path: root/src.scim2/cmds.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src.scim2/cmds.c')
1 files changed, 1781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src.scim2/cmds.c b/src.scim2/cmds.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1c364f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src.scim2/cmds.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1781 @@
+#include <curses.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h> // for isdigit
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <wctype.h>
+#include "maps.h"
+#include "yank.h"
+#include "marks.h"
+#include "cmds.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "screen.h"
+#include "conf.h" // for conf parameters
+#include "color.h" // for set_ucolor
+#include "xmalloc.h" // for scxfree
+#include "vmtbl.h" // for growtbl
+#include "utils/string.h" // for add_char
+#include "" // for yyparse
+#ifdef UNDO
+#include "undo.h"
+void syncref(register struct enode *e);
+extern unsigned int shall_quit;
+char insert_edit_submode;
+struct ent * freeents = NULL; // keep deleted ents around before sync_refs
+wchar_t interp_line[BUFFERSIZE];
+// mark_ent_as_deleted (free_ents en sc original):
+// This structure is used to keep ent structs around before they
+// are actualy deleted (memory freed) to allow the sync_refs routine a chance to fix the
+// variable references.
+// it sets is_deleted flag of an ent.
+void mark_ent_as_deleted(register struct ent *p) {
+ if (p == NULL) return;
+ //p->flags |= iscleared;
+ p->flags |= is_deleted;
+ p->next = freeents; /* put this ent on the front of freeents */
+ freeents = p;
+ return;
+// flush_saved: iterates throw freeents (ents marked as deleted)
+// calls clearent for freeing ents contents memory
+// and free ent pointer. this function should always be called
+// at exit. this is mandatory, just in case we want to UNDO any changes.
+void flush_saved() {
+ register struct ent *p;
+ register struct ent *q;
+ p = freeents;
+ while (p != NULL) {
+ (void) clearent(p);
+ q = p->next;
+ free(p);
+ p = q;
+ }
+ freeents = NULL;
+ return;
+// sync_refs and syncref are used to REMOVE references to
+// deleted struct ents.
+// Note that the deleted structure must still
+// be hanging around before the call, but not referenced
+// by an entry in tbl.
+// IMPROVE: Shouldn't traverse the whole table.
+void sync_refs() {
+ int i, j;
+ register struct ent *p;
+ // sync_ranges();
+ for (i=0; i <= maxrow; i++)
+ for (j=0; j <= maxcol; j++)
+ if ( (p = *ATBL(tbl, i, j)) && p->expr ) {
+ syncref(p->expr);
+ //scinfo("%d %d %d", i, j, ++k);
+ }
+ return;
+void syncref(register struct enode *e) {
+ if ( e == (struct enode *) 0 ) {
+ //if ( e == NULL || e->op == ERR_ ) {
+ return;
+ } else if (e->op & REDUCE) {
+ e->e.r.right.vp = lookat(e->e.r.right.vp->row, e->e.r.right.vp->col);
+ e->e.r.left.vp = lookat(e->e.r.left.vp->row, e->e.r.left.vp->col);
+ } else {
+ switch (e->op) {
+ case 'v':
+ //if (e->e.v.vp->flags & iscleared) {
+ if (e->e.v.vp->flags & is_deleted) {
+ e->op = ERR_;
+ //scinfo("%d %d", e->e.v.vp->row, e->e.v.vp->col);
+ e->e.o.left = NULL;
+ e->e.o.right = NULL;
+ } else if (e->e.v.vp->flags & may_sync)
+ e->e.v.vp = lookat(e->e.v.vp->row, e->e.v.vp->col);
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ break;
+ case '$':
+ break;
+ default:
+ syncref(e->e.o.right);
+ syncref(e->e.o.left);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+// Delete a column
+void deletecol() {
+ int r, c, i;
+ struct ent **pp;
+ if (any_locked_cells(0, curcol, maxrow, curcol)) {
+ scinfo("Locked cells encountered. Nothing changed");
+ return;
+ }
+ // mark ent of column to erase with isdeleted flag
+ for (r = 0; r <= maxrow; r++) {
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, r, curcol);
+ if ( *pp != NULL ) {
+ mark_ent_as_deleted(*pp);
+ //clearent(*pp);
+ //free(*pp);
+ *pp = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy references from right column cells to left column (which gets removed)
+ for (r = 0; r <= maxrow; r++) {
+ for (c = curcol; c < maxcol; c++) {
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, r, c);
+ // nota: pp[1] = ATBL(tbl, r, c+1);
+ if ( pp[1] != NULL ) pp[1]->col--;
+ pp[0] = pp[1];
+ }
+ // Free last column memory (Could also initialize 'ent' to zero with `cleanent`).
