command Duration
+The `cmd_duration` module shows how long the last command took to execute. The module will be shown only if the command took longer than two seconds, or the `min_time` config value, if it exists.
+::: warning Do not hook the DEBUG trap in Bash
+If you are running Starship in `bash`, do not hook the `DEBUG` trap after running `eval $(starship init $0)`, or this module **will** break.
+Bash users who need preexec-like functionality can use [rcaloras's bash_preexec framework]( Simply define the arrays `preexec_functions` and `precmd_functions` before running `eval $(starship init $0)`, and then proceed as normal.
+### Options
+| Option | Default | Description |
+| ---------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `min_time` | `2_000` | Shortest duration to show time for (in milliseconds). |
+| `show_milliseconds` | `false` | Show milliseconds in addition to seconds for the duration. |
+| `format` | `'took [$duration]($style) '` | The format for the module. |
+| `style` | `'bold yellow'` | The style for the module. |
+| `disabled` | `false` | Disables the `cmd_duration` module. |
+| `show_notifications` | `false` | Show desktop notifications when command completes. |
+| `min_time_to_notify` | `45_000` | Shortest duration for notification (in milliseconds). |
+| `notification_timeout` | | Duration to show notification for (in milliseconds). If unset, notification timeout will be determined by daemon. Not all notification daemons honor this option. |
+### Variables
+| Variable | Example | Description |
+| --------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- |
+| duration | `16m40s` | The time it took to execute the command |
+| style\* | | Mirrors the value of option `style` |
+*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string
+### Example
+# ~/.config/starship.toml
+min_time = 500
+format = 'underwent [$duration](bold yellow)'
+## Conda
+The `conda` module shows the current [Conda]( environment, if `$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV` is set.
+::: tip