path: root/Sshuttle
diff options
authorAvery Pennarun <>2011-01-22 16:52:07 -0800
committerAvery Pennarun <>2011-01-22 16:52:07 -0800
commit34ea1ed8b7ec3188af378100dc43616e8d304856 (patch)
tree5ed2c48454902a95a95944fa4ba1e84e6811862e /Sshuttle
MacOS precompiled app package for sshuttle-0.45sshuttle-0.45-macos-bin
Diffstat (limited to 'Sshuttle')
1 files changed, 520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Sshuttle b/Sshuttle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62fa378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sshuttle
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+import struct, socket, errno, select
+if not globals().get('skip_imports'):
+ from helpers import *
+# these don't exist in the socket module in python 2.3!
+SHUT_RD = 0
+SHUT_WR = 1
+HDR_LEN = 8
+CMD_EXIT = 0x4200
+CMD_PING = 0x4201
+CMD_PONG = 0x4202
+CMD_CONNECT = 0x4203
+CMD_EOF = 0x4205
+CMD_DATA = 0x4206
+CMD_ROUTES = 0x4207
+CMD_HOST_REQ = 0x4208
+CMD_HOST_LIST = 0x4209
+cmd_to_name = {
+def _add(l, elem):
+ if not elem in l:
+ l.append(elem)
+def _fds(l):
+ out = []
+ for i in l:
+ try:
+ out.append(i.fileno())
+ except AttributeError:
+ out.append(i)
+ out.sort()
+ return out
+def _nb_clean(func, *args):
+ try:
+ return func(*args)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno not in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN):
+ raise
+ else:
+ debug3('%s: err was: %s\n' % (func.__name__, e))
+ return None
+def _try_peername(sock):
+ try:
+ pn = sock.getpeername()
+ if pn:
+ return '%s:%s' % (pn[0], pn[1])
+ except socket.error, e:
+ if e.args[0] not in (errno.ENOTCONN, errno.ENOTSOCK):
+ raise
+ return 'unknown'
+_swcount = 0
+class SockWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, rsock, wsock, connect_to=None, peername=None):
+ global _swcount
+ _swcount += 1
+ debug3('creating new SockWrapper (%d now exist\n)' % _swcount)
+ self.exc = None
+ self.rsock = rsock
+ self.wsock = wsock
+ self.shut_read = self.shut_write = False
+ self.buf = []
+ self.connect_to = connect_to
+ self.peername = peername or _try_peername(self.rsock)
+ self.try_connect()
+ def __del__(self):
+ global _swcount
+ _swcount -= 1
+ debug1('%r: deleting (%d remain)\n' % (self, _swcount))
+ if self.exc:
+ debug1('%r: error was: %r\n' % (self, self.exc))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.rsock == self.wsock:
+ fds = '#%d' % self.rsock.fileno()
+ else:
+ fds = '#%d,%d' % (self.rsock.fileno(), self.wsock.fileno())
+ return 'SW%s:%s' % (fds, self.peername)
+ def seterr(self, e):
+ if not self.exc:
+ self.exc = e
+ self.nowrite()
+ self.noread()
+ def try_connect(self):
+ if self.connect_to and self.shut_write:
+ self.noread()
+ self.connect_to = None
+ if not self.connect_to:
+ return # already connected
+ self.rsock.setblocking(False)
+ debug3('%r: trying connect to %r\n' % (self, self.connect_to))
+ try:
+ self.rsock.connect(self.connect_to)
+ # connected successfully (Linux)
+ self.connect_to = None
+ except socket.error, e:
+ debug3('%r: connect result: %r\n' % (self, e))
+ if e.args[0] in [errno.EINPROGRESS, errno.EALREADY]:
+ pass # not connected yet
+ elif e.args[0] == errno.EISCONN:
+ # connected successfully (BSD)
+ self.connect_to = None
+ elif e.args[0] in [errno.ECONNREFUSED, errno.ETIMEDOUT,
+ errno.EACCES, errno.EPERM]:
+ # a "normal" kind of error
+ self.connect_to = None
+ self.seterr(e)
+ else:
+ raise # error we've never heard of?! barf completely.
