AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-12Add changelog entry for 1.0.3v1.0.3Brian May
2020-07-05Merge pull request #483 from chrisburr/patch-1Brian May
2020-07-04Fix formatting typos in usage docsChris Burr
2020-06-30Merge pull request #476 from sshuttle/brianmay-patch-1Brian May
2020-06-27Add missing importbrianmay-patch-1Brian May
2020-06-18Merge pull request #471 from wilsonehusin/deprecate-py2-setuptoolsBrian May
2020-06-17Ask setuptools to require Python 3.5 and aboveWilson E. Husin
2020-06-18Prepare to release 1.0.2v1.0.2Brian May
2020-06-17leave use of default port to ssh commandTony Kasparick
2020-06-15Bump pytest-cov from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-06-11Merge pull request #461 from joshuarli/doc/update-py2-removalBrian May
2020-06-10remove outdated commentJoshua Li
2020-06-10another python 3.5 changeJoshua Li
2020-06-10server side is py3.5+Joshua Li
2020-06-11ref: replace usage of deprecated imp (#449)josh
2020-06-11Merge pull request #460 from alekseymykhailov/fix_connectionBrian May
2020-06-10fix connection with @ sign in usernameOleksii Mykhailov
2020-06-09Bump flake8 from 3.8.2 to 3.8.3dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-06-05Fix errors in long_documentationv1.0.1Brian May
2020-06-05Release version 1.0.0v1.0.0Brian May
2020-06-05Update changelogBrian May
2020-06-03Bump pytest from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-06-03shutil.which is 3.3+Joshua Li
2020-06-03remove ImportError based branchingJoshua Li
2020-06-03reduceJoshua Li
2020-06-03remove version_info based branchingJoshua Li
2020-06-01Bump setuptools-scm from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-29Remove legacy travis fileBrian May
2020-05-29Updated supported Python versionsBrian May
2020-05-29Fix Python 3.8 file operationsBrian May
2020-05-27Bump setuptools-scm from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-26Bump setuptools-scm from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-26Bump setuptools-scm from 3.5.0 to 4.0.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-26Bump pytest-cov from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-26Bump flake8 from 3.8.1 to 3.8.2dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-22Bump flake8 from 3.6.0 to 3.8.1dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-21Bump setuptools-scm from 1.15.6 to 3.5.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-21Bump attrs from 19.1.0 to 19.3.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-21Create github workflowBrian May
2020-05-21Update flake8Brian May
2020-05-21Bump pytest from 3.4.2 to 5.4.2dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-21Bump pytest-cov from 2.6.0 to 2.8.1dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-05-15Add 'My VPN broke and need a solution fast' to the docs.jtagcat
2020-05-10remove debug message for getpeername failureMark Heiges
2020-05-10fix crash triggered by port scans closing socketMark Heiges
2020-05-10sshuttle as service linkMike Reider
2020-04-25Fix parsing of hostnames to allow ssh aliases defined in ssh configs) (#418)tobigrimm
2020-03-28# Fix 410 Issue Correcte syntax write for connect server (#411)vBlackOut
2020-03-24Add password in prompt cmd (#401)vBlackOut
2020-03-24systemd integration doc adjustmentrjharmon