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, r, maxcol);
+ *pp = (struct ent *) 0;
+ // agregado el 06/12/2014
+ }
+ // Fix columns precision and width
+ for (i = curcol; i < maxcols - 2; i++) {
+ fwidth[i] = fwidth[i+1];
+ precision[i] = precision[i+1];
+ realfmt[i] = realfmt[i+1];
+ col_hidden[i] = col_hidden[i+1];
+ }
+ for (; i < maxcols - 1; i++) {
+ fwidth[i] = DEFWIDTH;
+ precision[i] = DEFPREC;
+ realfmt[i] = DEFREFMT;
+ col_hidden[i] = FALSE;
+ }
+ maxcol--;
+ sync_refs();
+ //flush_saved(); // we have to flush_saved only at exit.
+ //this is because we have to keep ents in case we want to UNDO
+ modflg++;
+ return;
+// Copy a cell (struct ent). "special" indicates special treatment when
+// merging two cells for the "pm" command, merging formats only for the
+// "pf" command, or for adjusting cell references when transposing with
+// the "pt" command. r1, c1, r2, and c2 define the range in which the dr
+// and dc values should be used.
+void copyent(register struct ent *n, register struct ent *p, int dr, int dc,
+ int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2, int special) {
+ if (!n || !p) {
+ scerror("internal error");
+ return;
+ }
+ //n->flags = may_sync;
+ if (special != 'f') {
+ //if (special != 'm' || p->flags & is_valid) {
+ if (p->flags & is_valid) {
+ n->v = p->v;
+ n->flags |= p->flags & is_valid;
+ }
+ //if (special != 'm' || p->expr) {
+ if (special != 'v' && p->expr) {
+ n->expr = copye(p->expr, dr, dc, r1, c1, r2, c2, special == 't');
+ if (p->flags & is_strexpr)
+ n->flags |= is_strexpr;
+ else
+ n->flags &= ~is_strexpr;
+ }
+ if (p->label) {
+ if (n->label) scxfree(n->label);
+ n->label = scxmalloc((unsigned) (strlen(p->label) + 1));
+ (void) strcpy(n->label, p->label);
+ n->flags &= ~is_leftflush;
+ n->flags |= ((p->flags & is_label) | (p->flags & is_leftflush));
+ //} else if (special != 'm') {
+ // n->label = NULL;
+ // n->flags &= ~(is_label | is_leftflush);
+ }
+ n->flags |= p->flags & is_locked;
+ }
+ //if (p->format) {
+ if (p->format && special != 'v') {
+ if (n->format) scxfree(n->format);
+ n->format = scxmalloc((unsigned) (strlen(p->format) + 1));
+ (void) strcpy(n->format, p->format);
+ //} else if (special != 'm' && special != 'f')
+ } else if (special != 'v' && special != 'f')
+ n->format = NULL;
+ if (special != 'v')
+ n->pad = p->pad;
+ if (p->ucolor && special != 'v') {
+ n->ucolor = (struct ucolor *) malloc (sizeof(struct ucolor));
+ n->ucolor->fg = p->ucolor->fg;
+ n->ucolor->bg = p->ucolor->bg;
+ n->ucolor->bold = p->ucolor->bold;
+ n->ucolor->dim = p->ucolor->dim;
+ n->ucolor->reverse = p->ucolor->reverse;
+ n->ucolor->standout = p->ucolor->standout;
+ n->ucolor->underline = p->ucolor->underline;
+ n->ucolor->blink = p->ucolor->blink;
+ }
+ n->flags |= is_changed;
+ n->row = p->row;
+ n->col = p->col;
+ return;
+int etype(register struct enode *e) {
+ if (e == (struct enode *)0)
+ return NUM;
+ switch (e->op) {
+ case UPPER: case LOWER: case CAPITAL:
+ case O_SCONST: case '#': case DATE: case FMT: case STINDEX:
+ case EXT: case SVAL: case SUBSTR:
+ return (STR);
+ case '?':
+ case IF:
+ return (etype(e->e.o.right->e.o.left));
+ case 'f':
+ return (etype(e->e.o.right));
+ case O_VAR: {
+ register struct ent *p;
+ p = e->e.v.vp;
+ if (p->expr)
+ return (p->flags & is_strexpr ? STR : NUM);
+ else if (p->label)
+ return (STR);
+ else
+ return (NUM);
+ }
+ default:
+ return (NUM);
+ }
+ return -1;
+// ignorelock is used when sorting so that locked cells can still be sorted
+void erase_area(int sr, int sc, int er, int ec, int ignorelock) {
+ int r, c;
+ struct ent **pp;
+ if (sr > er) {
+ r = sr; sr = er; er = r;
+ }
+ if (sc > ec) {
+ c = sc; sc = ec; ec = c;
+ }
+ if (sr < 0)
+ sr = 0;
+ if (sc < 0)
+ sc = 0;
+ checkbounds(&er, &ec);
+ // Do a lookat() for the upper left and lower right cells of the range
+ // being erased to make sure they are included in the delete buffer so
+ // that pulling cells always works correctly even if the cells at one
+ // or more edges of the range are all empty.
