path: root/ipfs-api/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-11-24move multipart to crateFerris Tseng
2017-11-19finish implementing multipart apiFerris Tseng
2017-11-19initial implementation of multipartFerris Tseng
2017-11-03add new commandsFerris Tseng
2017-11-02add better handling for stream errors; implement filestore callsFerris Tseng
2017-10-26use hyper instead of reqwestFerris Tseng
2017-10-25add licenseFerris Tseng
2017-10-25move stream reader to moduleFerris Tseng
2017-10-24use error chainFerris Tseng
2017-10-23add bitswap requestsFerris Tseng
2017-10-10add query paramsFerris Tseng
2017-10-09use reqwest instead of hyperFerris Tseng
2017-10-08make multi crate projectFerris Tseng