AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-24openpgp: Implement Default for AEADAlgorithm.crypto-refresh-fix-hashingJustus Winter
2023-08-24fixup! wip pkeskv6Justus Winter
2023-08-24Merge branch 'crypto-refresh-sha3' into crypto-refresh-fix-hashingJustus Winter
2023-08-24fixup! openpgp: Implement SHA3.Justus Winter
2023-08-23openpgp: Make OCB the default on Nettle if available.Justus Winter
2023-08-23openpgp: Don't hardcode the AEADAlgorithm in the example.Justus Winter
2023-08-23fixup pkesk6 just to make clippy happyJustus Winter
2023-08-23XXX fix reserved id; the fixed patch is already in mainJustus Winter
2023-08-23openpgp: Hand the plaintext length to decrypt_unwrap, if known.Justus Winter
2023-08-23fixup! wip pkeskv6Justus Winter
2023-08-22Merge branch 'crypto-refresh-subpackets' into crypto-refresh-fix-hashingJustus Winter
2023-08-22openpgp: Update references to new subpackets.Justus Winter
2023-08-22openpgp: Reserve signature subpacket tag 38 ("Key Block").Justus Winter
2023-08-22openpgp: Deprecate the PreferredAEADAlgorithms subpacket.Justus Winter
2023-08-22openpgp: Implement the PreferredAEADCiphersuites subpacket.Justus Winter
2023-08-22openpgp: Deprecate the AEAD feature flag.Justus Winter
2023-08-22openpgp: Add the SEIPDv2 feature.Justus Winter
2023-08-22openpgp: Rename the MDC feature to SEIPDv1.Justus Winter
2023-08-21fix hashing inline-signed and detached v6 signatures.Justus Winter
2023-08-21fixup! openpgp: Add KeyAmalgamationIter::key_handles2. XXXJustus Winter
2023-08-21openpgp: Shortcut parse_finish for non-document signatures.Justus Winter
2023-06-26make api publiccrypto-refresh-x25519Justus Winter
2023-06-26xxx not sure where this goesJustus Winter
2023-06-26wip pkeskv6Justus Winter
2023-06-26fixup! openpgp: Implement v2 SEIPD.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Add KeyAmalgamationIter::key_handles2. XXXJustus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Improve test.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Improve tracing.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Fix documentation.Justus Winter
2023-06-26Merge branch 'crypto-refresh-sha3' into crypto-refreshJustus Winter
2023-06-26Merge branch 'crypto-refresh-argon2' into crypto-refreshJustus Winter
2023-06-26Merge branch 'crypto-refresh-seip-v2' into crypto-refreshJustus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Implement the v6 cleartext signature framework.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Add support for v6 OPS packets, inline-signed messages.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Add support for v6 signature packets.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Implement X448 and Ed448 in the backends.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Implement the new CFRG public key algorithms.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Implement v6 key packet support.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Add SessionKey::as_protected.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Validate algorithm in the common code.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Implement v2 SEIPD.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Implement SKESKv6 from the crypto refresh.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Implement support for the padding packet.Justus Winter
2023-06-26openpgp: Add key derivation function.Justus Winter
2023-06-22openpgp: Implement SHA3.Justus Winter
2023-06-22openpgp: Add NEWS item for the 2.0.0 release.Justus Winter
2023-06-22openpgp: Match hash algorithms exhaustively.Justus Winter
2023-05-22openpgp: Implement S2K::Argon2.Justus Winter
2023-05-22openpgp: Implement v6 key IDs.crypto-refresh-baseJustus Winter
2023-05-22openpgp: Implement v6 fingerprints.Justus Winter