+ (void) lookat(sr, sc);
+ (void) lookat(er, ec);
+ for (r = sr; r <= er; r++) {
+ for (c = sc; c <= ec; c++) {
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, r, c);
+ if (*pp && (!((*pp)->flags & is_locked) || ignorelock)) {
+ mark_ent_as_deleted(*pp);
+ *pp = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+struct enode * copye(register struct enode *e, int Rdelta, int Cdelta, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2, int transpose) {
+ register struct enode *ret;
+ static struct enode *range = NULL;
+ if (e == (struct enode *)0) {
+ ret = (struct enode *)0;
+ } else if (e->op & REDUCE) {
+ int newrow, newcol;
+ //if (freeenodes) {
+ // ret = freeenodes;
+ // freeenodes = ret->e.o.left;
+ //} else
+ ret = (struct enode *) scxmalloc((unsigned) sizeof (struct enode));
+ ret->op = e->op;
+ newrow = e->e.r.left.vf & FIX_ROW ||
+ e->e.r.left.vp->row < r1 || e->e.r.left.vp->row > r2 ||
+ e->e.r.left.vp->col < c1 || e->e.r.left.vp->col > c2 ?
+ e->e.r.left.vp->row :
+ transpose ? r1 + Rdelta + e->e.r.left.vp->col - c1 :
+ e->e.r.left.vp->row + Rdelta;
+ newcol = e->e.r.left.vf & FIX_COL ||
+ e->e.r.left.vp->row < r1 || e->e.r.left.vp->row > r2 ||
+ e->e.r.left.vp->col < c1 || e->e.r.left.vp->col > c2 ?
+ e->e.r.left.vp->col :
+ transpose ? c1 + Cdelta + e->e.r.left.vp->row - r1 :
+ e->e.r.left.vp->col + Cdelta;
+ ret->e.r.left.vp = lookat(newrow, newcol);
+ ret->e.r.left.vf = e->e.r.left.vf;
+ newrow = e->e.r.right.vf & FIX_ROW ||
+ e->e.r.right.vp->row < r1 || e->e.r.right.vp->row > r2 ||
+ e->e.r.right.vp->col < c1 || e->e.r.right.vp->col > c2 ?
+ e->e.r.right.vp->row :
+ transpose ? r1 + Rdelta + e->e.r.right.vp->col - c1 :
+ e->e.r.right.vp->row + Rdelta;
+ newcol = e->e.r.right.vf & FIX_COL ||
+ e->e.r.right.vp->row < r1 || e->e.r.right.vp->row > r2 ||
+ e->e.r.right.vp->col < c1 || e->e.r.right.vp->col > c2 ?