+ def noread(self):
+ if not self.shut_read:
+ debug2('%r: done reading\n' % self)
+ self.shut_read = True
+ #self.rsock.shutdown(SHUT_RD) # doesn't do anything anyway
+ def nowrite(self):
+ if not self.shut_write:
+ debug2('%r: done writing\n' % self)
+ self.shut_write = True
+ try:
+ self.wsock.shutdown(SHUT_WR)
+ except socket.error, e:
+ self.seterr('nowrite: %s' % e)
+ def too_full(self):
+ return False # fullness is determined by the socket's select() state
+ def uwrite(self, buf):
+ if self.connect_to:
+ return 0 # still connecting
+ self.wsock.setblocking(False)
+ try:
+ return _nb_clean(os.write, self.wsock.fileno(), buf)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EPIPE:
+ debug1('%r: uwrite: got EPIPE\n' % self)
+ self.nowrite()
+ return 0
+ else:
+ # unexpected error... stream is dead
+ self.seterr('uwrite: %s' % e)
+ return 0
+ def write(self, buf):
+ assert(buf)
+ return self.uwrite(buf)
+ def uread(self):
+ if self.connect_to:
+ return None # still connecting
+ if self.shut_read:
+ return
+ self.rsock.setblocking(False)
+ try:
+ return _nb_clean(, self.rsock.fileno(), 65536)
+ except OSError, e:
+ self.seterr('uread: %s' % e)
+ return '' # unexpected error... we'll call it EOF
+ def fill(self):
+ if self.buf:
+ return
+ rb = self.uread()
+ if rb:
+ self.buf.append(rb)
+ if rb == '': # empty string means EOF; None means temporarily empty
+ self.noread()
+ def copy_to(self, outwrap):
+ if self.buf and self.buf[0]:
+ wrote = outwrap.write(self.buf[0])
+ self.buf[0] = self.buf[0][wrote:]
+ while self.buf and not self.buf[0]:
+ self.buf.pop(0)
+ if not self.buf and self.shut_read:
+ outwrap.nowrite()
+class Handler:
+ def __init__(self, socks = None, callback = None):
+ self.ok = True
+ self.socks = socks or []
+ if callback:
+ self.callback = callback
+ def pre_select(self, r, w, x):
+ for i in self.socks:
+ _add(r, i)
+ def callback(self):
+ log('--no callback defined-- %r\n' % self)
+ (r,w,x) =, [], [], 0)
+ for s in r:
+ v = s.recv(4096)
+ if not v:
+ log('--closed-- %r\n' % self)
+ self.socks = []
+ self.ok = False
+class Proxy(Handler):
+ def __init__(self, wrap1, wrap2):
+ Handler.__init__(self, [wrap1.rsock, wrap1.wsock,
+ wrap2.rsock, wrap2.wsock])
+ self.wrap1 = wrap1
+ self.wrap2 = wrap2
+ def pre_select(self, r, w, x):
+ if self.wrap1.shut_write: self.wrap2.noread()
+ if self.wrap2.shut_write: self.wrap1.noread()
+ if self.wrap1.connect_to:
+ _add(w, self.wrap1.rsock)
+ elif self.wrap1.buf:
+ if not self.wrap2.too_full():
+ _add(w, self.wrap2.wsock)
+ elif not self.wrap1.shut_read:
+ _add(r, self.wrap1.rsock)
+ if self.wrap2.connect_to:
+ _add(w, self.wrap2.rsock)
+ elif self.wrap2.buf:
+ if not self.wrap1.too_full():
+ _add(w, self.wrap1.wsock)
+ elif not self.wrap2.shut_read:
+ _add(r, self.wrap2.rsock)
+ def callback(self):
+ self.wrap1.try_connect()
