path: root/Sshuttle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Sshuttle')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Sshuttle b/Sshuttle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7f411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sshuttle
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import sys, os, re, socket, zlib
+import compat.ssubprocess as ssubprocess
+import helpers
+from helpers import *
+def readfile(name):
+ basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
+ path = [basedir] + sys.path
+ for d in path:
+ fullname = os.path.join(d, name)
+ if os.path.exists(fullname):
+ return open(fullname, 'rb').read()
+ raise Exception("can't find file %r in any of %r" % (name, path))
+def empackage(z, filename):
+ (path,basename) = os.path.split(filename)
+ content = z.compress(readfile(filename))
+ content += z.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
+ return '%s\n%d\n%s' % (basename,len(content), content)
+def connect(ssh_cmd, rhostport, python, stderr):
+ main_exe = sys.argv[0]
+ portl = []
+ rhostIsIPv6 = False
+ if (rhostport or '').count(':') > 1:
+ rhostIsIPv6 = True
+ if rhostport.count(']') or rhostport.count('['):
+ result = rhostport.split(']')
+ rhost = result[0].strip('[')
+ if len(result) > 1:
+ result[1] = result[1].strip(':')
+ if result[1] is not '':
+ portl = ['-p', str(int(result[1]))]
+ else: # can't disambiguate IPv6 colons and a port number. pass the hostname through.
+ rhost = rhostport
+ else: # IPv4
+ l = (rhostport or '').split(':', 1)
+ rhost = l[0]
+ if len(l) > 1:
+ portl = ['-p', str(int(l[1]))]
+ if rhost == '-':
+ rhost = None
+ ipv6flag = []
+ if rhostIsIPv6:
+ ipv6flag = ['-6']
+ z = zlib.compressobj(1)
+ content = readfile('')
+ content2 = (empackage(z, '') +
+ empackage(z, 'compat/') +
+ empackage(z, '') +
+ empackage(z, '') +
+ empackage(z, '') +
+ "\n")
+ pyscript = r"""
+ import sys;
+ skip_imports=1;
+ verbosity=%d;
+ exec compile(, "", "exec")
+ """ % (helpers.verbose or 0, len(content))
+ pyscript = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', pyscript.strip())
+ if not rhost:
+ argv = [python, '-c', pyscript]
+ else:
+ if ssh_cmd:
+ sshl = ssh_cmd.split(' ')
+ else:
+ sshl = ['ssh']
+ argv = (sshl +
+ portl +
+ ipv6flag +
+ [rhost, '--', "'%s' -c '%s'" % (python, pyscript)])
+ (s1,s2) = socket.socketpair()
+ def setup():
+ # runs in the child process
+ s2.close()
+ s1a,s1b = os.dup(s1.fileno()), os.dup(s1.fileno())
+ s1.close()
+ debug2('executing: %r\n' % argv)
+ p = ssubprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=s1a, stdout=s1b, preexec_fn=setup,
+ close_fds=True, stderr=stderr)
+ os.close(s1a)
+ os.close(s1b)
+ s2.sendall(content)
+ s2.sendall(content2)
+ return p, s2