+ e->e.r.right.vp->col :
+ transpose ? c1 + Cdelta + e->e.r.right.vp->row - r1 :
+ e->e.r.right.vp->col + Cdelta;
+ ret->e.r.right.vp = lookat(newrow, newcol);
+ ret->e.r.right.vf = e->e.r.right.vf;
+ } else {
+ struct enode *temprange=0;
+ //if (freeenodes) {
+ // ret = freeenodes;
+ // freeenodes = ret->e.o.left;
+ //} else
+ ret = (struct enode *) scxmalloc((unsigned) sizeof (struct enode));
+ ret->op = e->op;
+ switch (ret->op) {
+ case SUM:
+ case PROD:
+ case AVG:
+ case COUNT:
+ case STDDEV:
+ case MAX:
+ case MIN:
+ temprange = range;
+ range = e->e.o.left;
+ r1 = 0;
+ c1 = 0;
+ r2 = maxrow;
+ c2 = maxcol;
+ }
+ switch (ret->op) {
+ case 'v':
+ {
+ int newrow, newcol;
+ if (range && e->e.v.vp->row >= range->e.r.left.vp->row &&
+ e->e.v.vp->row <= range->e.r.right.vp->row &&
+ e->e.v.vp->col >= range->e.r.left.vp->col &&
+ e->e.v.vp->col <= range->e.r.right.vp->col) {
+ newrow = range->e.r.left.vf & FIX_ROW ? e->e.v.vp->row : e->e.v.vp->row + Rdelta;
+ newcol = range->e.r.left.vf & FIX_COL ? e->e.v.vp->col : e->e.v.vp->col + Cdelta;
+ } else {
+ newrow = e->e.v.vf & FIX_ROW ||
+ e->e.v.vp->row < r1 || e->e.v.vp->row > r2 ||
+ e->e.v.vp->col < c1 || e->e.v.vp->col > c2 ?
+ e->e.v.vp->row : transpose ? r1 + Rdelta + e->e.v.vp->col - c1 :
+ e->e.v.vp->row + Rdelta;
+ newcol = e->e.v.vf & FIX_COL ||
+ e->e.v.vp->row < r1 || e->e.v.vp->row > r2 ||
+ e->e.v.vp->col < c1 || e->e.v.vp->col > c2 ?
+ e->e.v.vp->col : transpose ? c1 + Cdelta + e->e.v.vp->row - r1 :
+ e->e.v.vp->col + Cdelta;
+ }
+ ret->e.v.vp = lookat(newrow, newcol);
+ ret->e.v.vf = e->e.v.vf;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'k':
+ ret->e.k = e->e.k;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ if ((range && ret->op == 'F') || (!range && ret->op == 'f'))
+ Rdelta = Cdelta = 0;
+ ret->e.o.left = copye(e->e.o.left, Rdelta, Cdelta, r1, c1, r2, c2, transpose);
+ ret->e.o.right = (struct enode *)0;
+ break;
+ case '$':
+ case EXT:
+ ret->e.s = scxmalloc((unsigned) strlen(e->e.s)+1);
+ (void) strcpy(ret->e.s, e->e.s);
+ if (e->op == '$') /* Drop through if ret->op is EXT */
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret->e.o.left = copye(e->e.o.left, Rdelta, Cdelta, r1, c1, r2, c2, transpose);
+ ret->e.o.right = copye(e->e.o.right, Rdelta, Cdelta, r1, c1, r2, c2, transpose);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (ret->op) {
+ case SUM:
+ case PROD:
+ case AVG:
+ case COUNT:
+ case STDDEV:
+ case MAX:
+ case MIN:
+ range = temprange;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* Modified 9/17/90 THA to handle more formats */
+void doformat(int c1, int c2, int w, int p, int r) {
+ register int i;
+ int crows = 0;
+ int ccols = c2;
+ if (c1 >= maxcols && !growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, c1)) c1 = maxcols-1 ;
+ if (c2 >= maxcols && !growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, c2)) c2 = maxcols-1 ;
+ if (w == 0) {
+ scinfo("Width too small - setting to 1");
+ w = 1;
+ }
+ if (! atoi(get_conf_value("nocurses")) && w > COLS - rescol - 2) {
+ scinfo("Width too large - Maximum = %d", COLS - rescol - 2);
+ w = COLS - rescol - 2;
+ }
+ if (p > w) {
+ scinfo("Precision too large");
+ p = w;
+ }
+ checkbounds(&crows, &ccols);
+ if (ccols < c2) {
+ scerror("Format statement failed to create implied column %d", c2);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = c1; i <= c2; i++)
+ fwidth[i] = w, precision[i] = p, realfmt[i] = r;
+ //rowsinrange = 1;
+ //colsinrange = fwidth[curcol];
+ modflg++;
+ return;
+void formatcol(int c) {
+ int arg = 1;
+ int i;
+ switch (c) {
+ case '<':
+ case 'h':
+ case OKEY_LEFT:
+ for (i = curcol; i < curcol + arg; i++) {
+ fwidth[i]--;
+ if (fwidth[i] < 1)
+ fwidth[i] = 1;
+ }
+ //rowsinrange = 1;
+ //colsinrange = fwidth[curcol];
+ modflg++;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ case 'l':
+ case OKEY_RIGHT:
+ for (i = curcol; i < curcol + arg; i++) {
+ fwidth[i]++;
+ if (fwidth[i] > COLS - rescol - 2)
+ fwidth[i] = COLS - rescol - 2;
+ }
+ //rowsinrange = 1;
+ //colsinrange = fwidth[curcol];
+ modflg++;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ case 'j':
+ case OKEY_DOWN:
+ for (i = curcol; i < curcol + arg; i++) {
+ precision[i]--;
+ if (precision[i] < 0)
+ precision[i] = 0;
+ }
+ modflg++;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ case 'k':
+ case OKEY_UP:
+ for (i = curcol; i < curcol + arg; i++)
+ precision[i]++;
+ modflg++;
+ break;
+ }
+ scinfo("Current format is %d %d %d", fwidth[curcol], precision[curcol], realfmt[curcol]);
+ update(TRUE);
+ return;
+// Insert a single row. It will be inserted before currow
+// if after is 0; after if it is 1.
