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authorNeal H. Walfield <>2020-04-08 10:51:05 +0200
committerNeal H. Walfield <>2020-04-08 10:51:05 +0200
commit43878aa37b746148ad0589f51cf546c526c4099c (patch)
parent269d3d7220bfe6e0e89867920d41abdf6696c6e6 (diff)
openpgp: Improve the cert module's documentation.neal/cert-documentation
4 files changed, 1195 insertions, 237 deletions
diff --git a/openpgp/src/cert/ b/openpgp/src/cert/
index 008fe135..b4e3c6ea 100644
--- a/openpgp/src/cert/
+++ b/openpgp/src/cert/
@@ -1,16 +1,205 @@
-//! Component amalgamations.
+//! Components, their associated signatures, and some useful methods.
-//! Whereas a `ComponentBundle` groups a `Component` with its self
-//! signatures, its third-party signatures, and its revocation
-//! certificates, an `Amalgamation` groups a `ComponentBundle` with
-//! all of the necessary context needed to correctly implement
-//! relevant functionality related to the component. Specifically, a
-//! `Amalgamation` includes a reference to the `ComponentBundle`, and
-//! a reference to the containing certificate.
+//! Whereas a [`ComponentBundle`] owns a `Component` and its
+//! associated [`Signature`]s, a [`ComponentAmalgamation`] references
+//! a `ComponentBundle` and its containing [`Cert`]. This additional
+//! context means that a `ComponentAmalgamation` can implement more of
+//! OpenPGP's high-level semantics than a `ComponentBundle` can. For
+//! instance, most of the information about a primary key, such as its
+//! capabilities, is on the primary User ID's binding signature. A
+//! `ComponentAmalgamation` can find the certificate's primary User
+//! ID; a `ComponentBundle` can't. Similarly, when looking up a
+//! subpacket, if it isn't present in the component's binding
+//! signature, then an OpenPGP implementation is supposed to consult
+//! the certificate's direct key signatures. A
+//! `ComponentAmalgamation` has access to this information; a
+//! `ComponentBundle` doesn't.
-//! A notable differences between `ComponentBundle`s and
-//! `Amalgamation`s is that a `ComponentBundle`, owns its data, but an
-//! `Amalgamation` only references the contained data.
+//! Given the limitations of a `ComponentBundle`, it would seem more
+//! useful to just change it to include a reference to its containing
+//! certificate. That change would make `ComponentAmalgamation`s
+//! redundant. Unfortunately, this isn't possible, because it would
+//! result in a self-referential data structure, which Rust doesn't
+//! allow. To understand how this arises, consider a certificate `C`,
+//! which contains a `ComponentBundle` `B`. If `B` contains a
+//! reference to `C`, then `C` references itself, because `C` contains
+//! `B`!
+//! # Policy
+//! Although a `ComponentAmalgamation` contains the information
+//! necessary to realize high-level OpenPGP functionality, components
+//! can have multiple self signatures, and functions that consult the
+//! binding signature need to determine the best one to use. There
+//! are two mains concerns here.
+//! First, we need to protect the user from forgeries. As attacks
+//! improve, cryptographic algorithms that were once considered secure
+//! now provide insufficient security margins. For instance, in 2007
+//! it was possible to find [MD5 collisions] using just a few seconds
+//! of computing time on a commodity computer. Sequoia provides a
+//! flexible mechanism, called [Policy] objects, that allow users to
+//! implement this type of filtering: before a self signature is used,
+//! a policy object is queried to determine whether the `Signature`
+//! should be rejected. If so, the `Signature` is skipped.
+//! Second, we need an algorithm to find the most appropriate
+//! self-signature. Obvious non-candidate self signature are self
+//! signatures whose creation time is in the future. We don't assume
+//! that these self signatures are bad per se, but that they represent
+//! policy that should go into effect some time in the future.
+//! We extend this idea of a self signature representing a policy for
+//! a certain period of time to all self signatures. In particular,
+//! Sequoia takes the view that *a binding signature represents a
+//! policy that is valid from its creation time until its expiry*.
+//! Thus, when considering what self signature to use, we need a
+//! reference time. Given the reference time, we then use the self
+//! signature that was in effect at that time, i.e., the most recent,
+//! non-expired, non-revoked self signature that was created at or
+//! prior to the reference time. In other words, we ignore self
+//! signatures created after the reference time. We take the position
+//! that if the certificate holder wants a new policy to apply to
+//! existing signatures, then the new self signature should be
+//! backdated, and existing self signatures revoked, if necessary.
