path: root/ci
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-22gh release :droot
2024-03-22update release.pyroot
2024-02-16shutup linterdogdogdog
2023-05-31update frozenstr literaldogdogdog
2021-10-25Update homebrew.rb.j2i love my dog
2021-10-03oh godv0.4.17Fly me to the moon
2021-10-03buildFly me to the moon
2021-10-03with macos uriFly me to the moon
2021-10-03okFly me to the moon
2021-10-03fmtFly me to the moon
2021-10-03verFly me to the moon
2021-10-03repoFly me to the moon
2021-10-03okFly me to the moon
2021-10-03okFly me to the moon
2021-10-03okFly me to the moon
2021-10-03slepFly me to the moon
2021-10-03yoloFly me to the moon
2021-10-03printuriFly me to the moon
2021-10-03brew uirFly me to the moon
2021-10-03jeeFly me to the moon
2021-10-03scandirFly me to the moon
2021-10-03uggFly me to the moon
2021-10-03typoFly me to the moon
2021-10-03okFly me to the moon
2021-10-03goFly me to the moon
2021-10-03aaaaaaaaFly me to the moon
2021-10-02okFly me to the moon
2021-10-02update releaseFly me to the moon
2021-09-10kFly me to the moon
2021-09-10j2Fly me to the moon
2021-09-10okFly me to the moon
2021-09-10pipFly me to the moon
2021-09-10rupFly me to the moon
2021-09-10try intoFly me to the moon
2021-08-13build lockedFly me to the moon
2020-11-03typoFly me to the moon
2020-11-03dont clone allFly me to the moon
2020-07-02added depsFly me to the moon
2020-06-28remove unused importFly me to the moon
2020-06-28remove unused importFly me to the moon
2020-06-28mypyFly me to the moon
2020-06-26formatterFly me to the moon