+void insert_row(int after) {
+ int r, c;
+ struct ent **tmprow, **pp;
+ int lim = maxrow - currow + 1;
+ if (currow > maxrow) maxrow = currow;
+ maxrow++;
+ lim = maxrow - lim + after;
+ if (maxrow >= maxrows && !growtbl(GROWROW, maxrow, 0)) return;
+ tmprow = tbl[maxrow];
+ for (r = maxrow; r > lim; r--) {
+ row_hidden[r] = row_hidden[r-1];
+ tbl[r] = tbl[r-1];
+ for (c = 0, pp = ATBL(tbl, r, 0); c < maxcols; c++, pp++)
+ if (*pp) (*pp)->row = r;
+ }
+ tbl[r] = tmprow; // the last row is never used
+ modflg++;
+ return;
+// Insert a single col. The col will be inserted
+// BEFORE CURCOL if after is 0;
+// AFTER CURCOL if it is 1.
+void insert_col(int after) {
+ int r, c;
+ register struct ent **pp;
+ int lim = maxcol - curcol - after + 1;
+ if (curcol + after > maxcol)
+ maxcol = curcol + after;
+ maxcol++;
+ if ((maxcol >= maxcols) && !growtbl(GROWCOL, 0, maxcol))
+ return;
+ for (c = maxcol; c >= curcol + after + 1; c--) {
+ fwidth[c] = fwidth[c-1];
+ precision[c] = precision[c-1];
+ realfmt[c] = realfmt[c-1];
+ col_hidden[c] = col_hidden[c-1];
+ }
+ for (c = curcol + after; c - curcol - after < 1; c++) {
+ fwidth[c] = DEFWIDTH;
+ precision[c] = DEFPREC;
+ realfmt[c] = DEFREFMT;
+ col_hidden[c] = FALSE;
+ }
+ for (r=0; r <= maxrow; r++) {
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, r, maxcol);
+ for (c = lim; --c >= 0; pp--)
+ if ((pp[0] = pp[-1])) pp[0]->col++;
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, r, curcol + after);
+ for (c = curcol + after; c - curcol - after < 1; c++, pp++)
+ *pp = (struct ent *) 0;
+ }
+ curcol += after;
+ modflg++;
+ return;
+// delete a row
+void deleterow() {
+ register struct ent **pp;
+ int r, c;
+ struct ent **tmprow;
+ if (any_locked_cells(currow, 0, currow, maxcol)) {
+ scinfo("Locked cells encountered. Nothing changed");
+ } else {
+ //flush_saved();
+ erase_area(currow, 0, currow, maxcol, 0);
+ if (currow > maxrow) return;
+ r = currow;
+ // Rows are dealt with in numrow groups, each group of rows spaced numrow rows apart.