+//! Consider evaluating signatures over a document. Sequoia's
+//! [streaming verifier] uses the signature's creation time as the
+//! reference time. Thus, if the signature was created on June 9th,
+//! 2011, then, when evaluating that signature, the streaming verifier
+//! uses a self-signature that was alive at that time, since that was
+//! the self-signature that represented the signer's policy at the
+//! time the signature was created.
+//! A consequence of this approach is that even if the self-signature
+//! were considered expired at the time the signature was evaluated
+//! (e.g., "now"), this fact doesn't invalidate the signature. That
+//! is, a self-siganture's lifetime does not impact a signature's
+//! lifetime; a signature's lifetime is defined by its own creation
+//! time and expiry. Likewise, a key's lifetime is defined by its own
+//! creation time and expiry.
+//! This interpretation of lifetimes removes a major disadvantage that
+//! comes with fast rotation of subkeys: if an implementation binds
+//! the lifetime of signatures to the signing key, and the key
+//! expires, then old messages are considered invalid. Consider a
+//! user who generates a new signature subkey each week, and sets it
+//! to expire after exactly one week. If we use the policy that the
+//! signature is only valid while the key and self signatures are
+//! alive, then if someone checks the signature a week after receiving
+//! it, the signature will be considered invalid, because the key has
+//! expired. The practical result is that all old messages from this
+//! user will be considered invalid! Unfortunately, this will result
+//! in users becoming accustomed to seeing invalid signatures, and
+//! cause them to be less suspcious of them.
+//! Note: the possibility of abuse of this interpretation is limited.
+//! If the key has been compromised, then the right thing to do is to
+//! revoked it. Expiry doesn't help. The attacker can simply create
+//! self-signatures that say whatevery she wants. Assuming the secret
+//! key material has not been compromised, then an attacker could
+//! reuse a message that might otherwise be considered expired.
+//! However, the attacker will not be able to change the signature's
+//! creation time, so, assuming a mail context and MUAs that check
+//! that the time in the message's headers matches the signature's
+//! creation time, the mails will appear old. Further, this type of
+//! attack will be mitigated by the proposed "[Intended Recipients]"
+//! subpacket, which more tightly binds the message to its context.
+//! # [`ValidComponetAmalgamation`]
+//! Oftentimes, a `ComponentAmalgamation` isn't just used once for
+//! some operation, but many times. Passing around the same policy
+//! and the same reference time to each invocation cluters the code
+//! and can introduce subtle bugs. In particular, when using the
+//! current time as the reference time, the interfaces allow the
+//! caller to pass in `None`. But if the operation is long running,
+//! then the current time changes, which can cause subtle
+//! inconsistencies. In these cases, the correct approach is to use
+//! the current time at the start of the operation.
+//! Alternatively, the `ValidComponetAmalgamation` data structure
+//! embeds a policy and a reference time, and automatically passes
+//! them to methods on the wrapped `ComponetAmalgamation`. When
+//! passed `None` for the reference time, the
+//! `ValidComponetAmalgamation` constructor stores the current time,
+//! and uses that for all operations.
+//! # Lifetimes
+//! `ComponentAmalgamation` autoderefs to `ComponentBundle`.
+//! Unfortunately, due to the definition of the [`Deref` trait],
+//! `ComponentBundle` is assigned the same lifetime as
+//! `ComponentAmalgamation`. However, particularly when using
+//! combinators like [`std::iter::map`], the `ComponentBundle`'s
+//! lifetime is longer. Consider the following code, which doesn't
+//! compile:
+//! ```compile_fail
+//! # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+//! use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+//! use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
+//! # let (cert, _) = CertBuilder::new()
+//! # .add_userid("Alice")
+//! # .add_signing_subkey()
+//! # .add_transport_encryption_subkey()
+//! # .generate().unwrap();
+//! cert.userids()
+//! .map(|ua| {
+//! // Use auto deref to get the containing `&ComponentBundle`.
