AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-05-02Do non-blocking connect().sshuttle-0.10Avery Pennarun
2010-05-02Don't bother with a backtrace when we produce certain fatal errors.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-02Add a -v (and -vv) flag and decrease default message verbosity.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-02iptables: add a PREROUTING rule so we can proxy for other machines too.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-02Clean up SockWrapper.peername stuff.Avery Pennarun use 'exec sshuttle' to get rid of the extra sh process.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-02Improve some debugging information to find the weird data problem.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-02We now have a server that works... some of the time.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01stdin and stdout have different fds, so make SockWrapper take *two* socks.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01Basic implementation of a multiplex protocol - client side only.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01Smarter listenport selection.Avery Pennarun completely replace ipt script.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01Parse options correctly; call ./ipt automatically.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01Move some code that'll be useful for the server into Pennarun
2010-05-01Don't "import * from socket".Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01Prevent loopbacks caused by telnetting to the transproxy port directly.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01Clean up log messages slightly.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01Really basic transproxying on localhost.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01client now listens on a socket and gets SO_ORIGINAL_DST correctly.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01ipt: example script for how to set up an iptables transproxy.Avery Pennarun
2010-05-01Initial commit.Avery Pennarun