+ // save the first row of the group and empty it out
+ tmprow = tbl[r];
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, r, 0);
+ for (c = maxcol + 1; --c >= 0; pp++) {
+ if (*pp != NULL) {
+ mark_ent_as_deleted(*pp);
+ *pp = NULL;
+ //clearent(*pp);
+ //free(*pp);
+ }
+ }
+ // move the rows, put the deleted, but now empty, row at the end
+ for (; r + 1 < maxrows - 1; r++) {
+ row_hidden[r] = row_hidden[r+1];
+ tbl[r] = tbl[r + 1];
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, r, 0);
+ for (c = 0; c < maxcols; c++, pp++)
+ if (*pp) (*pp)->row = r;
+ }
+ tbl[r] = tmprow;
+ maxrow--;
+ sync_refs();
+ //flush_saved(); // we have to flush only at exit. this is in case we want to UNDO
+ modflg++;
+ }
+ return;
+void ljustify(int sr, int sc, int er, int ec) {
+ struct ent *p;
+ int i, j;
+ if (sr > er) {
+ i = sr;
+ sr = er;
+ er = i;
+ }
+ if (sc > ec) {
+ i = sc;
+ sc = ec;
+ ec = i;
+ }
+ for (i = sr; i <= er; i++) {
+ for (j = sc; j <= ec; j++) {
+ p = *ATBL(tbl, i, j);
+ if (p && p->label) {
+ p->flags &= ~is_label;
+ p->flags |= is_leftflush | is_changed;
+ changed++;
+ modflg++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void rjustify(int sr, int sc, int er, int ec) {
+ struct ent *p;
+ int i, j;
+ if (sr > er) {
+ i = sr;
+ sr = er;
+ er = i;
+ }
+ if (sc > ec) {
+ i = sc;
+ sc = ec;
+ ec = i;
+ }
+ for (i = sr; i <= er; i++) {
+ for (j = sc; j <= ec; j++) {
+ p = *ATBL(tbl, i, j);
+ if (p && p->label) {
+ p->flags &= ~(is_label | is_leftflush);
+ p->flags |= is_changed;
+ changed++;
+ modflg++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void center(int sr, int sc, int er, int ec) {
+ struct ent *p;
+ int i, j;
+ if (sr > er) {
+ i = sr;
+ sr = er;
+ er = i;
+ }
+ if (sc > ec) {
+ i = sc;
+ sc = ec;
+ ec = i;
+ }
+ for (i = sr; i <= er; i++) {
+ for (j = sc; j <= ec; j++) {
+ p = *ATBL(tbl, i, j);
+ if (p && p->label) {
+ p->flags &= ~is_leftflush;
+ p->flags |= is_label | is_changed;
+ changed++;
+ modflg++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void move_area(int dr, int dc, int sr, int sc, int er, int ec) {
+ struct ent *p;
+ struct ent **pp;
+ int deltar, deltac;
+ int r, c;
+ if (sr > er) r = sr;
+ sr = er;
+ er = r;
+ if (sc > ec)
+ c = sc;
+ sc = ec;
+ ec = c;
+ if (sr < 0) sr = 0;
+ if (sc < 0) sc = 0;
+ checkbounds(&er, &ec);
+ r = currow;
+ currow = sr;
+ c = curcol;
+ curcol = sc;
+ // First we erase the source range, which puts the cells on the delete
+ // buffer stack.
+ erase_area(sr, sc, er, ec, 0);
+ currow = r;
+ curcol = c;
+ deltar = dr - sr;
+ deltac = dc - sc;
+ // Now we erase the destination range, which adds it to the delete buffer
+ // stack, but then we flush it off. We then move the original source
+ // range from the stack to the destination range, adjusting the addresses
+ // as we go, leaving the stack in its original state.
+ erase_area(dr, dc, er + deltar, ec + deltac, 0);
+ //flush_saved();
+ for (p = delbuf[dbidx]; p; p = p->next) {
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, p->row + deltar, p->col + deltac);
+ *pp = p;
+ p->row += deltar;
+ p->col += deltac;
+ p->flags &= ~is_deleted;
+ }
+void chg_mode(char strcmd){
+ switch (strcmd) {
+ case '=':
+ curmode = INSERT_MODE;
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ curmode = INSERT_MODE;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ curmode = INSERT_MODE;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ curmode = INSERT_MODE;
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ curmode = EDIT_MODE;
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ curmode = EDIT_MODE;
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ curmode = COMMAND_MODE;
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ curmode = NORMAL_MODE;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ curmode = VISUAL_MODE;
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+// del selected cells
+// can be a single cell or a range
+void del_selected_cells() {
+ // delete range
+ if (is_range_selected() != -1) {
+ srange * r = get_selected_range();
+ if (any_locked_cells(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol)) {
+ scerror("Locked cells encountered. Nothing changed");
+ return;
+ }
+ yank_area(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol, 'a', 1);
+ #ifdef UNDO
+ create_undo_action();
+ copy_to_undostruct(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol, 'd');
+ #endif
+ erase_area(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol, 0);
+ modflg++;
+ sync_refs();
+ //flush_saved(); NO DESCOMENTAR. VER ABAJO.