+//! let b : &ComponentBundle<_> = &ua;
+//! b
+//! })
+//! .collect::<Vec<&UserID>>();
+//! ```
+//! Compiling it results in the following error:
+//! > `b` returns a value referencing data owned by the current
+//! function
+//! This error occurs because the `Deref` trait says that the lifetime
+//! of the target, i.e., `&ComponentBundle`, is bounded by `ua`'s
+//! lifetime, whose lifetime is indeed limited to the closure. But,
+//! `&ComponentBundle` is independent of `ua`; it is a copy of the
+//! `ComponentAmalgamation`'s reference to the `ComponentBundle` whose
+//! lifetime is `'a`! Unfortunately, this can't be expressed using
+//! `Deref`, but it can be done using separate methods as shown below
+//! for the [`ComponentAmalgamation::component`] method:
+//! ```
+//! # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+//! use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+//! use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
+//! # let (cert, _) = CertBuilder::new()
+//! # .add_userid("Alice")
+//! # .add_signing_subkey()
+//! # .add_transport_encryption_subkey()
+//! # .generate().unwrap();
+//! cert.userids()
+//! .map(|ua| {
+//! // ua's lifetime is this closure. But `component()`
+//! // returns a reference whose lifetime is that of the
+//! // `cert`.
+//! ua.component()
+//! })
+//! .collect::<Vec<&UserID>>();
+//! ```
+//! [`ComponentBundle`]: ../bundle/index.html
+//! [`Signature`]: ../../packet/signature/index.html
+//! [`ComponentAmalgamation`]: struct.ComponentAmalgamation.html
+//! [`Cert`]: ../index.html
+//! [`ValidComponetAmalgamation`]: struct.ValidComponentAmalgamation.html
+//! [`std::iter::map`]:
+//! [MD5 collisions]:
+//! [Policy]: ../../policy/index.html
+//! [streaming verifier]: ../../parse/stream.html
+//! [Intended Recipients]:
+//! [forward secrecy]:
+//! [`Deref` trait]:
use std::time;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use std::clone::Clone;
@@ -38,7 +227,6 @@ use crate::{
mod iter;
pub use iter::{
@@ -72,15 +260,16 @@ pub use key::{
/// Applies a policy to an amalgamation.
-/// Note: This trait is split off from the `Amalgamation` trait, to
-/// reduce code duplication: it is often possible to provide blanket
-/// implementations of `Amalgamation`, but the `ValidateAmalgamation`
-/// trait can only be implemented on more concrete types.
+/// Note: This trait is split off from the `ComponentAmalgamation`
+/// trait, to reduce code duplication: it is often possible to provide
+/// blanket implementations of `ComponentAmalgamation`, but the
+/// `ValidateAmalgamation` trait can only be implemented on more
+/// concrete types.
pub trait ValidateAmalgamation<'a, C: 'a> {
/// The type returned by `with_policy`.
type V;
- /// Changes the amalgamation's policy.
+ /// Uses the specified `Policy` and reference time with the amalgamation.
/// If `time` is `None`, the current time is used.
fn with_policy<T>(self, policy: &'a dyn Policy, time: T) -> Result<Self::V>
@@ -127,74 +316,250 @@ trait ValidateAmalgamationRelaxed<'a, C: 'a> {
Self: Sized;
-/// An amalgamation with a policy and a reference time.
-/// In a certain sense, a `ValidAmalgamation` provides a view of an
-/// `Amalgamation` as it was at a particular time. That is,
-/// signatures and components that are not valid at the reference
-/// time, because they were created after the reference time, for
-/// instance, are ignored.
+/// Methods for valid amalgamations.
-/// The methods exposed by a `ValidAmalgamation` are similar to those
-/// exposed by an `Amalgamation`, but the policy and reference time
-/// are taken from the `ValidAmalgamation`. This helps prevent using
-/// different policies or different reference times when using a
-/// component, which can easily happen when the checks span multiple
-/// functions.
+/// The methods exposed by a `ValidComponentAmalgamation` are similar
+/// to those exposed by a `ComponentAmalgamation`, but the policy and
+/// reference time are included in the `ValidComponentAmalgamation`.
+/// This helps prevent using different policies or different reference
+/// times when using a component, which can easily happen when the
+/// checks span multiple functions.
pub trait ValidAmalgamation<'a, C: 'a>
- /// Returns the certificate.
+ /// Maps the given function over binding and direct key signature.
+ ///
+ /// Makes `f` consider both the binding signature and the direct
+ /// key signature. Information in the binding signature takes
+ /// precedence over the direct key signature. See also [Section
+ /// of RFC 4880].
