path: root/test/catch_twitter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/catch_twitter.cpp')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/catch_twitter.cpp b/test/catch_twitter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..637baad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/catch_twitter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#include "catch2/catch.hpp"
+#include "rttt/config.hpp"
+#include "rttt.hpp"
+#include "rttt/twitter.hpp"
+using namespace rttt;
+SCENARIO("We can parse tweets by a user") {
+ // Read "test/tweets_by_user.json"
+ auto pFile = fopen("test/tweets_by_user.json", "r");
+ // parse it to json
+ auto j = nlohmann::json::parse(pFile);
+ twitter::state state;
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets.empty());
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets_by_user_id.empty());
+ twitter::parse_tweets_by_user_id(state, "0", j);
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets.size() == 10);
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets_by_user_id.size() == 1);
+ auto tw = (*state.tweets.begin()).second.value;
+ REQUIRE(tw.time > 0);
+ REQUIRE(!tw.title.empty());
+ // Test that they have all been marked as updated
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets_by_user_id.begin()->second.need_update == false);
+ for (auto &id : state.tweets_by_user_id.begin()->second.value) {
+ REQUIRE( == false);
+ }
+SCENARIO("We can parse a conversation") {
+ auto pFile = fopen("test/tweets_conversation.json", "r");
+ // parse it to json
+ auto j = nlohmann::json::parse(pFile);
+ twitter::state state;
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets.empty());
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets_by_user_id.empty());
+ // Add starting tweet
+ std::string c_id = "1521551533787258882";
+ state.tweets.insert({c_id, twitter::tweet()});
+ = "I am the mother tweet";
+ // We are probably assuming that converversation id is same as tweet id?
+ twitter::parse_tweets_by_conversation_id(state, c_id, j);
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets.size() == 12);
+ REQUIRE(state.tweets_by_conversation_id.size() == 1);
+ REQUIRE( == 1);
+ REQUIRE( == 7);
+ // We need to get the starting tweet as well?
+ state.tweets.insert({c_id, twitter::tweet()});
+ rttt::active_storage<std::string, view::item_state> ivs;
+ auto v = twitter::comment_view(state, c_id, ivs);
+ REQUIRE(!v.empty());
+ // auto it = v.begin();
+ // REQUIRE((*it).first == 1);
+ auto i = 0;
+ for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
+ // std::cout << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second.text << std::endl;// << "
+ // " << (*it).second.text << std::end;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ REQUIRE(i == 8);
+SCENARIO("We can extract first line to use it as a title") {
+ std::string str = "a";
+ auto split_first_line = rttt::text::split(str, "\n", 2);
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line[0] == "a");
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line.size() == 1);
+ str = "a\nb\nc";
+ split_first_line = rttt::text::split(str, "\n", 2);
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line[0] == "a");
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line.size() == 2);
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line[1] == "b\nc");
+ split_first_line = rttt::text::split(str, "\n", 3);
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line[0] == "a");
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line.size() == 3);
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line[1] == "b");
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line[2] == "c");
+ str = "a\nb\nc\nd";
+ split_first_line = rttt::text::split(str, "\n", 3);
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line[0] == "a");
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line.size() == 3);
+ REQUIRE(split_first_line[2] == "c\nd");
+SCENARIO("We can use the path API", "[.api]") {
+ twitter::state state;
+ twitter::setup(state, config::defaultConfig());
+ std::string pth = "/tw/awesomekling";
+ REQUIRE(twitter::is_valid_path(pth));
+ auto path = twitter::parse_path(pth);
+ REQUIRE([1] == "awesomekling");
+ REQUIRE(path.type == SiteType::Twitter);
+ size_t count = 5000;
+ rttt::active_storage<std::string, view::item_state> dummy;
+ REQUIRE(!twitter::try_path_view(state, path, dummy).has_value());
+ while (state.tweets.size() <= 1 && count > 0) {
+ twitter::retrieve_path_view(state, path);
+ twitter::update(state);
+ --count;
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
+ }
+ REQUIRE(state.access_token);
+ REQUIRE(twitter::try_user_id(state, "awesomekling"));
+ REQUIRE(count > 0);
+ REQUIRE(twitter::try_path_view(state, path, dummy).has_value());
+ auto variant = twitter::try_path_view(state, path, dummy).value();
+ std::visit(
+ [](auto &v) {
+ REQUIRE(!v.empty());
+ /*std::cout << "TWEETS" << std::endl;
+ for (auto pair : v | std::views::take(5)) {
+ std::cout << pair.first << " " << pair.second.score << " "
+ << pair.second.descendants << " " << << " "
+ << pair.second.time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Title: " << pair.second.title << std::endl;
+ std::cout << pair.second.text << std::endl;
+ }*/
+ },
+ variant);
+ std::string c_id;
+ std::visit([&c_id](auto &v) { c_id = (*v.begin()); }, variant);
+ REQUIRE(!c_id.empty());
+ pth += std::string("/comments/") + c_id;
+ REQUIRE(twitter::is_valid_path(pth));
+ path = twitter::parse_path(pth);
+ REQUIRE([1] == "awesomekling");
+ REQUIRE([3] == c_id);
+ REQUIRE(path.mode == rttt::list_mode::comment);
+ count = 5000;
+ size_t no_tweets = state.tweets.size();
+ while (no_tweets == state.tweets.size() && count > 0) {
+ twitter::retrieve_path_view(state, path);
+ twitter::update(state);
+ --count;
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
+ }
+ REQUIRE(count > 0);
+ variant = twitter::try_path_view(state, path, dummy).value();
+ std::visit(
+ [](auto &v) {
+ REQUIRE(!v.empty());
+ /*std::cout << "CONVERSATION" << std::endl;
+ for (auto pair : v | std::views::take(5)) {
+ std::cout << pair.first << " " << pair.second.score << " "
+ << pair.second.descendants << " " << << " "
+ << pair.second.time << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Title: " << pair.second.title << std::endl;
+ std::cout << pair.second.text << std::endl;
+ }*/
+ },
+ variant);
+ pth = "/hn/top";
+ REQUIRE(!twitter::is_valid_path(pth));