+ #ifdef UNDO
+ copy_to_undostruct(r->tlrow, r->tlcol, r->brrow, r->brcol, 'a');
+ end_undo_action();
+ #endif
+ // delete cell
+ } else {
+ if (any_locked_cells(currow, curcol, currow, curcol)) {
+ scerror("Locked cells encountered. Nothing changed");
+ return;
+ }
+ yank_area(currow, curcol, currow, curcol, 'e', 1);
+ #ifdef UNDO
+ create_undo_action();
+ copy_to_undostruct(currow, curcol, currow, curcol, 'd');
+ #endif
+ erase_area(currow, curcol, currow, curcol, 0);
+ modflg++;
+ sync_refs();
+ #ifdef UNDO
+ copy_to_undostruct(currow, curcol, currow, curcol, 'a');
+ end_undo_action();
+ #endif
+ // UNDO feature
+ // Save deleted ent
+ struct ent * e_prev = (struct ent *) malloc( (unsigned) sizeof(struct ent) );
+ cleanent(e_prev);
+ copyent(e_prev, lookat(currow, curcol), 0, 0, 0, 0, currow, curcol, 0);
+ // Save ents that depends on the deleted one: TODO
+ //struct ent * e_prev2 = (struct ent *) malloc( (unsigned) sizeof(struct ent) );
+ //cleanent(e_prev2);
+ //copyent(e_prev2, lookat(currow+9, curcol+2), 0, 0, 0, 0, currow+9, curcol+2, 0);
+ //e_prev->next = e_prev2;
+ // create undo struct:
+ struct undo u;
+ u.removed = e_prev;
+ u.added = NULL; // Eliminar esta linea, luego de implementar los TODO descriptos
+ // delete the ent:
+ erase_area(currow, curcol, currow, curcol, 0);
+ modflg++;
+ // sync refs after the delete
+ sync_refs();
+ // Save current status of each ent that depends on the deleted one TODO
+ struct ent * e_now = (struct ent *) malloc( (unsigned) sizeof(struct ent) );
+ cleanent(e_now);
+ (void) copyent(e_now, lookat(currow+9, curcol+2), 0, 0, 0, 0, currow+9, curcol+2, 0);
+ u.added = e_now;
+ // Add undo struct to undolist:
+ add_to_undolist(&u); // <---------|
+ //flush_saved(); // No descomentar. Se debe hacer flush SOLO al salir
+ }
+ return;
+// Change cell content sending inputline to interpreter
+void insert_or_edit_cell() {
+ char ope[BUFFERSIZE] = "";
+ switch (insert_edit_submode) {
+ case '=':
+ strcpy(ope, "let");
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ strcpy(ope, "leftstring");
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ strcpy(ope, "rightstring");
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ strcpy(ope, "label");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (inputline[0] == '"') {
+ del_wchar(inputline, 0); //FIXME!!!
+ } else if (insert_edit_submode != '=' && inputline[0] != L'"') {
+ add_wchar(inputline, L'\"', 0); //FIXME!!!
+ add_wchar(inputline, L'\"', wcslen(inputline)); //FIXME!!!
+ }
+ #ifdef UNDO
+ create_undo_action();
+ copy_to_undostruct(currow, curcol, currow, curcol, 'd');
+ #endif
+ (void) swprintf(interp_line, BUFFERSIZE, L"%s %s = %ls", ope, v_name(currow, curcol), inputline);
+ send_to_interp(interp_line);
+ #ifdef UNDO
+ copy_to_undostruct(currow, curcol, currow, curcol, 'a');
+ end_undo_action();
+ #endif
+ inputline[0] = L'\0';
+ inputline_pos = 0;
+ chg_mode('.');
+ clr_header(input_win, 0);
+ char * opt = get_conf_value("newline_action");
+ switch (opt[0]) {
+ case 'j':
+ currow = forw_row(1)->row;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ curcol = forw_col(1)->col;
+ break;
+ }
+ update(TRUE);
+ return;
+// REVISED - Send command to interpreter
+void send_to_interp(wchar_t * oper) {
+ //debug(oper);
+ wcstombs(line, oper, BUFFERSIZE);
+ //scdebug("enviado a intérprete. line >>%s<<", line);
+ linelim = 0;
+ (void) yyparse();
+ if (atoi(get_conf_value("autocalc")) && ! loading) EvalAll();