+ ///
+ /// [Section of RFC 4880]:
+ fn map<F: Fn(&'a Signature) -> Option<T>, T>(&self, f: F) -> Option<T> {
+ f(self.binding_signature())
+ .or_else(|| self.direct_key_signature().ok().and_then(f))
+ }
+ /// Returns the valid amalgamation's associated certificate.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// # use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// # use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
+ /// #
+ /// fn f(ua: &ValidUserIDAmalgamation) {
+ /// let cert = ua.cert();
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ /// # let (cert, _) =
+ /// # CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// # .generate()?;
+ /// # let fpr = cert.fingerprint();
+ /// # let ua = cert.userids().nth(0).expect("User IDs");
+ /// # assert_eq!(ua.cert().fingerprint(), fpr);
+ /// # f(&ua.with_policy(p, None)?);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
fn cert(&self) -> &ValidCert<'a>;
/// Returns the amalgamation's reference time.
- /// For queries that are with respect to a point in time, this
- /// determines that point in time. For instance, if a component is
- /// created at `t_c` and expires at `t_e`, then
- /// `ValidComponentAmalgamation::alive` will return true if the reference
- /// time is greater than or equal to `t_c` and less than `t_e`.
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
+ /// #
+ /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// # use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// # use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
+ /// fn f(ua: &ValidUserIDAmalgamation) {
+ /// let t = ua.time();
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ /// # let t = UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(1554542220);
+ /// # let (cert, _) =
+ /// # CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// # .set_creation_time(t)
+ /// # .generate()?;
+ /// # let ua = cert.userids().nth(0).expect("User IDs");
+ /// # let ua = ua.with_policy(p, t)?;
+ /// # assert_eq!(t, ua.time());
+ /// # f(&ua);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
fn time(&self) -> SystemTime;
/// Returns the amalgamation's policy.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// # use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// # use openpgp::policy::{Policy, StandardPolicy};
+ /// #
+ /// fn f(ua: &ValidUserIDAmalgamation) {
+ /// let policy = ua.policy();
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// # let p : &dyn Policy = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ /// # let (cert, _) =
+ /// # CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// # .generate()?;
+ /// # let ua = cert.userids().nth(0).expect("User IDs");
+ /// # let ua = ua.with_policy(p, None)?;
+ /// # assert!(std::ptr::eq(p, ua.policy()));
+ /// # f(&ua);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
fn policy(&self) -> &'a dyn Policy;
/// Returns the component's binding signature as of the reference time.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// # use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// # use openpgp::policy::{Policy, StandardPolicy};
+ /// #
+ /// fn f(ua: &ValidUserIDAmalgamation) {
+ /// let sig = ua.binding_signature();
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// # let p : &dyn Policy = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ /// # let (cert, _) =
+ /// # CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// # .generate()?;
+ /// # let ua = cert.userids().nth(0).expect("User IDs");
+ /// # let ua = ua.with_policy(p, None)?;
+ /// # f(&ua);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
fn binding_signature(&self) -> &'a Signature;
- /// Returns the Certificate's direct key signature as of the
+ /// Returns the certificate's direct key signature as of the
/// reference time, if any.
/// Subpackets on direct key signatures apply to all components of
- /// the certificate.
+ /// the certificate, cf. [Section of RFC 4880].
+ ///
+ /// [Section of RFC 4880]:
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// # use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// # use openpgp::policy::{Policy, StandardPolicy};
+ /// #
+ /// fn f(ua: &ValidUserIDAmalgamation) {
+ /// let sig = ua.direct_key_signature();
+ /// // ...
+ /// }
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// # let p : &dyn Policy = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ /// # let (cert, _) =
+ /// # CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// # .generate()?;
+ /// # let cert = cert.with_policy(p, None)?;
+ /// # let ua = cert.userids().nth(0).expect("User IDs");
+ /// # assert!(std::ptr::eq(ua.direct_key_signature().unwrap(),
+ /// # cert.direct_key_signature().unwrap()));
+ /// # f(&ua);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
fn direct_key_signature(&self) -> Result<&'a Signature> {
self.cert().cert.primary.binding_signature(self.policy(), self.time())
/// Returns the component's revocation status as of the amalgamation's
/// reference time.
- /// Note: this does not return whether the certificate is valid.
