AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-18Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/next' into header-include-hellheader-include-hellDave Davenport
2022-11-18Move doxy-coverage to davatorium versionDave Davenport
2022-11-18Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/next' into header-include-hellDave Davenport
2022-11-18Move doxy-coverage to davatorium versionDave Davenport
2022-11-18[listview] Set ellipsize mode on creation of textboxDave Davenport
2022-11-17[CI] no wildcard for artifactDave Davenport
2022-11-17[CI] Fix artifact uploadDave Davenport
2022-11-17[CI] Add lto build to sh ci.Dave Davenport
2022-11-17Tweak header a bitDave Davenport
2022-11-17Disable imdkit by defaultDave Davenport
2022-11-17small updatesDave Davenport
2022-11-17Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/next' into header-include-hellDave Davenport
2022-11-17Build documentation (#1744)cognitiond
2022-11-17Move config.hDave Davenport
2022-11-17[Build] Use built-in lto option.Dave Davenport
2022-11-17[Window] Fix reloading windowcd from xserver requestDave Davenport
2022-11-17[Build] Add option to build with lto to meson.Dave Davenport
2022-11-15[Build] Add option to disable imdkit at compile time.Dave Davenport
2022-11-11[Doc] Update support links.Dave Davenport
2022-11-08input method (#1735)duarm
2022-11-02[Window] Make sure their is a trailing 0 on the workspace strings.Dave Davenport
2022-10-31[FileBrowser] Bind kb-delete-entry to toggle show-hidden.Dave Davenport
2022-10-27[Textbox] Add a 'get_cursor_x_pos' function.Dave Davenport
2022-10-25[man] re-gen manpage.Dave Davenport
2022-10-25[DOC] Add parsing row options to dmenu manpage (#1734)Fabian Winter
2022-10-24[Build] Fix icon install path for makefile.Dave Davenport
2022-10-22[Window] Small fixes to prefer-icon-theme optionDave Davenport
2022-10-22[Window] Add -window-prefer-icon-theme option.Dave Davenport
2022-10-13[drun] Only pass path on launch, if one is setDave Davenport
2022-10-11The mode is filebrowser (not file-browser) (#1723)aloispichler
2022-10-11[DOC] Rerun update-manpages.Dave Davenport
2022-10-11[filebrowser] Add an option to show hidden files. (#1716)Dimitris Triantafyllidis
2022-10-11gitmodules: fix submodule again.Dave Davenport
2022-10-11[Doc] Update rofi-keys manpage with unset sectionDave Davenport
2022-10-03Add format option to disable padding with space the "window-format" entries (...David Kosorin
2022-10-03gitmodules: Update libnkutilsQuentin Glidic
2022-10-03[Script] Split mode string only once on :, allowing : in right part.Dave Davenport
2022-10-03gitmodules: Update libnkutilsQuentin Glidic
2022-10-03submodules: Update libgwaterQuentin Glidic
2022-09-25Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/next' into nextDave Davenport
2022-09-25[window] Check bitmask, not full comparisonDave Davenport
2022-09-19Use `command -v` instead of `which` (#1704)a1346054
2022-09-18[Keyb] Add a -list-keybindings command.Dave Davenport
2022-09-13Fix sed binary call with variable (#1707)nomoo
2022-09-10[listview] Add extra checks before resolving pointer.Dave Davenport
2022-08-28[Textbox] Add 'placeholder-markup' flag.Dave Davenport
2022-08-26[Test][Theme] Update test for downgrade errorDave Davenport
2022-08-26[Theme] If no theme loaded, load default. Downgrade missing theme file to war...Dave Davenport
2022-08-24[DMenu] reset variable correctly so keep-selection is initially off.Dave Davenport
2022-08-22Update test for # keybindings.Dave Davenport