+ self.wrap2.try_connect()
+ self.wrap1.fill()
+ self.wrap2.fill()
+ self.wrap1.copy_to(self.wrap2)
+ self.wrap2.copy_to(self.wrap1)
+ if self.wrap1.buf and self.wrap2.shut_write:
+ self.wrap1.buf = []
+ self.wrap1.noread()
+ if self.wrap2.buf and self.wrap1.shut_write:
+ self.wrap2.buf = []
+ self.wrap2.noread()
+ if (self.wrap1.shut_read and self.wrap2.shut_read and
+ not self.wrap1.buf and not self.wrap2.buf):
+ self.ok = False
+ self.wrap1.nowrite()
+ self.wrap2.nowrite()
+class Mux(Handler):
+ def __init__(self, rsock, wsock):
+ Handler.__init__(self, [rsock, wsock])
+ self.rsock = rsock
+ self.wsock = wsock
+ self.new_channel = self.got_routes = None
+ self.got_host_req = self.got_host_list = None
+ self.channels = {}
+ self.chani = 0
+ self.want = 0
+ self.inbuf = ''
+ self.outbuf = []
+ self.fullness = 0
+ self.too_full = False
+ self.send(0, CMD_PING, 'chicken')
+ def next_channel(self):
+ # channel 0 is special, so we never allocate it
+ for timeout in xrange(1024):
+ self.chani += 1
+ if self.chani > 65535:
+ self.chani = 1
+ if not self.channels.get(self.chani):
+ return self.chani
+ def amount_queued(self):
+ total = 0
+ for b in self.outbuf:
+ total += len(b)
+ return total
+ def check_fullness(self):
+ if self.fullness > 32768:
+ if not self.too_full:
+ self.send(0, CMD_PING, 'rttest')
+ self.too_full = True
+ #ob = []
+ #for b in self.outbuf:
+ # (s1,s2,c) = struct.unpack('!ccH', b[:4])
+ # ob.append(c)
+ #log('outbuf: %d %r\n' % (self.amount_queued(), ob))
+ def send(self, channel, cmd, data):
+ data = str(data)
+ assert(len(data) <= 65535)
+ p = struct.pack('!ccHHH', 'S', 'S', channel, cmd, len(data)) + data
+ self.outbuf.append(p)
+ debug2(' > channel=%d cmd=%s len=%d (fullness=%d)\n'
+ % (channel, cmd_to_name.get(cmd,hex(cmd)),
+ len(data), self.fullness))
+ self.fullness += len(data)
+ def got_packet(self, channel, cmd, data):
+ debug2('< channel=%d cmd=%s len=%d\n'
+ % (channel, cmd_to_name.get(cmd,hex(cmd)), len(data)))
+ if cmd == CMD_PING:
+ self.send(0, CMD_PONG, data)
+ elif cmd == CMD_PONG:
+ debug2('received PING response\n')
+ self.too_full = False
+ self.fullness = 0
+ elif cmd == CMD_EXIT:
+ self.ok = False
+ elif cmd == CMD_CONNECT:
+ assert(not self.channels.get(channel))
+ if self.new_channel:
+ self.new_channel(channel, data)
+ elif cmd == CMD_ROUTES:
+ if self.got_routes:
+ self.got_routes(data)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('got CMD_ROUTES without got_routes?')
+ elif cmd == CMD_HOST_REQ:
+ if self.got_host_req:
+ self.got_host_req(data)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('got CMD_HOST_REQ without got_host_req?')
+ elif cmd == CMD_HOST_LIST:
+ if self.got_host_list:
+ self.got_host_list(data)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('got CMD_HOST_LIST without got_host_list?')