+ /// This does *not* check whether the certificate has been
+ /// revoked. For that, use `Cert::revoked()`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// # use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// # use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
+ /// # use openpgp::types::RevocationStatus;
+ /// #
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// # let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ /// # let (cert, _) =
+ /// # CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// # .generate()?;
+ /// # let cert = cert.with_policy(p, None)?;
+ /// # let ua = cert.userids().nth(0).expect("User IDs");
+ /// match ua.revoked() {
+ /// RevocationStatus::Revoked(revs) => {
+ /// // The certificate holder revoked the User ID.
+ /// # unreachable!();
+ /// }
+ /// RevocationStatus::CouldBe(revs) => {
+ /// // There are third-party revocations. You still need
+ /// // to check that they are valid (this is necessary,
+ /// // because without the Certificates are not normally
+ /// // available to Sequoia).
+ /// # unreachable!();
+ /// }
+ /// RevocationStatus::NotAsFarAsWeKnow => {
+ /// // We have no evidence that the User ID is revoked.
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
fn revoked(&self) -> RevocationStatus<'a>;
- /// Maps the given function over binding and direct key signature.
+ /// Returns a list of any designated revokers for this component.
- /// Makes `f` consider both the binding signature and the direct
- /// key signature. Information in the binding signature takes
- /// precedence over the direct key signature. See also [Section
- /// of RFC 4880].
+ /// This function returns the designated revokers listed on both
+ /// this component's binding signature and the certificate's
+ /// direct key signature.
- /// [Section of RFC 4880]:
- fn map<F: Fn(&'a Signature) -> Option<T>, T>(&self, f: F) -> Option<T> {
- f(self.binding_signature())
- .or_else(|| self.direct_key_signature().ok().and_then(f))
- }
- /// Returns the value of the Revocation Key subpacket, which
- /// contains a designated revoker.
+ /// Note: the returned list has not been deduplicated.
- /// Considers both the binding signature and the direct key
- /// signature.
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// # use openpgp::Result;
+ /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// use openpgp::policy::StandardPolicy;
+ /// use openpgp::types::RevocationKey;
+ ///
+ /// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
+ /// let p = &StandardPolicy::new();
+ ///
+ /// let (alice, _) =
+ /// CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// .generate()?;
+ /// let (bob, _) =
+ /// CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// .set_revocation_keys(vec![ (&alice).into() ])
+ /// .generate()?;
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(bob.primary_userid(p, None)?.revocation_keys()
+ /// .collect::<Vec<&RevocationKey>>(),
+ /// vec![ &(&alice).into() ]);
+ /// # Ok(()) }
+ /// ```
fn revocation_keys(&self)
-> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a RevocationKey> + 'a>
@@ -212,7 +577,8 @@ pub trait ValidAmalgamation<'a, C: 'a>
-/// A certificate's component and its associated data.
+/// A certificate component, its associated signatures, and useful
+/// methods.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ComponentAmalgamation<'a, C> {
cert: &'a Cert,
@@ -259,51 +625,60 @@ impl<'a, C> std::ops::Deref for ComponentAmalgamation<'a, C> {
impl<'a, C> ComponentAmalgamation<'a, C> {
- /// Returns the certificate that the component came from.
+ /// Creates a new amalgamation.
+ pub(crate) fn new(cert: &'a Cert, bundle: &'a ComponentBundle<C>) -> Self
+ {
+ Self {
+ cert,
+ bundle,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the component's associated certificate.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
+ /// # use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
+ /// #
+ /// # fn main() -> openpgp::Result<()> {
+ /// # let (cert, _) =
+ /// # CertBuilder::general_purpose(None, Some(""))
+ /// # .generate()?;
+ /// for u in cert.userids() {
+ /// // It's not only an identical `Cert`, it's the same one.
+ /// assert!(std::ptr::eq(u.cert(), &cert));
+ /// }
+ /// # Ok(()) }
+ /// ```
pub fn cert(&self) -> &'a Cert {
- /// Returns this amalgamation's bundle.
- ///
- /// Note: although `Amalgamation` derefs to a
- /// `ComponentBundle`, this method provides a more accurate
- /// lifetime, which is helpful when returning the reference
- /// from a function.
+ /// Selects a binding signature.
- /// Consider the following, which doesn't work:
+ /// Uses the provided policy and reference time to select an
+ /// appropriate binding signature.