+ return;
+/* return a pointer to a cell's [struct ent *], creating if needed */
+struct ent * lookat(int row, int col) {
+ register struct ent **pp;
+ checkbounds(&row, &col);
+ pp = ATBL(tbl, row, col);
+ if ( *pp == NULL ) {
+ //*pp = (struct ent *) scxmalloc( (unsigned) sizeof(struct ent) );
+ *pp = (struct ent *) malloc( (unsigned) sizeof(struct ent) );
+ (*pp)->label = (char *) 0;
+ (*pp)->flags = may_sync;
+ (*pp)->expr = (struct enode *) 0;
+ (*pp)->v = (double) 0.0;
+ (*pp)->format = (char *) 0;
+ (*pp)->cellerror = CELLOK;
+ (*pp)->next = NULL;
+ (*pp)->ucolor = NULL;
+ (*pp)->pad = 0;
+ }
+ (*pp)->row = row;
+ (*pp)->col = col;
+ if (row > maxrow) maxrow = row;
+ if (col > maxcol) maxcol = col;
+ return (*pp);
+// cleanent: blank an ent
+void cleanent(struct ent * p) {
+ p->label = (char *) 0;
+ p->row = 0;
+ p->col = 0;
+ p->flags = may_sync;
+ p->expr = (struct enode *) 0;
+ p->v = (double) 0.0;
+ p->format = (char *) 0;
+ p->cellerror = CELLOK;
+ p->next = NULL;
+ p->ucolor = NULL;
+ p->pad = 0;
+ return;
+// clearent: free memory of an ent and its contents
+void clearent(struct ent *v) {
+ if (!v) return;
+ label(v, "", -1);
+ v->v = (double)0;
+ if (v->expr) efree(v->expr);
+ v->expr = NULL;
+ if (v->format) scxfree(v->format);
+ v->format = NULL;
+ if (v->ucolor) free(v->ucolor);
+ v->ucolor = NULL;
+ v->flags = ( is_changed | iscleared );
+ changed++;
+ modflg++;
+ return;
+void scroll_left(int n) {
+ while (n--) {
+ if (! offscr_sc_cols ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int a = 1;
+ int b = 0;
+ offscr_sc_cols--;
+ while (a != b && curcol) {
+ a = offscr_sc_cols;
+ calc_offscr_sc_cols();
+ b = offscr_sc_cols;
+ if (a != b) {
+ curcol --;
+ offscr_sc_cols = a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void scroll_right(int n) {
+ while (n--) {
+ // This while statement allow the cursor to shift to the right when the
+ // las visible column is reached in the screen
+ while (curcol < offscr_sc_cols + 1) {
+ curcol++;
+ }
+ offscr_sc_cols++;
+ }
+ return;
+void scroll_down(int n) {
+ while (n--) {
+ if (currow == offscr_sc_rows) {
+ forw_row(1);
+ unselect_ranges();
+ }
+ offscr_sc_rows++;
+ }
+ return;
+void scroll_up(int n) {
+ while (n--) {
+ if (offscr_sc_rows)
+ offscr_sc_rows--;
+ else
+ break;
+ if (currow == offscr_sc_rows + LINES - RESROW - 1) {
+ back_row(1);
+ unselect_ranges();
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+struct ent * left_limit() {
+ int c = 0;
+ while ( col_hidden[c] && c < curcol ) c++;
+ return lookat(currow, c);
+struct ent * right_limit() {
+ register struct ent *p;
+ int c = maxcols - 1;
+ while ( (! VALID_CELL(p, currow, c) && c > 0) || col_hidden[c]) c--;
+ return lookat(currow, c);
+struct ent * goto_top() {
+ int r = 0;
+ while ( row_hidden[r] && r < currow ) r++;
+ return lookat(r, curcol);
+struct ent * goto_bottom() {
+ register struct ent *p;
+ int r = maxrows - 1;
+ while ( (! VALID_CELL(p, r, curcol) && r > 0) || row_hidden[r]) r--;
+ return lookat(r, curcol);
+// moves curcol back one displayed column
+struct ent * back_col(int arg) {
+ int c = curcol;
+ while (--arg >= 0) {
+ if (c)
+ c--;
+ else {
+ scinfo ("At column A");
+ break;
+ }
+ while( col_hidden[c] && c )
+ c--;
+ }
+ //rowsinrange = 1;
+ //colsinrange = fwidth[curcol];
+ return lookat(currow, c);
+/* moves curcol forward one displayed column */
+struct ent * forw_col(int arg) {
+ int c = curcol;
+ while (--arg >= 0) {
+ if (c < maxcols - 1)
+ c++;</