+ else:
+ callback = self.channels.get(channel)
+ if not callback:
+ log('warning: closed channel %d got cmd=%s len=%d\n'
+ % (channel, cmd_to_name.get(cmd,hex(cmd)), len(data)))
+ else:
+ callback(cmd, data)
+ def flush(self):
+ self.wsock.setblocking(False)
+ if self.outbuf and self.outbuf[0]:
+ wrote = _nb_clean(os.write, self.wsock.fileno(), self.outbuf[0])
+ debug2('mux wrote: %r/%d\n' % (wrote, len(self.outbuf[0])))
+ if wrote:
+ self.outbuf[0] = self.outbuf[0][wrote:]
+ while self.outbuf and not self.outbuf[0]:
+ self.outbuf[0:1] = []
+ def fill(self):
+ self.rsock.setblocking(False)
+ try:
+ b = _nb_clean(, self.rsock.fileno(), 32768)
+ except OSError, e:
+ raise Fatal('other end: %r' % e)
+ #log('<<< %r\n' % b)
+ if b == '': # EOF
+ self.ok = False
+ if b:
+ self.inbuf += b
+ def handle(self):
+ self.fill()
+ #log('inbuf is: (%d,%d) %r\n'
+ # % (self.want, len(self.inbuf), self.inbuf))
+ while 1:
+ if len(self.inbuf) >= (self.want or HDR_LEN):
+ (s1,s2,channel,cmd,datalen) = \
+ struct.unpack('!ccHHH', self.inbuf[:HDR_LEN])
+ assert(s1 == 'S')
+ assert(s2 == 'S')
+ self.want = datalen + HDR_LEN
+ if self.want and len(self.inbuf) >= self.want:
+ data = self.inbuf[HDR_LEN:self.want]
+ self.inbuf = self.inbuf[self.want:]
+ self.want = 0
+ self.got_packet(channel, cmd, data)
+ else:
+ break
+ def pre_select(self, r, w, x):
+ _add(r, self.rsock)
+ if self.outbuf:
+ _add(w, self.wsock)
+ def callback(self):
+ (r,w,x) =[self.rsock], [self.wsock], [], 0)
+ if self.rsock in r:
+ self.handle()
+ if self.outbuf and self.wsock in w:
+ self.flush()
+class MuxWrapper(SockWrapper):
+ def __init__(self, mux, channel):
+ SockWrapper.__init__(self, mux.rsock, mux.wsock)
+ self.mux = mux
+ = channel
+ self.mux.channels[channel] = self.got_packet
+ self.socks = []
+ debug2('new channel: %d\n' % channel)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.nowrite()
+ SockWrapper.__del__(self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'SW%r:Mux#%d' % (self.peername,
+ def noread(self):
+ if not self.shut_read:
+ self.shut_read = True
+ self.mux.send(, CMD_STOP_SENDING, '')
+ self.maybe_close()
+ def nowrite(self):
+ if not self.shut_write:
+ self.shut_write = True
+ self.mux.send(, CMD_EOF, '')
+ self.maybe_close()
+ def maybe_close(self):
+ if self.shut_read and self.shut_write:
+ # remove the mux's reference to us. The python garbage collector
+ # will then be able to reap our object.
+ self.mux.channels[] = None
+ def too_full(self):
+ return self.mux.too_full
+ def uwrite(self, buf):
+ if self.mux.too_full:
+ return 0 # too much already enqueued
+ if len(buf) > 2048:
+ buf = buf[:2048]
+ self.mux.send(, CMD_DATA, buf)
+ return len(buf)
+ def uread(self):
+ if self.shut_read:
+ return '' # EOF
+ else:
+ return None # no data available right now
+ def got_packet(self, cmd, data):
+ if cmd == CMD_EOF:
+ self.noread()
+ elif cmd == CMD_STOP_SENDING:
+ self.nowrite()
+ elif cmd == CMD_DATA:
+ self.buf.append(data)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('unknown command %d (%d bytes)'
+ % (cmd, len(data)))
+def connect_dst(ip, port):
+ debug2('Connecting to %s:%d\n' % (ip, port))
+ outsock = socket.socket()
+ outsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, 42)
+ return SockWrapper(outsock, outsock,
+ connect_to = (ip,port),
+ peername = '%s:%d' % (ip,port))
+def runonce(handlers, mux):
+ r = []
+ w = []
+ x = []
+ to_remove = filter(lambda s: not s.ok, handlers)
+ for h in to_remove:
+ handlers.remove(h)
+ for s in handlers:
+ s.pre_select(r,w,x)
+ debug2('Waiting: %d r=%r w=%r x=%r (fullness=%d/%d)\n'
+ % (len(handlers), _fds(r), _fds(w), _fds(x),
+ mux.fullness, mux.too_full))
+ (r,w,x) =,w,x)
+ debug2(' Ready: %d r=%r w=%r x=%r\n'
+ % (len(handlers), _fds(r), _fds(w), _fds(x)))
+ ready = r+w+x
+ did = {}
+ for h in handlers:
+ for s in h.socks:
+ if s in ready:
+ h.callback()
+ did[s] = 1
+ for s in ready:
+ if not s in did:
+ raise Fatal('socket %r was not used by any handler' % s)