- /// ```compile_fail
- /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
- /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
- /// use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
- ///
- /// # let (cert, _) = CertBuilder::new()
- /// # .add_userid("Alice")
- /// # .add_signing_subkey()
- /// # .add_transport_encryption_subkey()
- /// # .generate().unwrap();
- /// cert.keys()
- /// .map(|ka| {
- /// let b : &KeyBundle<_, _> = &ka;
- /// b
- /// })
- /// .collect::<Vec<&KeyBundle<_, _>>>();
- /// ```
+ /// Note: this function is not exported. Users of this interface
+ /// should do: ca.with_policy(policy, time)?.binding_signature().
+ fn binding_signature<T>(&self, policy: &dyn Policy, time: T)
+ -> Result<&'a Signature>
+ where T: Into<Option<time::SystemTime>>
+ {
+ let time = time.into().unwrap_or_else(SystemTime::now);
+ self.bundle.binding_signature(policy, time)
+ }
+ /// Returns this amalgamation's bundle.
- /// Compiling the above code results in the following error:
+ /// Note: although `ComponentAmalgamation` derefs to a
+ /// `&ComponentBundle`, this method provides a more accurate
+ /// lifetime, which is helpful when returning the reference from a
+ /// function. [See the module's documentation] for more details.
- /// > `b` returns a value referencing data owned by the current
- /// function
+ /// [See the module's documentation]: index.html
- /// This error occurs because the [`Deref` trait] says that the
- /// lifetime of the target, i.e., `&KeyBundle`, is
- /// bounded by `ka`'s lifetime, whose lifetime is indeed
- /// limited to the closure. But, `&KeyBundle` is independent
- /// of `ka`! It is a copy of the `KeyAmalgamation`'s
- /// reference to the `KeyBundle` whose lifetime is `'a`.
- /// Unfortunately, this can't be expressed using `Deref`, but
- /// it can be done using a separate method:
+ /// # Examples
/// ```
/// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
@@ -315,71 +690,33 @@ impl<'a, C> ComponentAmalgamation<'a, C> {
/// # .add_signing_subkey()
/// # .add_transport_encryption_subkey()
/// # .generate().unwrap();
- /// cert.keys().map(|ka| ka.bundle())
- /// .collect::<Vec<&KeyBundle<_, _>>>();
+ /// cert.userids()
+ /// .map(|ua| {
+ /// // The following doesn't work:
+ /// //
+ /// // let b : &ComponentBundle<_> = &ua; b
+ /// //
+ /// // Because ua's lifetime is this closure and autoderef
+ /// // assigns `b` the same lifetime as `ua`. `bundle()`,
+ /// // however, returns a reference whose lifetime is that
+ /// // of the `cert`.
+ /// ua.bundle()
+ /// })
+ /// .collect::<Vec<&ComponentBundle<_>>>();
/// ```
- ///
- /// [`Deref` trait]:
pub fn bundle(&self) -> &'a ComponentBundle<C> {
/// Returns this amalgamation's component.
- /// Note: although `Amalgamation` derefs to a `Component` (via
- /// `ComponentBundle`), this method provides a more accurate
- /// lifetime, which is helpful when returning the reference
- /// from a function.
- ///
- /// Consider the following, which doesn't work:
- ///
- /// ```compile_fail
- /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
- /// use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
- /// use openpgp::packet::prelude::*;
- ///
- /// # let (cert, _) = CertBuilder::new()
- /// # .add_userid("Alice")
- /// # .add_signing_subkey()
- /// # .add_transport_encryption_subkey()
- /// # .generate().unwrap();
- /// cert.keys()
- /// .map(|ka| {
- /// let k : &Key<_, _> = &ka;
- /// k
- /// })
- /// .collect::<Vec<&Key<_, _>>>();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// Compiling the above code results in the following error:
- ///
- /// > `k` returns a value referencing data owned by the current
- /// function
- ///
- /// This error occurs because the [`Deref` trait] says that the
- /// lifetime of the target, i.e., `&Key`, is bounded by
- /// the `ka`'s lifetime, whose lifetime is indeed limited to
- /// the closure. But, `&Key` is independent of `ka`! It is a
- /// copy of the `KeyAmalgamation`'s reference to the `Key`
- /// whose lifetime is `'a`. Unfortunately, this can't be
- /// expressed using `Deref`, but it can be done using a
- /// separate method:
- ///
- /// ```
- /// # extern crate sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;